《My famous boss (gxg)》Chapter 26
22nd November 2021
Today is my 37th birthday. I am throwing a mini party at my place to lighten up the mood a bit. I invited a ton of different people and I am hoping for the best. I told everyone they can bring a plus one and that there will be a bar so also bring a designated driver if needed.
Everything was prepared and my outfit was hanging on my bedroom door. I know, really classy. I showered and I got a call from Rose. She wanted to wish me happy birthday. I've been filming my new movie that I had to leave Rose at Romain's place. I always feel bad when I have to work on the days I have her. In a week or so we're going to be headed to London to film some scenes for Black Widow. I sent invitations to everyone a week early so they can tell me if they won't arrive by the time of my birthday. I sent one out to Lena as well. She didn't respond so that gives me hope that she will indeed come. It's either that or she doesn't care enough to respond.
Everything was ready and my makeup was done. I got a notification from Addison, my new assistant, telling me that the airbnb is all prepared and that people will arrive in an hour or so. I told her I'm on my way and I got changed. With Lena gone I have to drive everywhere and I honestly hate it. Busy New York streets are my actual biggest nightmare. I hate them. I arrived pretty fast and got outside. Addison joined me and told me the schedule of everything. I nodded and got inside to make sure everything is in it's place.
Soon enough people started arriving and I welcomed everyone in the living room. Addison took care of the bags they brought and she put them in the backroom.
"How are you Scarly?" Chris says hugging me.
"I'm good, thank you for coming Chris." I say
"Happy birthday! You're getting so big!" He taunts
"Says the guy who is older than me by just a few years" I say smiling at him
"Hey, it's not every day one of my dearest friends are celebrated." He says
"Well thank you." I say to him
After an hour people stop piling in and everyone is chatting, drinking along the way. I asked Addison if Lena arrived but she said she doesn't know. Why is she so useless? I made sure someone was at the door just because I wanted to know who's here and who is not. I walk around talking with a few people along the way. I walk up to Robert and Susan.
"Hello birthday girl. Is everything okay?" Susan asks
"Yeah, I'm just looking for someone."
Those two share a look before Robert speaks up
"I hope you find them." He says smiling at me
"So do I" I walk away. Well that was weird
I spot Maria standing in the corner with her husband. I speed walk to them.
"Hello darling." she says hugging me
"Hello, uh can I ask you something?"
"Sure, this is your birthday party after all" She says
"Have you seen Lena?"
"No, I haven't." she says
"Okay, thank you." I say and announce to the rest of the people that lunch is served and to join me in the dining area outside. As everyone is sat I can see I clear picture who's arrived. All of my marvel family showed up, which warmed up my heart. I still searched for those hazel eyes, but I couldn't see her anywhere. She didn't come..
"I would like to thank you all for coming to my birthday party. I believe birthdays are checkpoints in life and we should celebrate every single one. There will be games after the meal and when the sun sets is when the real fun will begin!" I say and begin eating the delicious food our catering service prepared.
The games were tons of fun and the cake was delicious. I dared to have two slices this year. After everyone started drinking a lot of things went in a different direction. A lot of people were dancing, having the time of their lives. It was truly incredible.
The hangover I had next morning was not incredible though. I had to shower in ice cold water to wake myself up. Chris called me many times in the morning. Now is definitely noon. I called him back to see what is that he wanted.
"Hey Chris I woke up just a few minutes ago." I say on my way to the kitchen.
"I can hear that. How about you and I spend the day together?" Chris said
"Don't you want to spend some time with Selena?" I ask him
"I will see Selena in a few weeks, but I won't see you. You'll be busy filming Black Widow" He says
"Fine, I'll go get changed."
"I'll come pick you up in a few." He says and hangs up.
Why do I have such a great friend? Why can't I go through something in a toxic way. I'd be lying if I said that not seeing Lena on my party hurt my feelings. I hate that I let that get to me. She didn't even bother to call and say she can't come. I mean who does that? I wanted her to come so I could properly apologise to her. I mean I wrote an apology in the letter too. Maybe she doesn't care about it all. Maybe she's holding a grudge against me. Who know by now. Right now I have to get changed before Chris comes here.
Today is fairly cold out so I decided I'll wear a sweatshirt and some jeans. I put on some black converse and I put my hair in a bun. I look in the mirror and see the rose dangling on my neck. I can't take this off. The last person that touched the claps was her. She is the one that is going to take it off. Whenever that happens.
Chris finally arrives and we head to burger king. The last place I want to be now. Not because I hate the place, but because it reminds me of her. He parks in the back and he even stops in the spot we shared our first lunch together. When she forced me to eat something. I remember how it rained and how prepared she was. She was so caring and everything was perfect that day. She gave me her shirt that smelt of lavender and her perfume and I inhaled it gladly. I loved being around her. She had this aura surrounding her that just makes you want to be close to her. I remember the day I first met her. She seemed so confident and closed off. I thought she was amazing. I mean her ability to keep a conversation proved lots.
"Are you alright? You haven't talked much today." Chris says
"I guess it's the hangover."
"Scarlett.. we both know you're lying." He says
"Just tell me whats on your mind." He offers
"Lena didn't show up to my birthday party." I say to him
"Oh" He says and stops eating
"Right! I mean who does that. She didn't even tell me beforehand which is honestly very disrespectful." I rant
"Scarlett, did you talk to her before that?" He asks
"No, why?"
"Because...she's not really in America st the moment." He says
"You mean she's back in England?" I ask with hope in my eyes.
"Not exactly.. you see.. she left for Palestine, about two weeks ago." He says looking very uncomfortable.
"Wait what?!" I ask
"Why did she go there? I mean I don't care I just find it weird to go all of a sudden."
"She's there with her family charity organization. It's their new project."
"Wait how do you know about this?" I ask him
"I'm gonna have to come clean, won't I?" he asks and I nod at him.
"I gave a donation to the charity organization back in October. It was held in her family's house."
"That's not possible, for the most of October we were doing press tours, we only had free time on that one day when you and I.. wait.. you were there that day?" I ask putting the pieces back together
"Yeah, it was her birthday and I wanted to surprise her." He says looking away
"Was anyone else there? Anyone that I know?" I ask him
"Only Robert and Susan, they came to support the project too."
"Why didn't you tell me. I could have gone with you." I say
"I didn't know how you were with the idea of seeing Lena so I didn't want to cause any drama." He says
"Why wouldn't I be okay with seeing Lena?" I ask him
"I don't know. I just figured she meant a lot to you considering how badly you took her leave of absence." He says
"When will she come back?" I ask
"Well the project should last about two months, so I guess then." He says
"How is she? Do you two talk?" I ask him
"We do. We send letters to each other every other day. She's doing alright, like always."
"Thats sweet. I hope I get to see her soon." I say
"I do too. I miss her like crazy. I haven't seen her in over a month."
"You two gotten close?" I ask him
"yup, she's the best. I swear I never met anyone that understands me as much as she does. She is also a musical freak. Just like me!" He says all happy.
"Well I'm glad you two get along."
"It's all thanks to you. If you hadn't employed her as your assistant who knows if I would have met her." He says.
We drive off to a frozen yogurt place. With our deserts we sit in his car and chat a bit more. He talks about his new apartment and the new Broadway show he's going to prepare soon. I am so excited for him. He seems go be a great sport about everything.
We got back to my place to watch a movie and to just relax a bit. During the movie Chris went to the bathroom. His phone lit up next to me and I didn't want to look. But then it lit uo again and I had to.
Omg I miss you so much!
I can't wait to finish this and come over there!
Agnes Adams? Who could that be? It could be one of Lena's cousins. Isn't Chris with Selena though. Maybe that's why those two aren't together. I google Agnes Adams just in case. I stumble upon an article about a car crash.
On the 16th October 2015, runner of many charity projects and an heir of a multi pound company, died in a car crash, along with his wife Abigail and one daughter Maddison.
During their ride back home, it was raining heavily. Their driver had little control of the vehicle but then all of a sudden a bolt of lightning hit one of the pine trees next to the road. It tumbled over and the family car lost control and fell into the water. The forensics team told us they drowned. William Adams was found on the shore with his driver, while the wifes and the daughters body had to retrieved by scuba divers.
It is rumored that after their death Williams youngest daughter, Agnes will be the new heir of the company. Agnes Adams has been hidden from the public eye ever since she was a toddler. No one knows what she looks like today and we are hoping for her to make a come back. Our wishes and prayers are with the Adams family members. May they rest in peace.
Now that seems suspicious. Also could explain a lot. Maybe that "Agnes" is really Lena. Anyone can change their name into something different. I researched Lena's uncle. The one who supposedly is running the charity organization. Turns out he doesn't have any children. And he didn't have any other brothers beside William. Which only means Lena is Agnes. But why would she hide from the world that much. It says in another article that Agnes is the owner of their family company. That would explain the money and her car. Also the metal card. Not everyone can afford to have one of those.
Chris leaves and I am left with just my thoughts. I don't know what to think anymore. I spent the entire night researching her family and who they are. She said her dad was a business man. She never talks much about them. Is it possible that she lied to me? Maybe that is why she didn't want to me close. She didn't want me to know her secret.
- In Serial30 Chapters
The Madec Legacy
The dawn of Emotion Based A.I.s is here, John is the fifth test subject to have an AI implemented in his brain, and so far the first one to survive. Blinded by the dream of immortality, the researchers push the tests to inhumane standards. John is obligated to take part in sessions of torture designed to test the limits of the AI influence over the physical and mental health. What was supposed to be a new beginning in life turns into living hell. An (un)lucky twist ends his life. John then reincarnates with his AI in a new world where a System influences the interaction between Magic and Matter. With seemingly limitless potential and a game-like system influencing the world, the hero sets on his journey. --AUTHOR NOTE, PLEASE READ-- I will state here my promises to you, potential reader: 1. No harem! I don't trust myself to make a harem feel natural or healthy, I never met any person who has a personality that can adapt and live in a harem for reasons that are not monetary, so I can't draw inspiration from real life. Sorry!; 2. The enemies will not be bland and illogically mean. Some may feel like that at first, but I will take great care in fleshing them out, trust me. You may end up hating some, but you won't be able to deny that they had their reasons for what they did; 3. I am using a paid (and expensive) automated editor tool, and I take longer to write because I take my time in editing the stuff. I am aiming to improve and I will not shy away from constructive criticism, nor take offense for no reason; 4. Characters will die and will suffer, some will get over the tragedies and improve, others will not be as resilient. 5. This novel has a lot of ground to cover, it is neither a short story, a manual on crafting, or the script of some action scene. There will be both time skips and oversimplifications of some actions for the sake of moving the story forward. Time skips will be more prominent in the first 30 chapters. I will describe crafting processes and fights with more detail if they are essential for the chapter; 6. If I took my time describing something, it's because it is important. I hate novels that waste time describing useless stuff. If you skim over something, the chances are that something in the future will not make sense. I am an adept of "Chekhov's gun" principle; 7. I already have 31k words on my auxiliary documents, I have a plan for the story, and I will not be making changes even if someone ends up noticing some foreshadowing and figures out what will happen. The story comes first. 8. I have a wife, a job that demands 9h every day and courses related to my job (lawyer) three days of the week, it's unlikely that I will be able to do mass releases at all. I will have a healthy amount of chapters to be able to post at least 1 chapter every day continually. Don't worry. 9. I will read all the comments. I will listen to all you have to say and will try my best to accommodate demands as long as they do not hamper the path I prepared. 10. There is an arc that spans the entire novel. Each volume will be an arc in itself while progressing a little bit of the main arc. Every arc will have one or more main antagonists. I think that's it! Thank you for reading it all. Have an awesome time reading my first novel!!
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I'm a Vampire [ Hiatus ]
Back in the Forgotten Days, Mankind lived in harmony. There were no wars, no fighting, and everyone was living in peace. But one day, A Being was born from the accumulated of Evil from all living being.That being was called as Demon God, who bring Chaos to the peaceful world.The surrounding of Demon God was tainted by the Evil Miasma it released and the animal that have been infected by it was turning into a fearsome Monster.Gaia, The Mother Earth, tried to stopped such being from destroying the world with it's Army of Monster by creating a being to defeat it by exhausting all it's power.When such being was born, Gaia has fallen into a deep sleep. True Ancestor, The King of Night and The Creator of Kin, with it's powerful abilities was able to finally sealed Demon God into a Different Dimension with the supported from Human and it's Kin. The human and True Ancestor finally bring peace to the Chaotic World.But that was not the end of it.
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