《My Funtime Fred》Chapter eighteen~swimming :3
"Ok we're here!" You say as you do jazz-hands.
"What is this place?" Ballora asked as she looked around.
"It's called the mall." You say as you tell the others to follow you.
"Why is it called the mall?" Foxy asked as he looked inside a game store filled with "fnaf merchandise." "I feel like I've seen that from somewhere..." (FOURTH WALL!!!)
"I dunno, maybe because it's not just one store, but 'them all.'" You giggle at your own joke as foxy rolled his eyes.
"Go in... that one!" You pointed at a big store that read "Aqua store" (IM SORRY IM NOT GOOD AT NAMES >n"Oke doke! Let's go!" Bon bon sang as he marched in.
"Ok, here's the plan: baby and ballora, go get the girls swimsuits over there. Make sure to get me a one piece. I wear size (size). You two can get whatever kind of swimsuits. Boys, you all get water toys. I'll get the boy's swimsuits."
"Why can't we get our own swimsuits?" Foxy asked.
"If I had to chose the toys, ill chose boring ones. If I chose the girls swimsuits, then I'll pick 'boring' swimsuits."
"Says who?"
"A-my parents and B- my old friends." You say. "Now, go get toys."
You walked to the boy's swimwear. You were about to chose one until you spotted someone watching you at the corner of your eye.
"Hi!" You say cheerfully as you turn to face him. He seemed familiar, but you couldn't remember who.
"Oh, hi. May I ask you something?" His voice definitely sounded like someone you heard from.
"Oh? Okay..." you said suspiciously. He then grabbed you hard by the arm and pulled you towards him. You closed you eyes from the sudden moment that made you scared, and you felt the mans breath against your ear.
"Did you really think I was gone?" He whispered in a cold, hard tone. You suddenly remembered: that purple guy. You felt yourself dizzy, your vision weak. He man pushed you and you fell.
You opened your eyes to the floor.
What am I doing on the floor? You question yourself. You were laying down, and a couple of people were staring at you.
"Are you ok, miss?" A little boy asked.
"I think so... what happened?"
"Don't question the girl, Derek!" A older woman snapped as she slapped the little boy's hand. The boy rolled his eyes and ignored her.
"When I passed by, I saw you fall to the floor-"
"DEREK!" The mom yelled as she yanked the boy's ear. "Don't be rude-"
"You're the one being rude, mother! She asked a question, and I'm answering it!"
"Don't you DARE talk back to me, mister!"
"Remember the golden rule! If you treat me like that, then I'm going to give you a taste of your own medicine!"
The mom gasped as someone "oooh"ed. The boy turned back to you.
"You fell to the floor. I dunno what else happened. Well, I've better go. My mothers going to beat me when we either get to the car or the house. It's been nice meeting you. I hope you're ok. Here:" he held out a cookie. "I'm not going to eat it."
You slowly took the cookie.
"Thank you." You quietly said with a little smile. The boy turned to his mother.
"You never say sorry to me, so I'm not going to say sorry to you. Now come, mother, we didn't even buy anything." He walked away, casually humming a song. The mother looked at the boy, then you, then back to the boy. She gave you a look then walked away.
"Dang, that kid had guts." You mumble to yourself as you stand up. You grab the swimwear for the boy's, then walk away, eating the cookie.
"Got the swimsuits?" You asked the girls.
"Yep! We got some good ones!" Baby said as she gave a cute smile. You smile back.
"And I got really cool toys! This one shoots water!" Bon bon said as he showed you a giant water gun that was bigger than him.
"Alright, let's pay. I hope I have enough money." You mumble the last part. You all go to the cash register. You feel your phone buzz, so you pull it out.
"I'll be right back, I got a phone call." You tell ballora, who nodded.
"Hello?" You ask as you turn around.
"Hey (y/n)!" It was Valerie.
"Oh. Hey." You say casually.
"So how is it with the Freddy guy?" She asked.
"Good, why?" You raise an eyebrow.
"I'm just wondering... WhyDontYouDumpHimAndDateToby?" She said quickly.
"What? Why?!" You say. You did like Toby, but not that much.
"Cuz he's rich, and funny, and has a total crush on you!!" She squealed. "I bet that Freddy doesn't even care about you."
"Hey don't say that!"
"Why? Just hook up with Toby!!!" Valerie whined.
"Hey (y/n), is something wrong?" Freddy put a hand on your shoulder.
"I gotta go, Val."
"But hook up with-" you hanged up and put you phone in you pocket. You give a sigh.
"You ok?" He grabs your hands.
"Yeah." You answer. You turn around and kiss him on the cheek.
"Enough about me, let's go have fun." You say wth a smile as you walk to pay for the stuff.
"Alright, boys go change in there, and the girls will change in here." You say as you hand Freddy their swimsuits. He looks in it and blushes.
"We have to wear these?!" He gasped as he tugged on his collar shirt a bit.
"Yes, Fred. It's okay."
"What?" You tilt your head a bit.
"I... I don't want you to see... a lot of my skin..." he blushes more. You put a hand on his cheek.
"It's ok, Freddy. I will love you on the inside and the outside. And besides, I think we can get used to each other's body." You say with a smile.
"But it's wired..." he looks at you with big eyes.
"Don't worry. And besides, if they be mean to you, I'll punch them." You give a smile to him and hug him.
"Ok..." he grabs the bag then walks into the boy's room.
You walk to the girl's room and see ballora.
"Hey, soooo where's my swimsuit?" You ask.
"It's in the bag." Ballora says with a goofy smile. Confused, you opened the bag. You give a look.
"I asked for a one piece, not a bikini."
"Oh, silly me!" Ballora put a hand on her chest and gave an innocent smile. "Let's hurry up! The less time to change, the more time to play!" She giggled.
I thought ballora was on my side, you think. Heh, I guess she wants us closer, too.
You check out what your swimsuit was. It was a black one with a green heart on front. After you change, you check out what the other girls wore.
Baby wore a red one piece with a ice cream cone, while ballora wore a blue tankini with shorts.
"Luckies." You mumble.
"Oh well." Baby giggled. "I think I look nice in it!"
"I agree." Ballora said with a grin. It was surprising to see ballora acting childish.
You pop your head out of the girl's room. You see the boys already in the pool. Foxy and Bon bon were arguing at Freddy, who was still standing by the rim of the pool.
"Freddy stop it! She has already seen your body!" Foxy whined as he tried to pull Freddy's leg, but he kicked him away.
"N-no! I don't want her to see me! It's too awkward!" He whispered loudly as he hugged himself tighter.
Bon bon sighed. "I swear, Freddy! Get yo 'lil butt over here!" Bon bon poked Freddy with a pool noodle.
"Nooo!" Freddy whined.
"(Y/n) go first!" Baby whispered.
"Why me?" You asked as you look at her.
"Because I wanna see Fred's reaction!" She giggled. Before you even had a chance to think, she pushed you away from the bathroom. All of the boys turned their heads at you. Freddy took one look, then had a nosebleed and turned back towards the pool.
"Hey (y/n)! Come in! Freddy wants to see your body!!" Bon bon shouted as he kept poking Freddy.
"Please stop!" Freddy squeaked. "Come on, (y/n)!" Baby said as she grabbed your wrist and pulled you towards the pool. Ballora was beside you, having a smile similar to foxy's. When you three were close enough, baby 'gently pushed' you at Freddy. You gasped then fall into Freddy's arms. You look up at him. His skin felt so warm. You give a smile, which makes him blush. He looked away and helped you up on your two feet. You and Freddy awkwardly stood there, him mumbling something as his face became more red. Baby squealed when she dipped her toe in the water.
"Sooo cold!"
"Guys, it's not that- ACK!" You tried the water, but turned out to be WAY colder than you expected.
"OH JESUS SHIT!!!" You shouted as you fell backwards on the floor.
"No cussing!" Freddy said as he pointed at you, his face still red.
"Sorry! It's so fucking cold!!!"
"(Y/n)!!! Baby's here!" Bon Bon said with a strict but cute face.
"I said I'm sorry!"
"Sorry not gonna cut it! I, the love master, will have to punish you."
"What do you mean by- WAIT love ma-" Freddy couldn't finish is sentence. Bon bon pulled Freddy's leg, which made him slip and fall. He yelped and grabbed your arm, which made YOU fall in the pool with him. You quickly swam up on the surface, Bon bon giggling madly.
"Bon bon you little piece of... crap!" You said, your teeth clattering.
"(Y/n) still cussing!" Bon bon tattle tailed.
"Why you little-!"
you were cut off by Freddy kissing you on the lips. Your eyes widen in surprise. You suddenly felt warmth in your body as you then deepened into the kiss. After a while you two parted. He was blushing madly.
"S-sorry..." he mumbled covering his smile, but he let out a squeal.
"Ooo!" Bon bon teased. You rolled your eyes and splashed some water on him.
"C'mon girls! Or I'll have to pull you two in!" You said to the girls with an evil smile.
"Oh, I think I'll just-AHH!" Ballora fell into the water. Baby giggled, since she was the one who pushed her in. Ballora gave baby a look then pulled her in. Baby screamed then fell in the water head-first.
"COLD!!!" She screamed.
"Yay! Now we're all in the water!" You cheered. Baby whimpered.
"Sooo cold!" She yelled.
"You'll get used to it." You sat with a smile. "Let's play a game."
"Ooo! What about we do a gun war?! I call dibs on the giant one!" Bon bon shouted as he grabbed it.
"Ok everyone get a gun!" You say as you grab one. The others grabbed one too.
"Ok, do you all want to be in teams or separate?" You ask as you load your gun.
"Let's be in teams! I'll be with ballora!" Baby said as she held ballora's arm.
"Me and Foxy will be together!" Bon bon said.
"Ok. We now all go to our starting positions. C'mon, Fred, we've got a game to win." You give a smile at him. You both go to a corner of the pool and hide behind a giant floatie.
"S-So what's our plan?" Freddy whispers as he ducks a bit lower.
"Watch each other's backs, shoot them, stay behind the floatie, and don't die-"
"DIE?!" He gasped. You see some color drain from his face. "THESE THINGS CAN KILL US?!"
"N-no, I don't mean that. I mean like 'pretend dying'. Alright, let's do this." You push the floatie a bit, you and Freddy following it.
"Ok, y'all ready?!" You shout.
"Ya!" The others said in unison.
"Ok. Round one!"
Baby immediately jumps up and starts to shoot crazy in different directions. You give a chuckle and shoot her with one shot. She groans.
"YOU'RE OUT! GO SIT ON THE CHAIR!!!" Bon bon yelled as he pointed to one of the chairs by the pool. Baby lets out a whine then plopped herself on one of them.
"Ballora win for me!" She shouted.
"I'll do my-" she stopped then glared at Foxy, who just shot her.
"Heh, losers." He snorted.
"Ok! 2-2! Let's play! Fred, take right while I take left." You aim your gun, trying to put Bon bon and Foxy in your sight.
"You're going down, girly fox!" You said, then tried to shoot Foxy.
"Eat my bubbles, lover girl!" Foxy comments as he dodges the water. Bon bon and him go side by side.
"Fred shoot!" Freddy shoots wildly at Bon bon, but doesn't get him. Bon bon gives a loud sigh and rolls his eyes with a loud chuckle. "My, my, Freddy. You have guts. But you don't have good aim." Bon bon then shoots Freddy. Freddy acts like it was a giant bullet and falls back.
"Freddy!" You gasp, and hold him in your arms. He looks at you, then forms a weak smile.
"(Y-y/n)... I'm sorry. Ive... failed.." He whispers. He lets out a fake cough for more effect.
"No you haven't. You've done a great job with our mission." You say, about to sob. You tried your best to act serious from your impressive acting. He pulls you closer to him.
"How can I make it up to you?" He asks, gazing into your eyes. You give a soft smile. You had a stupid but funny idea for a more dramatic setting.
"By this." You pull him in to a wonderful, dramatic kiss. Warmth takes over your body as you feel his hands crawl up to your cheeks, and you deepen the kiss. You felt like you were an actor in a romance movie. It felt so believable. You then hear Bon bon singing in the background.
"🎵CAAAN YOU FEEEEL THE LOOOVE TONIIIIIGHT!" He sang. You pick up your gun and shoot Bon bon right in the face.
"ACK! MY NOSE!!!" He falls back.
"C'mon, stinky breath! Girl to guy!" Foxy yelled with a smirk.
"Oh, you're on!" You say as you break away the kiss, Freddy's face fully red.
"I'll win for you, my love!" You say as he walks out of the pool, having a goofy smile on his face. Baby and ballora giggled and whispered something to Freddy when he sat by him. You looked back at foxy.
You and foxy glare at each other, guns out, acting like statutes.
You see foxy's eye twitch a little, you knowing that he wants to shoot you and win. There was silence.
"SHOOT!" Bon bon blurts. Foxy, alarmed, accidentally shoots, not even close to you. You gasp then aim at foxy. You pull on the trigger. The jet of water zooms through the air. It goes towards foxy. Then...
"OH COME ON!" You missed him. Foxy smirks then shoots you on the shoulder.
"I won!!!" Foxy gasped happily then jumped.
"I win!!" He dances a bit in the water as you give out a grunt.
"I WIN! HAHA SUCKER! I WO- HEY!!!" Bon bon, baby, ballora, Freddy, and you started to shoot him.
"Oh well!" You giggled as you all continued.
"ACK!" He then went underwater and tried to swim as fast as he could. He went up the pool steps then wrapped himself in a towel.
"Ok ok she wins!!!" He grunts. He sits on a chair, arms crossed.
You and the gang (besides foxy) started laughing.
"Ok ok! It's over with! Man, you all are childish!" He mumbled as he stomped in the bathroom. You give out a chuckle as you take a glance at Freddy. He spots you looking at him then blushes as he gives a shy smile.
"You ok?" You ask as you walk up to him.
"Hm? Oh yeah. Never better!" He gives out a playful chuckle, but it died quickly.
"Why are you so shy now, Fred?" You put his chin between your thumb and pointer finger and move his head towards you.
"Me? No, I'm just... hungry. Yeah, I'm hungry." He gives off a smile.
"Well, we'll go eat after we change and take baths. They're showers in the bathrooms." You give him a peck on the forehead then notice the girls.
"You don't have to be shy anymore, Fredbear."
"I know but- wait, Fredbear?" He tilts his head in confusion.
"Heh, it's just a little nickname for you." You giggled. He gives a small chuckle, then goes to the bathroom. The girls were whispering to each other and giggling like high schoolers.
"Haha, what did you two do?" You say as you open the bathroom door.
"Oh nothing, just took a picture of you two." Baby said as she skipped by you.
"Oh ok- WAIT WHAT?!" You look at her eyes wide. Ballora and baby start to giggle madly. You spot your phone in baby's hand. You snatch it away from her and go to your camera. You see countless pictures of you and Freddy. The last one was of you holding Freddy's chin, the both of you making eye contact. You look at yourself in the picture and groaned. You deleted it.
"What?! Why would you delete such beautiful pictures?!" Baby gasped.
"Because I look stupid in pictures!" You reply, then start to delete more pictures.
"Nonono!" Baby cries. She tries to snatch the phone away from you, but you dodge her hands.
"WAIT PLEASE DON'T DELETE MY FAV ONE!!!" She said. You looked at her and saw that her eyes were actually becoming a bit teary.
"What is it?" You say as you give her your phone. She gladly takes it and starts scrolling. She then smiled.
"This one!" She giggles as she gives back your phone. You look to see a picture of you and Freddy kissing in the water (during that dramatic gun scene). Everything looked perfect in the photo, even the lightening. You blush a bit.
"Fine. I'll keep it." You say, giving a little smile. Baby once again giggled, then walked away.
~after change~
"C'mon guys, let's go eat." You say after all of y'all were done changing. You look at Freddy, and he smiles at you, his messy hair in his face. You smile back. Bon bon looks at you, then Freddy, then back at you.
"This is TOO CUTE!!!" He squealed. You roll your eyes with a smile as you wrap one of your arms around Freddy's waist. He blushes a bit, then looks at Bon bon. Bon bon whispered something in his ear. Freddy gasped as his eyes suddenly widened.
"Fred?" You ask. He looks back at you.
"Oh. Uh... s-sorry." He mumbled. Bon bon elbowed him and grunted. He looked back at him then awkwardly nodded.
"(Y/n)?" He squeaked. You look at him.
"Yeah?" He almost lost his balance when you responded.
"I, um... was just wondering...ya know, since Valentine's Day's coming up, if...you could..." he mumbled something you couldn't hear.
"If I could be your valentine?" You finished for him. He looked back at you, blushing.
"Y-yeah. If you wanna..."
"Are you kidding? Freddy, I would love to be your valentine." You gave him a big hug and a peck on the cheek.
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