《The Contract Wife. book Series #1 (COMPLETED!)》C22: escape hours


Derek loaded his third gun as he glanced at the back of the building, waiting patiently for Victoria to arrive, but that thought was knocked out of the way when he saw a man walk out and get into a black van.

"Looks like we wont have a smooth exit." One of his body guards said as he squatted to the ground, aiming his sniper to the van. "I don't have a clear shot."

Derek quickly reached down to his phone and called Jerry's number.

"Hey. Where are you?" Derek asked and Jerry cleared his throat.

"In the corridor, with her. About to make it to the back." He explained before he paused. "But Jax-"

"I saw him. Just... Protect my baby." Derek said before cutting the call and getting up from his spot. "Jacob, watch my back." He whispered before springing to his feet and ducking low, making sure Jax couldn't see him from the rearview mirror. He quickly ducked behind the car and sighed out as he breathed slowly before glancing down at the wristwatch.

He didn't have time. Victoria needed to go to the hospital.

He slowly got up only to pause when he heard the 'clunk' noise of a gun behind him.

"Well, I wouldn't expect you to be upfront." He said before Derek turned to face him. "Where is the money?"

"You won't have any." Derek said as he furrowed his brows at him. "Victoria is in labor... Let her go."

"Do I look like an idiot? She's my ticket to a prize." Jax said and sighed out with a smirk. "Give the money and I'll let her go."

Derek quickly pointed his gun at Jax who clenched his jaw at how fast he was.


"If you don't let her go, I'll kill you." Derek said and he chuckled lowly.

"Not before i-"

"Derek!" Victoria screamed out as she and Jerry had just jumped out of the corridor and into the backyard. Jax quickly pulled out a second gun and fired without thought towards Victoria.

Derek's eyes went wide and he instantly fired his shot in Jax's head. Victoria, shielding her eyes waited for the bullet to dig through her chest, instead, it never came. She slowly opened her eyes only to gasp out in shock when Jerry stood in front of her with his lips covered in blood.

"... Oh Jerry..." Victoria frowned as she held his cheeks with tears forming in her eyes before he collapsed to the floor. She bit on her lower lip as a lump in her throat grew painfully.

"Victoria..." Derek called quietly as he approached her then glanced down at Jerry's corpses. "Turns out Lucius was their alpha." He said and she glanced at him with tear soaked eyes. "We have to. He might have other connections." He said as he reached out and grabbed her hand and pulled her to his chest, hugging her tightly. "I missed you..." He whispered and she cried into his chest.

"I missed you too." She whispered back as she inhaled his sweet masculine scent once more, missing it deeply.

"Come on." He said before he grabbed her hand again and ran back to the car, making sure not to be too fast for her sake.

As she made it to the car, she flinched in pain, just as the contractions slowly began. They got into the back seat and it didn't take long until the body guards were in the car as well, driving off.


"To the hospital. And fast." Derek said as he glanced worriedly towards Victoria who flinched in pain. "Just breathe hun." He said as he gently brushed the loose strands off her face to her ear, knowing he missed everything about her. He glanced down at her dry lips but knew it wasn't the time for that.

She leaned her head onto his chest as she tried to massage her pain away.

"What happened to Lucius?" She asked and he sighed out as he wrapped his arms around her, shutting his eyes and enjoying her warmth.

"I gave him to custody." He whispered as he smiled at the new feelings he had for her, knowing he would tell her soon. "He's locked up and charged for kidnapping."

"You came with the police?" She asked and he shook his head.

"Mum and dad, Penelope and ten bodyguards." He said and she gasped out and shot him a glare.

"What if they get hurt!?" She asked in terror.

"They insisted on coming." He said as he reached his hands out to hug her again, but she smacked his hands away. "Okay, look, they will hardly even get in a bullets range. They're very skilled. Trust me. I wouldn't risk their lives if that was the case." He added and she frowned and leaned back down to his chest.

"Okay." She whispered only to flinch in amplified pain. She cried out silently and Derek frowned a bit before smiling and placing his arms on her stomach.

"They want to see me so badly." He whispered and she chuckled as she shrugged her shoulders in denial.

"I don't think so." She smiled sheepishly only to cry some more.

"So why are they so eager. They're probably tired of you." He said and she rolled her eyes and bit her lower lip.

"Get away from me." She chuckled and he smiled, kissing her forehead lightly.

"We're almost there." He said as he rubbed her tenderly. "Just a bit longer."


Wow. Loving moments like this make me cry.

Don't they to you?

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