《The Contract Wife. book Series #1 (COMPLETED!)》C24: Poisonous silence


Two months later.

"Just wait!" Derek said as he spread his arms to block his father's further steps into the corridor. "Give me... Tonight. Just tonight dad... Please." He begged as he fell onto his knees. "Let me explain it to her myself... Please."

"Tonight." Eugene warned before leaving him and walking out of the corridor, away from him.

Derek sighed as he glanced up at the clock on the wall a bit far from him and it read 8:30pm.

He got up from his knees and brushed the dirt off, knowing he had to tell her about the contract that was supposed to be over in two months time.

He sighed as he lazily walked back to Victoria's bedroom where she was likely to be with the kids.

Pushing the door apart slowly not to let it make so much noise, he quietly got in as Victoria sat in a rocking chair by the window with Ariel in her arms.

"Hey." Derek smiled once she caught his attention. She blushed a bit for no reason and smiles back.

"Hi." She replied before she stood up and walked over to the cradles, placing sleeping Ariel into the empty one. "Just getting her to sleep." She smiled as she slowly walked to him. "Is there anything?" She asked and he smiled as he bit his lower lip once his eyes landed on hers.

"Yeah." He chuckled as he held her waist and brought her to him. "Can Mrs Lamar escort me to my room?"

"She would love to." She smiled with a chuckle before he held her hand and walked out of the bedroom without interrupting the kid's sleep. They walked across the floor and got to his door where they got in without hesitation.


"So what is it?" She asked as they walked to his bed and sat down so close to each other, letting her poorly exposed thigh in a thigh-high dress top and his thigh that was currently in long pants brush against each other. "Missed me already?" She chuckled as he leaned in until their foreheads touched.

"I did." He whispered, letting his lips brush on her. "So much."

"I missed you too." She whispered out of breath as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around her waist and gave her just a small short kiss. "... Are you okay?" She asked a bit shocked at the lame brief kiss they had just shared, knowing that she knew he wanted more than that.

"We need to talk." He said as a frown made its way to his lips, forcing her to know it was something serious. "About the contract."

She frowned at that and immediately let go of his neck then laced her fingers together, trying to hide her nervousness.

"What about it?" She asked as she bit her lower lip in anxiety. "You're cutting it short?"

"Yeah." He sighed as he ran a shaky hand through his hair. "I want to end it tonight. Tomorrow the papers will be resigned to shorten it." He said and she frowned as an ache in her heart tore through her bones.

"I thought..." She broke as tears surfaced her eyes. "I thought I was... Okay?"

"... What?" Derek asked in confusion as he stared at the tears running down her cheeks.

"You want to get rid of me so fast?" She asked as she wiped her tears away from her face, failing to control them. "Please just give me time to be with my babies...."


"That's not... I wouldn't do that." Derek sighed as he glanced up at the empty ceiling. "Lucius spilt me out and mum and dad know about it. They didn't seem so happy about it and forced me to cut you off once we saved you, and that you would keep the babies." He bit on his lower lip as he shifted his eyes to the ground and clenched his fists. "You have to make a decision before tomorrow."

"Oh..." She glanced down at her fingers a bit as a small smile curled up her lips. She got to keep her babies! "Then I'll take the offer. I'll keep the girls and go." She said and he shot her a shocked glare.

"You seriously didn't even think about me!" He complained in near anger. "What about me?"

"I don't want to leave one of them behind." She said as she crossed her arms over her chest and turned away from him to emphasize her point. "I can't. I'm in love with them both."

"Victoria..." He sighed as he ran a hand through his hair once more, struggling to tell her. He shakily reached out for her hand and brought it to his lips, kissing it softly, nearly alerting her. "Don't leave me..."

"Derek...." She breathed out as her heart skipped a beat at the depth of sadness in his eyes. The emptiness and loneliness like a black hole sucking all his life.

"Remember when we first met?" He asked with a weak smile as he placed her fingers on his lips. "We made a contract and I emphasized it so much. That we wouldn't end up married and... That you shouldn't even think about it?" He asked, locking eyes with her, making his own heart skip multiple beats. "I want to take that back."

"Are you falling in love with me, Mr Lamar?" She smiled teasingly and he chuckled, letting go of her hand and now cupped both her cheeks.

"No." He whispered, "I already have. I'm in love with you Victoria Silks." He whispered making her heart flatter. She leaned in and plastered her lips on his, feeling a certain sense of peace around them.

When their lips broke apart for some air, he bit onto his lower lip and slowly went down on his knees with a small smile.

"Victoria Silks," He began as his left hand reached into his pocket and pulled out a small white box, making Victoria gasp. "Will you marry me?"

He opened the small box and a beautiful expensive ring sat on a black pillow, shining with the simplest but beautiful pattern and arrangement of real diamonds.

He knew getting her the most expensive ring would replace the fact that his proposal would not be as romantic and epic as he wanted it to be. He wanted to swipe her off her feet like a fairytale, something she ought to remember until they grew old together.

But all he could rely on now was a simple ring.

"Victoria?" Derek paused when he noticed she was just staring at the ring, hardly saying anything. For a moment he thought she was paralyzed with excitement. But she blinked for a few moments and looked away. "Please...."

Like a glass falling to the ground, his heart shattered in a million pieces from her silence.

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