《This Gift I Was Given (The Boys That Lives In My House)》Chapter 59


It's been a week since I've seen Felix and I haven't heard a word from him, I've called and texted him countless of times but no answer.

I miss him and it makes me sad that he didn't even tell me he was leaving or tried to even call me back.

I hear a knock on my bedroom door and the door creaks open, even though my back is towards the door I know it's aunt Lora "hey are you ready?" She asks me softly

I stare at my wall "yeah" I whisper back emotionaless

We drive to my appointment that aunt Lora schedule for me, she said I needed to go.

I walk in Dr. Jones office and quietly sit on the couch, we stare at the each other.

"How have you been?" She asks me

I shrug "fantastic"

She writes something down "why don't you tell me what's bothering you?" She says like she doesn't want to play games

"Do you know where Felix is?" I ask her wondering if she knows anything

She nods understanding why I'm in a bad mood "so this is about Felix"

"Do you know where he is?" I ask again

"Didn't tom already inform you that he's at his uncles house because he just needed some time away" she repeats

"I know but why wouldn't he tell me he was leaving" I ask frustrated

"He been through a lot and he probably just needed a break from everything I'm sure he's not meaning to hurt you" she says to me

"Yeah I guess" I sigh sadly and I'm about to say something else when I think about what she said to me, how did she know exactly word by word what tom said to me "your right I guess he's just Felix and he isn't going to change" I say and watch her expression which almost looks relived


"I would suggest to just try and focus on school and your other friends" she tells me

I smile and nod.

I go into the lobby where aunt Lora is in "how did it go?" She asks me

"Good actually I meant to tell you I talk to Samara and she said she was going to pick me up here and we were going to go to the movies if that's okay?" I ask her, I see doctor jones from the window walking to her car

She smiles I guess happy that I'm getting out of the house "yeah that's fine. You two have fun" she gives me a hug and I watch her leave

I go over to the receptionist "i forgot my phone can I go back inside?" I ask her knowing I was Dr. Jones last patient and she won't be back

"Yeah sure" she waves me off as she does something on the computer

I walk into Dr. Jones office, I don't know what exactly I'm looking for but I just have a bad feeling.

I walk over to her drawers where she keeps her files and open them, I look through them until I see Felix name.

I quickly take out his file and open it.

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