《The Contract Wife. book Series #1 (COMPLETED!)》C14: Meeting the ex


Victoria couldn't hold back a smile as she stared right into the eyes of Lucius, her ex boyfriend. He smiled back at her, holding her hand that was on the table, feeling the thrill they once had rush back into him.

"Is he nice?" Lucius asked as he stared into her eyes with admiration. "Derek I mean."

"Oh uh, yeah." Victoria smiled and bit on her lip as she glanced down at their laced hands. "He's actually not so quiet."

"Have you guys gone intimate? I mean, twice?" He asked and she glanced to his eyes in shock and embarrassment.

"You could say that." She cleared her throat uncomfortably. "He was annoyed and it just happened."

"I'm not accusing you." He said as he sighed and let go of her hand. "After this contract, I want you to stop the company and be with me. If you want a job I can look for one were I work but I can't promise it will be as rewarding as this one." He said and she stared at him for a moment then down at her hand, left alone.

"To stop my career?" She asked quietly and he clicked his tongue with a small smile.

"That's not a job to live with." He said as he stared down at her stomach. "Especially if you want to marry one day. I'm doing this for you, for us Victoria... I still love you and I can't go on if you won't stop this." He said and she cleared her throat and glanced at him.

"If I stop... You promise you won't leave me again?" She asked and he smiled brightly as he grabbed her hand, only this time, he planted a small kiss on the back of her hand.


"I promise." He whispered she blushed uncomfortably as she glanced at the ground.

Wondering if it were all a dream.


Laying faced up to the ceiling, Derek couldn't help but wonder why he was very restless. Spending the rest of the day with his family was tiresome, and when Victoria had to leave, he had to lie that she was meeting a highschool friend, a girl.

He sighed, turning on his side as he stared at the empty spot beside him, reminding him of Victoria.

He quickly shoved the blanket off his body and sat up, glancing at the clock just above his door and it read 9:30pm. She was bound to be back by then, probably two hours ago.

He hurried out of his room with a warm smile on his face as he headed for Victoria's room that was just across the floor from his. He stopped by the door and knocked for a moment, upon hearing nothing, he decided to walk in in case she was asleep.

When he stepped into the room, the pile of clothes on the bed and floor greeted him first before the empty cold bed.

He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose as he tried to contain his anger. He sighed out, letting himself cool down and began gathering her stuff and placing them back onto the hangers and in the closet. In a couple of minutes, he was completely done and laying on the bed, a bit tired from the small work he did and that he had to be sleeping for work.

He pulled out his phone from the pockets of his pajamas and dialed her number.

Sorry, the subscriber you're calling can not be reached-

He sighed and dialed again, calling and calling countless times but it seemed as though her phone had been turned off.


He glanced at the clock once more and it was past ten in the night, making him a bit more nervous. He sat up from the bed and tried dialing her number again, only this time, it rang. His heart calmed down a bit as he waited for her to answer, it took a few other rings to finally get her to answer.

"Where the hell are you?" He asked as he leaned back against the pillow behind him. "Its like, past ten now."

"Why are you forcing me around?" She asked in annoyance and he clenched his jaw.

"Come home, right now." He demanded and she sighed into the call.

"I'm already getting into my room." She said quietly and just as she spoke, the bedroom door open and she stood by it, a little perplexed to find Derek in her room. "What are you doing in my room?"

"I couldn't sleep so I want to sleep with you." He said as he stared at her walk to the closet whilst she pulled her clothes off, getting used to the fact that Derek was in the room. "Why are you so late?"

"Does my love life bother you so much?" Victoria asked as she chuckled a bit while pulling on a night gown she found in the closet.

"Apparently." He said as he watched her. "So what happened?"

"You want to know everything?" She asked as she walked towards the bed with a cheesy smile on her face. "He just asked me out again!"

"... And you said...?" He asked and she giggled, making him raise his brow at her.

"Yes!" She giggled out of joy and grabbed his shoulders. "We'll get back together after the deal is done. Then I'll quit my job and be with him." She said and he nodded slowly.

"So... You've just decided to throw your career away because you want to be with someone? Why would you do that? Is that worth it?" He asked as he brushed her hands off his shoulder.

"Because I love him." She replied and leaned down to the mattress. "He promised we'll never split up again."

"And you believe him?" He asked and she frowned at him as she stared into his eyes, radiating nothing but a slight hitch of anger. "Its out of curiosity."

"Just because you hate love doesn't float me on the same boat as you do." She said as she sat up and pointed sharply at his chest, making him flinch a little. "I want to be loved like any woman does..." She said quietly and he reached up and held her hand that she kept poking him with.

"Its not like I hate love." He said, more of a whisper. "Like you said, I'm afraid of it. I admit it."

"Why?" She asked and he let go of her hand then leaned down to his mattress, facing the ceiling.

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