《This Gift I Was Given (The Boys That Lives In My House)》Chapter 58


"Hey stranger" Mary says as she answered the phone

"I just talk to you like yesterday" I laugh

"So how's everything?" She asks me

"Good" I tell her

"How's the Felix situation?"

"He's actually been better. he's in a little bit better mood and he's looking a little better. He says that him and Dr. Jones have been having good talks about what's going on with him and she's been helping." I tell her what he told me

"He still hasn't told you what's going on with him?" She asks a little curious

"No he still refuses to tell me. " I sigh dissapionted because I do really what to know what's going on with him "maybe it's something with his dad" I say as a thought

"Why do you think him?" She says confused

"Well that's the only thing I can think of because he never wants me to come over to his house and he usually sleeps here"

"At least he's getting a little better"

I'm about to respond when I hear a light tap on my window "speak of the devil. I'll talk to you tomorrow bye" I say goodbye

"Bye" she says as we hang up

I open my window and let Felix in.

"What are we watching tonight?" He asks me as he get settled in my bed

"I was thinking rogue one?" I suggest

"Sounds good to me " he nods

I climb into bed and we watch the movie together, I can't help but stare at him as he watches the movie so intensely which makes me want to laugh. It's weird but I feel better with Felix here, the nights he doesn't sleep here I usually can't sleep or I have my nightmares.

I go downstairs to the kitchen and see aunt Lora in the kitchen which is weird since she's usually at work by now.


"Hey why aren't you at work?" I ask her a little confused

She looks at me as she puts her coffee cup in the sink "I'm taken you to school today" she smiles

I smile back "I better tell Felix" I say and get my phone out

She shakes her head at me" tom said he couldn't take you to school today"

I put my phone back up "o okay" I say slightly confused but don't think to much of it

As I go to my classes I can't help but notice that Felix isn't in any of the classes. When I go sit down at our lunch table the only people who are there are Cole and Samara.

"Hey" I say as I sit

"Hey" Samara smile

"Have you two seen Felix?" I ask them

Cole shakes his head "no I haven't" he says as he eats his sandwich

"Down worry Felix skips school from time to time" Samara tells me I guess sensing I'm worried

"Okay" I nod but it's just weird that Felix didn't tell me

Samara drops me off at my house after we went shopping after school and as I'm about to go inside I stop and walk over to Felix house and knock on his door and wait. I keep knocking until someone answers, after a couple minutes of me knocking until my hand hurts tom answers the door looking annoyed which make me want to smile.

"Yes?" He asks with his arms crossed

"Is Felix here?" I ask him

He shakes his head "no" he's about to shut the door but I push the door open

"Where is he?" I ask him

He sighs "he's visiting his uncle" and tries to shut the door again but I push it open once again

I look at him annoyed now "for how long?"

"Not sure he said he needed to get away for awhile" he tells me

I open my mouth and then close it not believing he would just leave without telling me "o okay" I nod and let him close the door this time leaving me standing on his porch

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