《The Contract Wife. book Series #1 (COMPLETED!)》C13: The family breakfast


She walked down the stairs as she straightened up her dress. It was just an inch above her knees and very simple in design, gripping at the right places with great elasticity.

She sighed for the hundredth time as her cheeks heat up uncomfortably with the memory of this morning. She chuckled to herself as she walked into the dining room, only to stop when countless eyes stared back at her, all in awe.

"Oh uh..." Victoria paused as she stared at Derek's family, all with wide smiles staring at her. "I didn't know we were having a family breakfast..."

"How long does one have to sha-,"

"Welcome dear!" Derek's father interrupted Derek as he was about to point out a complaint. "Sit sit!"

Victoria smiled as she walked towards the empty space between Derek's parents.

Derek could only sigh out in annoyance as he had to sit between his sister and an empty chair he was planning to give Victoria.

"So darling. You were blushing. Anything to tell us?" Derek's mother asked only to have Derek roll his eyes.

"Mum. Please-"

"Derek, I hope you're going easy on her. After all, she's pregnant." His father chuckled and Derek frowned at that whilst Victoria bit on her lower lip as she blushed.

"Dad. Please." Derek sighed then straightened his back. "Let's just eat-"

"Why should he go easy on her? If he's hungry let him-"

"Seriously? Penelope?" Derek asked in boredom as he shot her a glare. "There's a child right here." He said and Penelope chuckled lowly.

"Okay, let's eat." She smiled and they began serving their portions only to have Victoria flinch in pain, as her stomach pinched itself from the inside, heating up in the process.

She groaned as she tried to hide the pain while everyone ate, but alas, Derek's mother was too kin to detail and she noticed her discomfort.


"What's wrong honey?" Melody, Derek's mother asked as she glanced down at Victoria who shut her eyes for a moment.

"She probably has cramps." Penelope pointed out with a small smile. "They're pregnancy cramps."

"Do we need to go to the hospital?" Derek asked and Penelope shook her head in denial.

"Just get something hot on her tummy. It should go away." She said and Derek glanced at Winston who nodded and hurried off. He shifted his eyes to Victoria who moaned out in pain as she wrapped her arms around her stomach.

"Does it hurt that much?" Derek asked as he furrowed his brows in concern for her and she simply shook her head in denial.

"Shouldn't be long..." Victoria said as she tried to breath.

"Here. Have some water." Melody said as she handed a glass of water to her and Victoria reluctantly drank the whole glass. She sighed out and leaned into the seat as she rubbed the area it seemed more concentrated. "Is it better?"

"I'll take her back to bed until she's fine." Derek said as he pushed his seat back and got to his feet, glancing down at Victoria's pain stricken face. "Come on hon." He said and nearly chuckled at the name he gave her, knowing he had to play his cards right if he wanted to fool his parents.

He helped her to her feet and carried her off the ground and into his arms. He walked towards the stairs as she cringed her nose and pinched her brows in the middle of her forehead.

"It will disappear if you die." Derek joked and she opened up her eyes to stare at his face.

"Ha ha. Very funny." She rolled her eyes as she wrapped her arms around his neck, only to have him sigh out shakily at the feel of her breath on his skin.


He walked into his room and padded across the floor to the bed. With such gentleness, he slowly placed her on the bed and when he was done, he tried to pull away, only to have her not let go.

"Victoria stop it." He demanded and she chuckled under her breathe as she bit playfully on his neck. "Fvck... Stop it..." She leaned back as she let go of his neck and sighed out, staring at the ceiling.

"You could easily fall in love with me Mr Lamar." She smirked at him and he rolled his eyes as he stood up and cast his eyes down at her.

"I highly doubt it." He chuckled as he sat down beside her and reached out for her hand, lacing their fingers together and enjoying the warmth she had.

"I can tell you really want to fall in love with someone." Victoria said and he rolled his eyes. "I'm serious. I can see it in your eyes Derek. You want to have someone you can protect. Like how you're treating me now."

"It doesn't matter." He said as he stared down at their laced hands.

"Derek." She said as she sat up and reached out for his cheek. "You want a baby, I get it. But does it feel right having it from just a person who will not spend eternity with you? Is that worth it?"

"Yes." He said as he landed his eyes on hers.

"Derek." She sighed and leaned in closer, so their faces were merely inches apart. She pecked his lips softly and slightly pulled away, making him lean in for more, only have her place her fingers between their lips and push his head back softly. "See what I mean? You want love, but you're afraid of a real one."

"It's merely cravings." He said as he let go of her hand and stood up, feeling used when she tempted him. "I just haven't been with a woman for long."

"Wow." She chuckled lowly as she stared at his blank expression. "You won't admit it, will you?"

"There's nothing to admit." He said and she rolled her eyes only to flinch when the cramps eased back in.

"Lucius wants to meet me today." She said and he raised a brow at her in question.

"Who the hell is that?" He asked and she smiled with a small visible blush.

"My ex?" She asked with a small giggle. "He wants to see me tonight. So I'll be leaving to meet him."

"I thought I denied that?" He asked as he clenched his fists. "What's so special about him?"

"He knows how to love unlike some of you." She said only to flinch when he glared at her.

"I don't know how to love?" He asked quietly in anger as he stared her down.

"Well no." She said and he glanced away from her to the ground.

"I admit to that." He said with a chuckle and smiled down at her.

"So can I go?" She asked and bit her lower lip as he thought.

"Just for an hour. From six to seven. No more." He said and she smiled cheekily and nodded with energy.

"I won't disappoint you." She said and he sighed as he stepped out.

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