《Nebula's Echo (a Naruto Fanfic)》Chapter 25


"Hello there. Sorry I'm late. I'm afraid I got lost on the path of life..."

I couldn't contain my smile.

""YOU LIAR"" - "Hello sensei~"

My and Naruto and Sakura's "greetings" seemed to coincide with each other. Oh well~

Really nice weather today though.


...Sakura seems to be somewhat mad.

Kakashi just smiled his signature closed-eye smile and scratched the back of his head, looking humble.

"Well, yes, now that you mention it... this is an emergency meeting..."

He looked up at us with twinkling eyes.

"Have you heard of the chuunin exams?"

I saw Naruto nodding enthusiastically, saying something about sand ninja. Sakura just nodded and Sasuke let out a hn. Figures.

I remembered the chuunin exams from the anime. Actually, now that I think about it, wasn't Kakashi supposed to give us the applications the day that we met up with the sand shinobi? It's already been five days since then...

A slight sinking feeling hit my stomach.

Kakashi nodded resolutely, as if proud that his student were so knowledgeable. But for some reason, I just keep getting the vibes that he wants to get brownie points with us for something...

"Well, I'm glad you know what it's all about. That makes things easier. This might be sudden, but I recommended you for the chuunin exams. Here are your application forms."

He held out four slips of paper with some writing and an official looking stamp on them. We each took the paper with our name on it. I was seriously feeling like something was amiss though...

"So, you know that passing the chuunin exams will promote you from genin to chuunin, right? It's an important step in the career of every shinobi-"


I wanted to snort. Yeah right, Kakashi you should have seen Sasuke and Naruto in canon.

Those genin monsters...

"- and it's completely voluntary. If you don't feel ready, you can just try again next year."

I frowned slightly. The chuunin exams this time centered a lot around teamwork. Especially the first and second part. In the first two, you need to have a complete team to participate...

I looked at Sakura. She looked really conflicted. I remembered she nearly threw down the towel in the first exam in canon. But...

My eyes widened.

We aren't a normal team.

That's right, we have four members. Just how in the world is that going to work?! I felt my eyebrow twitching, but I soon caught myself and forced myself to relax.

No need to even think about it. Let the people who didn't think this through properly handle it.

Kakashi cleared his throat. I looked up at him and noticed, that he seemed to be sweat dropping. Don't tell me...

"Ehem, even though it's voluntary, you should make your decision really soon... because the exam starts at 3 PM. Toodles?"

We all stared at our sensei with incredulous eyes. Is he for real...?

I sighed.

I knew it.


Seriously, not only are Naruto and Sasuke like brothers, I have a feeling that Naruto and Sakura are kindred spirits.

How do they always time it so perfectly...?

Kakashi started waving his hands around, flailing with his excuse.

"You see, I was supposed to give these to you five days ago, but something happened and it totally slipped my mind..."

While Sakura and Naruto were giving Kakashi a grand tongue lashing and Sasuke was stabbing him with his Uchiha glares, I thought back to that day. Because I seem to recall...


Five days ago. After I met Gaara and Shukaku and Sasuke carried me to the playground before we parted ways, I had met up with Kakashi at home. I remember him saying something about needing to call a team meeting, but...

I had showed him the icha-icha I had gotten at the bookstore earlier. And then we spent hours into the night, talking and gushing over it. I was a fast reader and after finishing my own he even let me read some from his own collection. We spent the whole night fangirling and avidly discussing the plot while advertising our ships. It was the our most touching bonding moment...

And our teammates are going to murder us if they find out that icha-icha was the reason they didn't get their application forms on time.

Were walking a thin line here...

"Anyhow, you should probably get going. Wouldn't want to be late now, right?"

Kakashi dropped that sentence on us before disappearing in a puff of smoke.

I looked at my stiff teammates who seemed to be giving the spot Kakashi stood on murderous glares.

I very discreetly diverted my eyes and started walking towards the academy building for the first exam, whistling on a highly innocent tune.

It wasn't me. Yes yes, it most definitely was not. And if I keep telling myself that...

I noticed my teammates were still standing in place, glaring at Kakashi's former location, not moving.

So I called to them over my shoulder.

"Let's go. It's already 2:50 PM. If we wanna do this thing, we better be on our merry way..."

That seemed to get them out of it. Naruto instantly ran to catch up with me, Sasuke just put his hand in his pockets and followed behind leisurely, while Sakura seemed to hesitate before slowly following, her head bowed.

I frowned slightly and looked ahead.

I'll need to do something about Sakura's insecurity...

Well at least she's self aware. That gives her a lot of points in my book.

I smiled as I added some skip to my steps, happily skipping towards the academy.

Now this is going to be fun...

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