《My famous boss (gxg)》Chapter 25


We finished cleaning the house and we all decided to watch a film before we left. Chris chose Mamma Mia and I laughed at that. I made popcorn and Mackie got the rest of the snacks.

"Aw there is two of them." Renner says as Chris and I sing to each other

"How about you two sit next to each other so you don't have to sing from one side to the other?" Mackie suggests

But then Slipping through my fingers comes on. Chris stands up and walks over to me, offering me a hand to join him. We stand up and go next to the tv so the others can still watch.

"Mackie turn up the volume." Chris says

"Some times I wish that I could freeze the picture." Chris sings looking at me

"And save it from the funny tricks of time"

"I'm glad whenever I can share her laughter"

"That funny little girl." I continue

We dance as we sing and I can tell no one is looking at the television. I'm not the type to do this easily but I know I'm in a safe place, as long as I'm with Chris.We finish the song and he gives me twirl and we sit back down.

"I think you found your person Chris." Mark says smiling at him.

"I think I did." He says and hugs me tight.

"I just feel bad for Selena" Mackie says

"Why do you feel bad for Selena?" Chris asks

"Well she must feel jealous seeing how close you two are." He says

"She's not the jealous type." Chris says

We finish the movie and Mark is the first one to leave. After him Mackie and the rest of the men pile out of the house. Now it is just Scarlett, Chris and I.

"I'm going to call an uber. Thank you for the amazing party Chris."

"No you're not. I can drive you." Scarlett says

"No you're not. She is staying here with me." Chris says to Scarlett

"But Chris, I can't overstay my welcome."

"Shut up. You're staying here until you can carry that suitcase yourself."

"I can carry it now." I say

"I mean until you can carry that suitcase yourself, without any injuries or pain."

"You forgot that part." I say

"Well I'll see you two soon I hope." Scarlett says with her bag in her hand. We walk her out and Chris says he'll leave us alone for a minute. I forgot to tell him about last night. I think he wants to give us room to finally talk.

"Thank you for last night." I say finally.

"What for?" she asks

"Well you came into my room when I needed you the most. You distracted my mind from the nightmare." I say


"You're welcome. Oh I almost forgot." she says walking to her car. She takes out a little bag and hands it to me.

"Whats this?" I ask her

"It's your late birthday present." She says

"Oh, you shouldn't have." I say

"Oh don't worry about it. I ordered it the day after the premiere." she says

"I didn't get you anything for your birthday." I say

I take out a box from the small bag of hers and inside was a golden necklace that had a star on it. It had white gems which I've seen before but I don't know what the're called. It is beautiful.

"I love it. Thank you." I say and smile at her

"Aren't you going to read the note?" She asks. The note? I turn over the lid and in fact there is a note attached to it.

•Opal is the birthstone of one of the greatest times in the year- October. It's vast variety of colors and patterns is what makes it even more special. During the ancient period many believed it was a gift from God, just like you Lena. Thank you for entering my life and making it shine. Happy 29th birthday. I wish you many more.


"Thank you Scarlett. It's beautiful."

"I wanted to give it to you but I found out too late. I kept it so I could give it to you when I see you. I didn't think over five months would pass." She says looking at her hands

"Don't worry about it." I say and smile at her.

"I need to head to the studio, see you soon." She says and walks to her car door.

"Bye, take care." I say and go into the house with the biggest smile on my face.

I am met with Chris on the couch. He looks like he's waiting for me to come in.

"Now I'm going to make lunch while you spill your guts" he says and walks to the kitchen. I sit on the counter with my gift in hand. He glances down and smiles.

"She finally gathered the balls to give you that huh?" He says laughing

"Wait you knew about this?"

"I'm the one that helped her pick it out." He says laughing

"Want me to put it on you?" He asks

"Sure but can you make it so it isn't as loose as my key. I don't want to take it off right now." I say

"I gotcha, don't worry." He says and puts it on me.

"How does it look?" I ask

"Even better out of the box."

After I went into the bathroom to see the necklace on me I sat on the kitchen island and talked his ear off. I told him about last night and about our little conversation near her car. He was more than excited to hear all that. I was glad I had a friend like him. He listened to me and he never interrupted me. He waited for me to finish and then he would ask a follow up question or a reaction. He has a lot of virtues but the most dominating one is definitely his ability to listen.


I hope I find someone who will love me like I love Scarlett. I love her with all my heart and all my well-being. I was sure that I locked her out of my heart in those few months I've been away from her. But, I'd be wrong to say I didn't feel my heart quicken when I first saw her yesterday. She is someone I admire a lot. Physically and mentally.

She has virtues that aren't completely in the open. Sometimes you have to dig deep to see the reasoning behind some of her words and I find that utterly beautiful. In my opinion life is not meant to be simple. And neither is she. She makes me think and makes me want to know more. She makes me intrigued and glued to her like a velcro. All I want sometimes is to just hold her. I want to talk her ear off like I do with Chris. She's mysterious and she's like a puzzle, but you have to find the pieces somewhere in a forrest of her mind. She let's you in if she wants to and sometimes want you to let her in. I don't, I leave her empty handed and I feel bad about that. She is a muse and she is my favourite thought.

Though I doubt I'll confess my love to her. I'll still love her endlessly, without a second thought. I now know why people are so obsessed with her. I know why she has so many friends. Everyone wants to have her around. She's so comforting that you could never feel uncomfortable around her.

I sometimes regret meeting her. I regret taking that leap of faith and falling into her like she is a pool filled with all mu desires. I hated that job. But over the time I grew a liking to it. I regret letting a part of myself go when I called her Scarlett for the very first time. I regret whimpering when her skin would touch mine. I regret wanting more than just a kiss on my stomach. I wanted more. I want more.

She's not perfect though. Her flaws are like knifes with two blades. She's veru curious. Sometimes even for her own liking. She can't take a no as an answer and she hates being told what to do. On the other side her favourite response to an idea is no and she was quite literally the boss of me.

Over the last fifteen years I've learned to suck it all up and to contain my emotions. I've also learned to control them, along with my actions. I've seen a lot of terrible shit and I have experienced even more. I don't have fear. I am not even afraid of death. But she, she makes me feel like a coward. She makes me feel like I am free to walk with my vulnerability as if I'm another person. She makes me afraid of what I would do. What if I lost just a tiny bit of control? What would happen?

Would I act on my feelings or try to push her away? I don't want to know. I don't want to fall apart. Not because it would hurt. But because she could possibly see me for who I am. And just the thought of that brings chills to my body.

I haven't told anyone about how I feel for her. Not even Chris. He knows something, I can tell, but it seems it is not relevant enough to be discussed. I went to my room to try and relax my mind. I feel like it's going at rapid speed and I can't catch up.

I read a random book I found on the bookshelf. I didn't even check the name or the author. I just want to distract my mind away from everything. The more I try to focus the more I want to see her. To go and talk with her. I start cleaning the room. I tidy the bed a bit. I arrange the books on the bookshelf in alphabetical order. By autor of course. I clean the table and I also clean the bathroom that is connected to it.

After I get tired and my stomach starts hurting I plop into bed and search for something to watch. I didn't even get to click play when Chris came in.

"I am in a mood for ice cream, how about you?" he asks me

"Eh, I'm too lazy to get up."

"Then you stay and I'll run to the store." He says and leaves.

He returned in about thirty minutes. He bought 7 different flavours. Yes, it is true we are the right fit for each other. Our indecisiveness might just be the death of us one day. We watched a movie in his room and ate ice cream in the bed. He took a photo of me and sent it to Selena. She called him on FaceTime and we talked with her. She laughed at my jokes and she scolded Chris for eating while laying down. The night ended on a positive note and I couldn't be happier about it.

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