《My Funtime Fred》Chapter seventeen~Reader- *cringes*
You took in a deep shaky breath. You felt hands on your waist, making you flinch. You then felt someone breathing against your neck.
"You ok?" Love Freddy whispered. You couldn't respond. You were speechless.
He sat down with you on his lap.
"You know I love you, right?" He asked gently. You give a slow nod. He, for some reason, made you feel uncomfortable. You felt like you were with a stranger.
He gave out a breath, then gently pushed you off of his lap. You hear a sniff from him.
"I'm sorry if I made you mad or anything. You're making me sad. I feel like you don't love me anymore." He whimpered. You started to feel guilt.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for all the things that made you mad and disappointed. I know. I know I'm stupid. And immature. Sometimes I feel like you don't actually love me. Like you're just doing this for a dare. You don't have to do that. Just... please tell me the truth." You see him starting to cry. You opened your mouth to say something, then closed it. You didn't know what to say. You stayed silent for a couple of seconds, Freddy's sniffs filled the silence.
"Fred..." you finally say. You look at him. He somehow see his face in the dark closet.
"You have never made me mad or disappointed. Even though you're not really Freddy, just basically a piece of him, I'll love you no matter what. I'm sorry. For making you feel sad, thinking that it's your fault. It's not. I've been stupid for being mad at you. Sometimes I'm just like that. I just..." you tried to think, but different thoughts tried to get in your way.
"...I just want my real Freddy." You finish.
You hear nothing. You felt your eyes get a bit teary. You weren't even sure why you were even about to cry.
You feel lips suddenly make contact with yours. It was slow and soft, comforting in ways that words would never be. You felt his hands crawl up to your cheeks. The kiss now felt familiar, the type of kissed that you loved most. It felt like it was from real Freddy. You felt yourself going closer to him until there was no space left between you two. You heard the beating of his heart in his chest, going at a fast pace. You suddenly forgot everything that happened, and only payed attention the moment you were in right now.
You two parted, both of you breathing fast. You felt your face getting a bit hotter.
"Freddy...I don't just love you because of how you look, or what you've done, but because of everything. I'm not doing this for a dare. I love you for you." You laced your fingers with his. You slowly put your forehead on his.
"Nothing more, nothing less." You whisper as a little smile crawled on your face.
The sound of his shaky breathing filled the closet. You kept your eyes closed.
"I... I don't... I don't know what happened..." he whispered. He sounded weak. You wrapped your arms around him and laid your head on his shoulder.
"Don't worry." You say as you give him a soft kiss on the cheek.
"Are y'all done?! Something happened!" You heard Bon bon yell though the door. You didn't react, nor Freddy did. You saw a bright light shine. Bon bon opened the door.
"Freddy's back to normal?" He asked.
You gave him a confused look, then looked at Freddy. You gasped, and had the widest smile you've ever had.
"What?" He asked. You gave a laugh then hugged in tight. He awkwardly hugged you back.
"What happened?" He asked. You gave him a smile then kissed him on the cheek, which made him blush.
"A lot of things happened!" You giggled.
"Great, I was expecting something more romantic." Foxy grumbled. Freddy looked back at you.
"Did I pass out or something?" He asked as he ran his hand through his hair.
"Kinda?" You said with a nervous smile. "We'll tell you the story."
I was very confused. They told me about the "five Freddy's" and "Oliver".
"I know it sounds crazy, but it happened." (Y/n) said with a shy smile.
I didn't really know what to say.
"It was really crazy! My favorite one was the happy one!" Bon bon said.
"I missed you so much." (Y/n) gave me a tight hug. I hugged back.
"So what emotions were there?" I asked as I cuddled a bit with (y/n).
"Well, there was a happy one, a mad one, a scared one, a sad one, and a love one." She said the last one a bit slower.
"(Y/n) said that the love one was a bit perv. Is that how you wold act if you only had a love emotion, Fred?" Foxy smirked.
"What?! I didn't say that!" (Y/n) said as me and her started to turn red.
"I think she liked the perv emotion." Foxy went on. "She could've had a chance to do a certain something. If ya know what I mean." He gave a grin.
I could tell that I was blushing madly, so I covered my face with my arms.
"Yeah, I think everyone knows what you mean, foxy." Bon bon giggled.
I stood up and walked to the bed. I hid under the covers.
"Hey Freddy! Would you like (y/n) to be in the covers with you!" Foxy laughed.
"Oh yes, foxy! That is a fantastic idea! Why don't you all go do something while me and Freddy have some 'alone time'?" Bon bon said, trying to act out (y/n)'s voice.
"Sure! Let's go, guys!" Foxy stood up and grabbed baby and ballora's hands. Bon bon carried Buddy and opened the door.
"Have fun, you two lovebirds!" Foxy yelled as he threw the girls out of the room.
"Wait guys! Don't-" (y/n)'s sentence was interrupted by a slam. I heard her give out a sigh and the door open. She gave out a groan.
"Foxy and Bon bon..." she mumbled. She closed the door.
"Fred?" She asked. Her voice sent shivers down my back. I closed my eyes and curled into a ball.
"Why are you scared?" She slowly pulled the covers a bit so she could see my face. I pulled the covers back.
"What happened, Fred?" She whispered. She took the covers off my face. I tried to pull them back, but she had a grip on them.
"What happened?" She repeated. I tried not to look at her eye-to-eye, but she moved my head with her hand, forcing me to look at her.
"Ok..." I mumble.
"It's just... I dunno, it's wired when they tease us about...that. I feel like you don't like it when they talk about it, and you'll say that it's too early-"
"It's not." She blurted. My eyes turned wide and I felt my face become a million times hotter. I yanked the covers over my face.
"W-wait I didn't mean that!" She said.
"Well... wh-what did you mean?" I asked as I peeked from the covers.
"I mean..." she scratched the back of her neck and gave out a sigh. "Well, do you know what I mean?"
"I think so..." I replied. I took in a deep breath and looked away.
"What I'm trying to say is: it's ok. It's ok if they make fun of us. You can ignore that." She gave a smile, which made me blush even harder.
"Sooo do you wanna go out to eat, playground, etc., or stay here?" She asked as she gently pulled the covers away from me. I was about to grab the blanket back, but then hesitated. I didn't.
"We can stay here..." I mumbled.
"Ok. What do ya wanna do?" I shrugged. I didn't feel like doing anything. She got in the covers and snuggled her face in my chest. I started blushing more than ever.
"So now the old Freddy's back?" (Y/n) raised an eyebrow and smirked.
"Heh, yeah, I guess..." I smiled back and gulped. She looked up at me.
"You ok?" She had a worried look.
"Hm? Oh, yep." I kissed her on the forehead. She stuffed her face back in my shirt.
"You can tell me anything, you know. I trust you. Do you trust me?"
I didn't need time to think.
"Of course." I say with a smile. I pull her closer to me.
"Do you wanna just cuddle?" She asked.
"Mhm." I hummed as I wrapped my arms around her. I gave out a yawn.
"I think I'm gonna sleep good tonight." I mumble. (Y/n) turned around, making her back towards me, and kissed my chin.
"Me too."
"Ok, guys, get ready for them to scream at us." I say as I took in a deep breath.
"You should get ready. They're gonna be yelling at you, most likely." Ballora said as she petted the dog. I playfully roll my eyes. We just came back from the playground. Even though it was a long distance, it was kinda worth it.
"Ok." I sat with a smirk. I put my hand on the doorknob and quickly open it. I let out a little gasp and awwed at what I saw.
(Y/n) and Freddy were cuddled up together. (Y/n)'a face was in his chest, and his arms were wrapped around her.
"That's so cute!" I quietly squealed.
"Shh! You'll wake them!" Baby hissed.
"Freddy can either be a light sleeper or a heavy sleeper, no in between. He's a heavy sleeper right now, since he didn't wake up when we opened the door." I point out.
"Ok. Welp, g'night." Baby said as she threw herself on he bed. Ballora laid beside her and they both fell asleep. I was about to sleep by Freddy until I saw foxy smirking at the two.
"What?" I tilt my head a bit.
"I got a funny idea." He whispered.
"No foxy." Ballora mumbled, her eyes still closed.
"What? It's about breakfast!" Foxy said.
"Oh. I thought it was about Freddy and (y/n). Don't mess up the food, too." Ballora said, then went silent.
"It's about the lovebirds, isn't it?" I whispered with a smirk.
"Sometimes I think you're closer to me than Freddy." Foxy said with a sly grin.
"Heh, so what's the plan?"
"It's this..."
Me and foxy started whispering our plan, as Buddy laid on the floor, snoring a bit. (Wait do dogs even snore?)
"Hey profanity!" Bon bon yelled between giggles. Freddy's eyes open and make eye contact with you. He looks down to what you saw and his nose started to bleed.
"I-I'm sorry! I'm so so-!" He pulled his hands away and fell off the bed.
"Are you ok?" You asked, blushing as madly as he was.
You had nothing on except a bra and underwear, and he only had boxers on. Foxy and Bon bon were laughing so hard that their faces started to turn red.
"I can't breathe!!!" Bon bon laughed as he hit the floor with a fist. Foxy was holding his stomach, and kicking the floor.
"Baby, please don't look." Ballora quickly said as she threw covers over baby's head on the other bed.
"Why, what ha-"
"Please. I'm doing this so your innocence will be safe." Ballora said.
Freddy crawled under the bed as you wrapped yourself in the covers.
"Bon bon?! What did you do??" You gasped as you looked around.
"What? Why would you think I did that?" He giggled.
"Because you seem like the type of person who would do that!" You yelled through clenched teeth.
"Foxy helped me too!" Bon bon shouted.
"Please explain why my hands were somewhere they shouldn't have been!" Freddy squeaked.
"Ok ok, calm down-"
"How am I supposed to calm down?! (Y/n) now mad at me for my hands being where they shouldn't have been!"
"I'm not mad at you, Fred, I'm mad at that STUPID BUNNY!!!" You growled as you eyed Bon bon.
"I just wanted you two to be closer! Ya know, just a bit closer!" Bon bon gave a nervous laugh, but it died quickly.
"JUST... give me my clothes." You said the last part quietly. Foxy threw your clothes at you. You shot him a look.
"What? I'm not going closer to you or else my arm won't be with me." He said. You rolled your eyes and put on your shirt.
"Can I have my clothes?" Freddy whispered to you.
"Hey, Bon, give me Fred's clothes." You mumble as you finished putting on your pants. Bon passed them to you.
"You can't change under the bed, Fred." You say. He stayed silent for a bit, then crawled out. There was blood all over his hands and face.
"Come here, real quick." You say as you grab a towel nearby.
"Why?" He croaked. You gently wiped the blood off his face.
"Oh. I'm sorry." He mumbled.
"It's ok, we all have nosebleeds." You say. "Come wash you hands."
You stand up and go to the bathroom, Freddy following you.
"I'm sorry. I'm very sorry. I didn't know." He said again.
"You didn't do it, Fred, the boys did." You said. You almost forgot Freddy still wasn't dressed when you finished washing your hands.
You turned around and started to walk out.
"(Y/n)?" You heard Freddy ask.
"Yeah?" You reply, not turning.
"Can you turn around real quick?"
"Sure." You say, then turn around. You felt water splash on your face. Freddy giggles. You give him a smile, then flick your fingers at him, making the water on your hands splash on him. You turn on the faucet and wet your hands as a "reload".
You walked backwards out of the bathroom, trying to splash Freddy. When you stepped back a few steps, you tripped over something and fell. Before you hit the floor, you felt someone catch you, making you do a graceful dip. You look up to see Freddy, blushing a bit.
"Um...hi?" He said with an awkward smile.
"Hey..." You smile back.
You hear Bon bon and foxy snickering a bit.
You stand up and kiss him on the nose.
"Thanks for catching me." You say with a soft giggle. Freddy blushed a bit more as he put a hand over his nose and squealed a bit.
"You two-" you looked at Bon bon and foxy.
"Yes?" Bon bon opened one eye.
"Why, out of all things, would you do that?" You asked as you sat on the bed. Bon bono and foxy sat on the opposite side.
"Like we said, we wanted you two to be a bit closer!" Foxy smirked.
"Well, don't put us that close, it'll make Freddy uncomfortable."
"Soooo you're sayin that you were comfortable?" Bon bon snickered. You looked at him.
"I didn't say that." You say, starting to blush.
"You said that it would make Freddy uncomfortable, not you, so I'm just suggesting."
"I wasn't uncomfortable. WAIT I DIDN'T MEAN-"
"Shut up!" You yell as you kicked foxy off the bed. He squeaked then went silent.
"How about we go somewhere? It's kinda hot today... aha! Why do we go swimming?" You suggest.
"But I can't swim!" Baby said as she looked at ballora. "We all can't."
"Don't worry, there's a small pool I know where y'all can't drown. Let's go to the store to buy swimsuits."
"Ok." They all said as they followed you, Freddy by your side, blushing a lot.
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