《Nebula's Echo (a Naruto Fanfic)》Chapter 26


So, here's a picture somehow kinda illustrating our beloved (by me at least) oc's attire for the chuunin exams. Sorry, for borrowing lil Emilia for this, no creative juices to be original :,)) ~


Thx, toodles~

The space before classroom 301 was crowded. A flock of genin was standing around the door, wanting to get in, but no one could. Because there were two boys blocking it. The two genin were mean, punching and kicking people who tried to enter the door they were guarding.

One of the two, the one with spiky black hair and a red nose, kicked away a genin in a green jumpsuit. The boy was caught by his teammate, a girl with her hair put up in two buns. The two boys by the door laughed at them.

"Tch, you're taking the chuunin exams, and you can't even get past us?! Why don't you just scram, before you get hurt?"

"Yeah, I think I hear you mommy calling ya!"

The two laughed, amused with their own insults. The girl holding onto the beat up boy, stood up and beseech the boy blocking the door with pitiful eyes,

"Please let us through! We're supposed to be there."

But when she got close, the other boy, the one with brown hair, punched her right in the face. Gasps sounded in the corridor as the poor girl fell back from the impact.

"Hah, you think this is bad? Compared to the chuunin exams this isn't even worth calling a picnic. Some of you won't survive the exams, others will be rekt for life and some of you may go crazy! For chuunin it's always life and death."

The other boy picked up where his friend left off.

"Do you think it's a joke? Chuuni are qualified to lead missions, the lives of your squad members will be in your hands, so you better be tough enough to take the heat. Weaklings like you don't belong here, so why don't you just go home."

There was a moment of silence before a cold, emotionless yet magnetic voice cut in, compelling the people present to pause.

"Real nice speech. Now both of you, step aside and let me through."


No one had noticed when the colorfully dressed group had arrived. The one that spoke had shiny black hair and a dark blue shirt. He seemed to be carrying an almost sparkly white sack? Puppet? Some other secret technique? On his back. He was in turn flanked by two genin. One wore a bright orange jumpsuit, with striking blond hair and luminous blue eyes. The other had bright, distinctive soft pink hair and she was wearing a red kimono. Now this group, they really stood out.

The black haired boy took another step closer, the traces of an arrogant smirk beginning to take form on his beautiful face.

"And while you're at it, release the genjutsu. We can see through your illusion anyway. We're going to the third floor."

Whispers broke out around them. Someone was louder than the others, so his question of "I thought we were already on the third floor?" was heard clearly. The confident grins on the boys' (the ones blocking the door) faces fell, as they regarded the genin in front of them.

"Well well, seems like you noticed the genjutsu."

The corner of Sasuke's lips tugged up into an arrogant smirk as he called to Sakura.

"Go ahead, tell them, Sakura. You must have seen this coming before anyone else did."

His voice seemed to break her out of whatever musings she had going on. She tilted her head in confusion, trying to catch up with the conversation.

"I must've?"

"You have the sharpest eyes and the best analytical skills on our team, you must have seen this coming a mile away."

It took Sakura a moment to realize what Sasuke was saying, before she lifted one eyebrow with a satisfied grin.

"Sure, I spotted it right away! This is only the second floor."


The enthusiastic blond gave his full support to whatever his teammates were saying. Soon the genjutsu fell, and the classroom number was revealed to be 201, not 301. Whispers broke out in the crowd again. The black haired genin with the red nose snorted.

"Well aren't we the smart ones. So you noticed an illusion, big deal. Let's see how you deal with this!"


Immediately after he said it, the black haired boy threw a roundhouse kick right at Sasuke. The Uchiha's reflexes were no joke, and he instantly sent a kick of his own to counter. But before the two could connect, a flash of green sped up to them and grabbed their legs, stopping their momentum. Sasuke's eyes widened in surprise.

He managed to stop my kick...

The youth from before, the one in a green jumpsuit and the weird pot hair and bushy eyebrows, had stopped their kicks. They had though him weak, as he had been beat up by the the two boys only minutes before. But Sasuke noticed, that his bruises seemed to be gone.

The Uchiha narrowed his eyes.

The two black hairen genin slowly lowered their legs, and the green boy let them go and straightened up. When he did, two other genin, one boy with long brown hair and pale purple eyes and the girl from before, the one with her hair in buns, came up to him. The guy with the pale eyes shook his head, seemingly in disappointment.

"What happened to the plan? If I recall correctly, you were the one who said to keep a low profile and not let anyone see our skill level!"

"I know, but..." the green kid hanged his head in shame for a moment, before lifting it and gazing at Sakura with flushed cheeks.

The girl with the buns just sighed and shook her head, repeating "Nevermind, it's over, forget it."

The green kid ignored his teammate and sped towards Sakura, stopping in front of her. His cheeks were flushed, as he introduced himself with an honorable pose, like a true shinobi!

"My name is Rock Lee. You are Sakura, correct?"

Sakura just stared at him blankly.


Lee grinned and gave a thumbs up, closing one of his eyes in a wink.

"Please, be my girl-"

A soft groan cut him off. Suddenly the white sack on Sasuke's back moved. Every person present turned to look with deadpanned expressions at the moving sack. In response to all the weirded out looks, team seven just let out a collective sigh.

After a while of rustling a head poked out. Long, white hair tumbled down, sparkling in the sun. Everyone was frozen in shock, looking at the most exquisite face they had ever beheld. The girl, formerly mistaken for a sack, yawned, the cute action reminding everyone of a kitten. They could now make out, that the strange sack in fact was a person. A beautiful, white person with white clothes who was piggy-backing on the impressive black haired youth. Sakura's eyebrow twitched and Naruto just turned to the beauty with a dumbfounded expression.

"Cei-chan, you only got on Sasuke after we reached the Academy building. How did you already fall asleep?!"

Cei just lazily blinked her eyes, the action languid and enchanting.

"Mm, correction. I didn't fall asleep only now. I was off in dreamland the moment I was on my cushion. Amazing, I know. It's a skill."

Her sleepy voice had tones of haughtiness as she flipped her hair, followed by another yawn. Then she lifted her head to look at the two boys, that had been blocking the door before, and now had already slowly started leaving the vicinity.

"Izumo, Kotetsu, you're such bullies!"

The two had on looks of surprise for a moment before the brown haired one, Izumo, scratched the back of his head with a grin.

"Hi Ceiren."

The enchanting girl gave a lazy smile and lifted a petite, pale hand to wave at him.

"Hello~ Well, we have an exam to get to. Have fun kids~ Just remember, bullying is a big no-no."

Looking away from them, her smile widened and she tightened her arms around Sasuke's neck, eyes sparkling.

"Well, to the exams! Off you go, loyal horsie!"

Sasuke snorted before slowly turning and walking away, Naruto and Sakura following behind him.

As the trio left, a lone leaf blew through the hall. The girl with the buns, Tenten, walked up to Lee and put a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"...maybe some other time?"

Lee looked at the backs of his crush and her teammates, rivers of tears streaming down his face. His confession... his poor, completely ignored confession...

He closed his eyes, and lifted a fist with determination.

"Yes! Next time for sure!"

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