《My Funtime Fred》Chapter sixteen- five Freddys?!
I Wake up to the dog licking my face.
"Hey lil buddy. Why are you awake?" I ask him. He just looked at me then smiled. I rubbed his head. I looked around. Everyone was still asleep. (Y/n) looked like a baby, all cute and snuggled up. I gently kissed her on the forehead.
"Where are you going?" I asked as Buddy got up. The dog ran to the closet and growled a bit at the door.
"What's the matter, buddy?" I ask as I walk beside him. Buddy tugged on my sleeve and tried to tug me away.
"Stay here," I whisper. I walk slowly towards the door. I put my slightly shaking hand on the knob, the dog jumping around crazy. I quickly opened the door as I closed my eyes. Silence.
After a couple of seconds, I opened one eye. Nothing. I gave out a sigh. I turned to buddy.
"There's no one there si-" I didn't get to finish my sentence, because someone yanked me in the closet and closed the door.
You woke up to a scream. You jolt up and heard banging from the closet.
"Freddy!" You scream. You jump out of the bed and dash to the closet door. You try to open it, but it was slammed shut.
"(Y/n) help!" You both were banging on the door. The gang ran to you and tried to help pull open the door.
Then the banging stopped.
There was silence.
"Freddy?!" You gasp. You pulled one last time, which then opened.
"What...Freddy?" In the closet were five people that looked like Freddy, but only in different color clothes. The one in pink looked up at you.
"Why, hello there," he said as he stood up. He gave a smirk, which made you blush a bit, then turned back to serious.
"Who are you guys..." baby asked.
"I'm Freddy." They all said at the same time, then looked at each other with confused faces.
"Um... where am I?" The one in purple asked as he covered his face a bit in his jacket.
Ballora, baby, foxy, and you stepped away from the closet door.
There were five Freddy's. One had purple clothes, and had a worried face. Another had red clothes and was looking around grumbling. The third one had pink one, and was smirking at you. The fourth one had yellow clothes, and was oooing and aahing. The last one had blue on, and was looking at the ground sad.
"Who are you all?" You asked again.
"My, gorgeous, you're looking lovley today...." The one in pink cooed as he grabbed your hand and kissed it. This made you blush.
"She doesn't like that, you jerk. Get your stupid face away from her." The one in red hissed at the pink.
"No, she likes it, don't you, beautiful?" The pink one asked as he snaked his arms around your waist. You gave a nervous giggle.
"What...happened to Freddy?" Bon bon asked. The yellow one gasped and pulled him off the ground.
"Bon bon!!! I'm so glad to see you!" The yellow one squealed.
"I don't know if I'm correct, but it seems like Freddy's personalities." Ballora said as she looked at the one in blue. The blue made eye contact with ballora and looked down.
"Hi..." the blue one mumbled.
The purple one ran behind foxy and screamed.
"I think there's something over there!" He yelled as he pointed in the closet. Foxy groaned.
"So this one should be the scardey-cat." He mumbled.
"I know there's way more personalities in us. I guess these are his five main ones," You say as the pink Freddy nibbled on your neck. You gave out a tiny giggle.
"Someone likes this." He purred.
"And I suggest this is love Freddy" you add.
"This one is the sad one, I suppose." Ballora glanced at the blue one.
"Oh, I'm sorry... I-i didn't..." he then had tears forming. Freddy having a sad emotion as a main one made you confused.
"That one is an idiot! He has to cry every 2 minutes!" The red yelled.
"There goes the mean one." Baby glanced at the red one.
"And the happy one is-"
"-me!" The yellow one said as he petted the dog.
"Oh buddy! You're such such a good good boy!!!"
"Ok... so what do we do with them?" Baby asked.
"Well, we can't go in public, since seeing 5 identical guys isn't something you see everyday..." you gave out a little laugh when love Freddy tickled you a bit.
"You're cute when you're smiling." He whispered in your ear. You couldn't help but smile. This gave him the satisfaction he wanted, so he tickled you more.
"F-Freddy!" You said between laughs.
"Ooo I wanna join!" Happy Freddy said as he tickled you too.
You tied to push them away from you as the both Freddy's cornered you on the bed.
"Haha, please no!" You giggled. They tickled you anyway.
"G-guys, please don't hurt her..." fear Freddy mumbled.
They tickled you until you couldn't breathe.
"Haha, that was fun!" Happy Freddy smiled when they finished tickling you. He sat by you. Your face was red from all the laughing. Love Freddy sat on the other side and put his arm around your shoulder.
"What do we do?" Ballora asked. You shrug.
"I dunno. I guess I can do get some food from a restaurant I know."
"Can I come with you?!" Happy Freddy asked.
"I think she'll want me to go with her." Love Freddy stood up.
"I'll go by myself... I think it's better..." you grab some money and open the door.
"Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease! I'm gonna keep asking until you say yes!" Happy Freddy pleaded with big eyes.
"(Y/n) can I come I know you're brave!" Fear Freddy ran up to you and hugged you tight.
"Guys, she wants someone that actually isn't an idiot, like me." The anger Freddy pushed happy Freddy away and stood by you, his arms crossing.
"Come on, (y/n). I wanna spend every moment with you." Love Freddy whispered in your ear. You scoff to yourself.
"Ok, I can only take two. It's kinda ok to see twins in public. The best way to settle this is... I got it! Boys,"
All of the freddies looked at you.
"I am thinking of a number 1-10. You guys gotta find out what number I'm thinking of. You only have one try. What number do you think I'm thinking, freddy?" You point at the sad Freddy.
"Oh, um... I know I'm gonna be wrong, but...5..."
"I th-think 10. 10 seems like a safe number." The scared Freddy said in a shaky voice.
"6." Angry Freddy mumbled.
"8! 8 is a good number!" Happy Freddy cheered.
"9, because if I gave you a scale on one to ten, I'll give you a nine, because I'm the only one you need." Love Freddy smirked at you.
"Ok, my number was 8." You say.
"Yay!!! I get to go with (y/n)!" Happy Freddy tackled you with a hug.
"And I get to be with you also, cutie." Love Freddy purred. Your face was getting redder each time Freddy flirted.
"Ok, see y'all later, guys. Ballora, you're in charge." You say to the gang as Love Freddy was playing with your hair a little bit.
"How come she's in charge?!" Foxy growled. Ballora turned her head 180 degrees (making her look horrifying) and hissed at foxy.
"Ok ok, good choice (y/n)." Foxy laughed nervously.
"Bye!" You cheered.
"Bye." They said at the same time. You closed the door.
"Alright, boys, let's go."
Your favorite restaurant, (r/n) (restaurant name), wasn't that far away.
"I'm sooo happy that I get to go with you!!" Happy Freddy cheered. He gave you another hug. You giggle a bit. It was quite fun when the happy Freddy was around.
"Sooo..." you awkwardly say after seconds of silence.
"So what?" Happy Freddy smiled. You tried to think of something.
"So, what makes you happy?" You ask.
"Oh, there's a lot of things that make me happy! Like children, bon bon, hugs, birthday parties... and the thing that makes me very very happy is when I see you smile!" You blush and couldn't resist a smile.
"Like that! That really makes my day! What makes you happy?" He giggled. You thought for a moment.
"Hmm... well, when I'm with you-Um, the original Freddy- and the gang pretty much makes me really happy." You say.
Happy Freddy awed and gave you another hug.
"What make you happy?" Happy Freddy asked love Freddy. Love Freddy smiled.
"What makes me happy is when (y/n) laughs, smiles... basically her presence makes me happy." You deeply blushed.
"It's also cute when she blushes!" Happy Freddy giggled. You blush even more and look down.
"Aw, don't hide that beautiful face of yours, (y/n). We wanna see your eyes and smile." Love Freddy said as he picked up your face. You looked in his eyes. They were bright pink instead of baby blue. He gave a smirk and kissed you on the cheek.
"There they are." He chuckled as he moved a strand of hair from your face.
After a while, you and the boys made it.
"Guys, don't act wired in there, ok? That means no talking to random strangers, and no touching me. Ok?" Both of the Freddy's whined.
"Ok." You took a deep breath. I hope they don't act wired. You thought. You opened the door.
"Hello and welcome to (r/n) how may I help you?" a young man said with a smile.
"Hi! I will order (what you like). Also, I'll take ( random orders). Oh, and (random spices)."
"Wow, that's quite a lot for a tiny beautiful lady." The man giggled.
"Oh, I'm also ordering for my friends." You say blushing. Love Freddy notices this, then immediately wraps his arm around your waist.
"But my beautiful angel can eat whatever she desires." He smirked.
"Oh! Are you two together?" The man asked.
"Yes, as a matter of fact, we are. Is that a problem?" Love Freddy asked with a hint of rudeness.
"N-no problem at all! I'll get your food right away!" He then quickly walked away.
"Freddy!" You gasped.
"What?" Both of them asked.
"This Freddy:" you pointed at love Freddy. "Why were you so rude?"
"Because you're mine," he hugged you from behind. You unwrapped his arms and turned around.
"Well, yes I can see, but that doesn't mean that you should be rude to people about it."
"I wasn't being rude, just trying to protect you." He ran his left hand down your back. Even though you wanted him to touch you, you didn't want him to do this in public.
"Protect me from what? He wasn't hurting me."
"Guys guys! Turn those frowns upside-down! There's no need to not be happy!" Happy Freddy smiled.
"You're right. Just...don't talk to anybody and don't touch me." You quietly say. My Freddy isn't like this... you thought to yourself.
"Here's your food. Have a great day!" The man said as he handed two bags filled with food.
"Thank you." You say kindly and smile at him. "Alright, let's go." You three walk out of the restaurant.
"God that was embarrassing!" You say after a minute of silence.
"It didn't feel embarrassing to me." Happy Freddy said as he smiled at you.
"Not at all." Love Freddy added. You sigh.
"I will never understand boys." You mumble.
"I'm sorry, my love. I know, I was being stupid back there." Love Freddy stopped in front of you. His bright pink-blue eyes looked into yours. How could I stay mad at him? You thought.
"Will you forgive me?" He whispered close to your ear.
You give a silent sigh.
"Yes," you smile weakly at him. He smiled back and gently kissed you on the lips.
~time skip brought to you by~
~happy Freddy~
"We're here!" Happy Freddy shouted as he banged open the door.
"FOOD!" Foxy gasped as he jumped over the bed. He grabbed one of the bags and opened a box.
"Mmm!" He said as he took a bite.
"Here ya go, guys." You say as you hand another bag to ballora.
"I'm... gonna take a nap. Save my food." You add. You throw yourself on the bed. You almost go to sleep right away.
"Hey (y/n)."
You open your eyes to a small room. You weren't in the apartment. The walls and floor were made of strong concrete, and here seemed to be no windows nor doors. You slowly sit up from the floor.
"Hello?" You quietly say. The word echoed in the tiny room.
"Hello." Said someone. You turned around to see a figure. It seemed to be a shadow, but 3D-like.
"Who are you? Where am I?" You ask.
"I am... well, I'd like to be called Oliver. I'm just here to tell you a couple of things. Don't worry, you're dreaming." He chuckled at the last sentence.
"..." you were a bit freaked out to speak.
"Ah, I know, I get that a lot," He playfully hit his head with the palm of his hand. The took a deep breath and sat down beside you.
"You remember those five personalities of that kid?"
"Freddy?" You ask with a bit of suspicion.
"Yeah, whatever his name is. Well, guess who did that?" He pointed at himself with a grin.
Your eyes widened. You had so many questions at that moment.
You were about to say something but he cut you off.
"I just wanted to spice things up between you two. Basically for two reasons. One is so you two can have-"
"Please no." You held up a hand.
"Why not?" He smirked.
"I don't think he's ready..." you mumble, blushing a bit.
"He is." Oliver smiled. His smile was like any regular one, but his teeth were bright white.
"Ok, about the emotions." You said with clenched teeth. The subject was making you uncomfortable.
"Oh yeah. Well, the second reason why I did that was because I wanted you to know him a bit more. Like the details. For example, Freddy wouldn't have ever been so charming if fear was in the way." He said. You thought about this for a bit.
"So I'm gonna do this: let you spend a little time which each of them. Try to get to know Freddy deeper. And I think you know what I mean by deeper." He wiggles his eyebrows a bit.
"Wiredo." You say as you scoot a bit farther from him.
"I'm just sayin'. And like I said, just trying to spice things up, and don't be mad at the love one. If you keep being mad at him, he'll no longer have love as a main emotion. I'll get him back to normal later or so." He stood up. "Well, time for me to go. But before I go, I gotta tell you one more thing:" he went close to your ear. "You forgot all about the stargazing."
You give out a groan. How could I forget?!
"Oh well, there's always next time!" He sang, then disappeared.
I think she's dead!!!"
"Oh calm down, she's not dead."
"But she's been asleep for about 50 hours!!!"
"Actually half an hour!"
"But she might be dead! Or worse!"
"What's worse than death?"
"I dunno, maybe not liking us?!"
"That's not worse than death."
"But it is to me!!!"
You open your eyes to a worried Freddy.
"Thank god she's alive!!!" He gasped, then hugged you. You chuckled then hugged back.
"See I told you." The angry one mumbled.
"I just took a nap, guys." You giggled.
"We thought you were dead!"
"I didn't."
"Are you hungry? Your foods over there. Want me to help you?"
"I have legs, you know." You sat with a giggle. This made Fear Freddy blush a bit. You stand up and grab your food. You open it and smell deliciousness. You didn't even realize how hungry you were until you smelled it!
"Is it good?" The purple one asked.
"Is it good? Of course it's good!" You said between munches.
"How do you put on spongebob squarepants on this tv?!" Foxy grumbled. You throw a piece of paper at him.
"It says on the paper." You tell him. Foxy mumbled something about "scooping" then turned on the tv. You continued eating your food.
"Sooooo what do ya wanna do?" Bon bon asked as he snuggled up with Buddy.
"Umm...Oh! Why don't we play truth or dare?! I loved it when we played it last time!" Happy Freddy clapped his hands. You start blushing when you remembered last time.
"Yeah! (Y/n) loved it too!" Bon bon giggled.
"Yay! Ok who wants to play?!"
"Me!" Said baby, ballora, sad Freddy, fear Freddy, anger Freddy, love Freddy, Bon bon and foxy. Everyone looked at you.
"C'mon, (y/n)! We promise not to do any wired dares!!!"Bon bon pleaded. He had big eyes and stuck out his bottom lip, which made him look cute. You roll your eyes and close your box.
"Yay! Ok me first:" started happy Freddy.
"Bon bon! Truth or dare??"
"I'll pick dare!"
"I dare you tooooo... lick to toilet seat!" Everyone started laughing and you giggled a bit. Bon bon gulped.
"Do it!!! Or you'll have to face to consequences!" Happy Freddy cheered.
"Fine." Bon bon grumbled. He grabbed a paper towel and put soap on it. He washed the rim of the seat as everyone watched, smiles on their faces. Wen Bon bon was done cleaning a spot, he looked at it and almost gagged. He leaned a bit forward.
"I can't believe I'm doing this..." he whispered to himself. He leaned ever so slowly closer, his face starting to sweat. You and he others silently waited.
"Oh I had enough of this!" Angry Freddy grumbled after a while and smashed Bon bon's face in the toilet.
"GAH! EW EW EW EW EW!!!" Bon bon yelled as he ran out of the bathroom. Everyone was laughing.
"LAUGH IT UP HAR HAR!!!" Bon bon yelled. You gave him a towel.
"I HATE YOU ALL!" He shouted as he wiped his face.
"Truth or dare, (y/n)."
"Truth." You say, giggling still. Bon bon thought for a minute. His face then turned from mad to happy.
"Who is the best kisser in this room?!" Bon bon giggled. You immediately turned red. Everyone looked at you.
"Wh-what?" You croaked.
"Who's. The. Best. Kisser. In. This. Room?" He repeated. You look around.
"Uh, well... haha, the best? I think it's-"
"(Y/n)! Just say Freddy! You know he's the best kisser, since you only kissed Freddy in this room." Foxy smirked.
"Foxy. Truth or dare." You said, looking at your feet. You were blushing a lot.
"Dare." He said, still smirking.
"I dare you to get punched by ballora." I said casually. Everyone started laughing as ballora stood up.
"What?! I don't-" before foxy had a chance to answer, ballora punched him right in the stomach. Foxy wheezed then fell to the floor. "You son of a-"
"FOXY! PROFANITY!" Fear Freddy gasped. Foxy just rolled his eyes, hitting the floor with his fist.
"Ack! Can't... breathe!" He rolled to his back, giving uneven breaths. He stared at the ceiling for a bit.
"Freddy in pink. Truth or dare." Foxy finally said.
"Dare." He replied.
Foxy slowly sat up and looked at you with a smirk. Oh no.
"I dare you and (y/n) to go in the closet for ten minutes. No lights, no one else, just the two of you."
You hide your face in your hands as you blush madly. No no no no no no no no no!
You look up and see a hand. It was love Freddy's.
"C'mon." He said, giving me a soft smile.
"Can't he do another dare?" You whimpered.
"Ok, fine. I dare the Freddy in pink for you and (y/n) to have-"
"OK OK ILL DO IT!" You loudly grumble and take love Freddy's hand.
Foxy opened the closet door and stepped aside, giving you a smile that you thought made him look stupid.
"Have fun~" he whispered as you walked passed him. Love Freddy walked in after. Foxy quickly closed the door, leaving you and love Freddy in the dark.
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