《The Contract Wife. book Series #1 (COMPLETED!)》C23: New arrival.


Tears began streaking down her cheeks as pain tore through her entire body, forcing her into loud screams and cries and she couldn't stop herself.

"Don't worry, it will be over soon." Derek whispers into her ear as nurses and doctors rushed around whilst checking the time.

"This hurts so bad...." She cried out and a doctor gasped from just beside them.

"They're... Twins." The doctor screamed out and Derek paused, so did Victoria, unfortunately for them, they hadn't been visiting the hospital to check.

"You'll have to work twice as much baby." Derek chuckled weakly as Victoria flinched once more with the murderous contractions. "It will be-"

"Please stop with that." Victoria sighed out shakily as she tried to breathe as a nurse instructed. "It won't help...."

"Okay." He smiled and sighed out as his nerves took the best of him, watching Victoria's pained face made him ache with the intent to remove the pain, but even he knew that he couldn't just take out the pain of a new breath.

"Okay. With your best breath, squeeze as hard as you can, don't push yourself too much, but do try to get your babies out and have them in your arms. Okay?" The doctor smiles as he stared at Victoria with tender eyes, his grey hair signifying his profession years delivering babies.

Either that, or he was just in his old ages and was delivering for the first time.

Victoria nodded and held Derek's arms as she fought for the worst.

"Push!" The doctor instructed and Victoria screamed out, squeezing Derek's hand so tight he flinched in pain, but nothing could surpass the aching feeling of her pain in him.

Wishing if it was possible to absorb someone else's pain, he would gladly take away hers.



Derek couldn't hold his excitement as he held his daughter in his arms, failing to hold back the wide smile he had on.

Wrapped in a thick pink baby blanket was his precious baby girl, the first of their generation.

In Victoria's arms, laid another baby girl, the second born of the two.

She smiled at the little girl in her hands and reached her finger tips and brushed off a few strands of her hair away from her face.

It had been a few hours since she gave birth and it seemed as though it never happened, now that she was holding her children.

"She took your eyes Victoria." Derek said as he softly tapped on the baby's nose. "She just opened her eyes."

"What names will we give them?" Victoria asked and Derek sighed as he leaned back into the seat.

"Mum and dad will be here." He said as he glanced at her with eyes of admiration. "Let's give them the honor. After all, they saved our babies." He said as he held her hand and kissed it softly. She smiled and gave a small nod.

"That's tru-" right before she spoke, the doors opened and Eugene jumped in panting breathlessly.

"Good Lord!" He exclaimed in shock as he saw the twins. "Two of them! Melo-"

"Already seen them!" Melody screamed out of excitement and quickly rushed over to Derek, snatching his child from his hands.

"But I was holding her...." Derek complained and his mother chuckled as she stepped away from Derek.

"You held her for too long." She pointed out, making Victoria chuckle a bit.

"I've only held her for ten minutes." Derek complained some more only to have Victoria nag on his shoulder. He sighed and smiled as he held her hand and began kissing her fingers.


"May I?" Eugene asked as he glanced down at the baby in Victoria's arms and she nodded with a small prideful smile. Without a second to lose, the baby was already in Eugene's hands, hardly crying except the one in Melody's arms who constantly wiggled and made small sounds after feeling different hands from her father. "What precious creatures. What's their names?"

"We thought you could pick out their names." Victoria said and Melody shot her an excited look.

"Let this one be Ariel." She said as she gently rocked the baby. "Because she's beautiful. Like her mother." Victoria blushed at that and bit on her lower lip in shyness.

"Thank you." Victoria said and Derek smiled at her.

"This one will be Lilith Lamar." Eugene said as he softly poked the baby's cheek. "She's quiet, patient and very smart." He said with a proud smile before sighing out and glancing towards Derek. "Congratulations son, you gave us a gift we can never repay." He smiled and Derek nodded as he cleared his throat. "So when will she be released?"

"Today evening." Derek says and his father slowly nods his head as the contract seeped into his mind.


Ahhh... You can smell that new baby scent now, can you?

Aren't they adorable?

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