《The Contract Wife. book Series #1 (COMPLETED!)》C8: A bit shaken


She glanced up at the clock over his door and it read eleven o'clock sharp. She glanced down at Derek who was half asleep now, he's fever subsided a bit and was breathing rather fairly now.

She sighed as she sat back on the stool and glanced down at the eight pail of cold water since they started.

Ella had been dismissed an hour ago even though she was reluctant at first but Victoria insisted, hoping she wouldn't wear out the maid.

She reached out and pressed her palm on his forehead and his temperature was rather fine. She sighed and stood up, nearly folding the towel and placed it on the glass stool by the bed. She carried the pail and emptied it into the bathroom sink and walked back into the room.

She placed the items a bit far from the bed and decided to leave the room. She walked to the door and opened it softly, not wanting to wake him up.

"Where are you going?" Derek asked as he lazily glanced at the door. Victoria bit her lip and cleared her throat.

"To my room." She said, clenching the door frame as she stared at him a bit confused.

"Stay with me the night... Please?" He begged and she nodded with a tiny smile as she shut the door and walked to the large bed. She crawled onto the other side of the bed and and snuggled into the blanket, with a big distance in between them.

She shut her eyes as she tried to sleep only to hear rough movements and before she knew it, he felt his breathing on his neck.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to be close." He whispered and leaned into the pillow, not touching her in any way, keeping his hands to himself in case she would think otherwise. "Thank you for taking care of me." He said. "I feel a lot better now."

"It's fine." She smiled and bit her lower lip as she stared at the wall in front of her.

Derek turned and clasped his hands together and the lights instantly turned off. He snuggled close to her and shut his eyes.

She sighed out shakily at the close proximity but reminded herself not to think otherwise.


Victoria flashed her eyes open and glanced around the room at the sudden sound of glass breaking. She sat up and glanced around more only to hear Derek mummer from inside the bathroom.


She quickly got to her feet and sped walked towards the bathroom as Derek simply pushed the glass pieces of the bowl a scented handle had once sat in. Victoria peeped into the bathroom and glasses down at the glass pieces.

"You're going to work?" Victoria asked and he glanced at her a bit taken aback.

"Yes." He simply said and she frowned as she leaned against the door and crossed her hands.

"No you're not." She said and he turned to the sink, now applying Colgate to the toothbrush.

"Yes I am." He said then began to brush his teeth as fast as he could.

"I said no." She said and walked towards him, leaning against the sink as she watched him through the mirror. "You're still sick."

"I'm fine." He said once he spat out the Colgate.

"You might get a fever during the day, so I request you stay. As your wife." She said and he chuckled out as he finished cleaning the toothpaste off then glanced at her with a mocking glance.

"You're not my wife." He said and she smirked and he furrowed his brows at her.

"In case you didn't read the contract properly, you are my husband for ten months. Legally." She smiled and he rolled his eyes as he walked past her and back into the room

"You might be right but that doesn't gibe you the authority to force me-" he was interrupted when she snatched the he's shoes from him as he was trying to put them on. "Give it back."

"I will spoil your plans if you do not accept this kind gesture to take good care of you today." She said as she tossed the shoes to the other side of the bed. "After that I will force you to marry me if I lose my job, or maybe force you to keep paying me for support of the child."

"You could be imprisoned for that, going against your own contract." He said and she shrugged her shoulders.

"Your family would bail me out." She said and placed her hands on her hips. "Plus I wouldn't go in pregnant with your mother around."

"Did you and my mother go for the test yesterday?" He asked as he gave in to her and pulled off his jacket and began unbuttoning his shirt. She smiled in victory at how easy it was for her to convince him. She walked to his closet and rolled the door aside as she scanned through the clothes.


"No." She said after a moment. "Your mum had me taken to a theme park and after that she wanted ice cream and bumper cars." Victoria chuckled as she pulled a perfectly paired shirt and short hanged together.

She walked back to him and handed him the clothes which he began wearing almost immediately.

"Did she say she will take you today?" Derek asked as she pulled on his shorts.

"No." She shook her head in denial then sat down on the bed, leaning her back into the cushion.

"Did you check if you are?" He asked and she shook her head in denial once more. "Why not? What if you're infertile?"

"Oh please!" She exclaimed and shot him a nasty glare. "If I was, they would tell you before you hired me. Maybe you're the one unfertile."

"Impossible. I'm perfectly healthy."

"Even the healthiest can be infertile." She rolled her eyes and sighed out as she sat back up. "I don't feel any different."

"I have a few self pregnancy test devices." He said and she burst out laughing uncontrollably.

"So did you get them when you thought you were-"

"Shut up. No. It was for you." He rolled his eyes and walked to his drawers and pulled out a small box, walking back to her. "Try at least three of them." He said as he opened the box and she reached in two sticks. "Do you know how to use this?"


"Okay, you-"

"I'm a woman, of course I know." She rolled her eyes as she chuckled, walking towards the bathroom.

Derek sighed and sat back down on the bed, glancing down at the cartoon of the devices then glanced at the door to the bathroom.

Victoria stared at the three devices in front of her, waiting patiently for them to tell her the news.

One began, and it showed negative, making her a bit skeptic. The stood up from the toilet seat and glanced at the other with her hands on her hips.

The next came negative, and so did the third.

She bit her lower lip as her heart went silent in her chest.

In her life, she had never wanted to be pregnant so bad, her only fear was the fact she might not be fertile like he said. She had never actually tried to check if she was.

"Are you done?" Derek asked from the other side of the door and she walked to open it, only to stare into Derek's hopeful eyes. "Are you?"

"No." She said and he sighed out shakily as he stepped into the bathroom and walked towards the three sticks, glancing down at them, all negative.

"Maybe its not your ovulating time?" He asked as he clenched the counter of the sink.

"It was the exact time." She said as she crossed her arms on her chest. "C-cant we check if I'm fertile?"

He glanced at her in shock and she cleared her throat, running a nervous hand in her hair.

"I mean... I've never checked." She said in a low voice.

"Why did you?" He asked, his anger slowly boiling up. "You were coming here and you already met my parents... You're now saying you might be? What the hell so wrong with you!?"

"Please don't be so angry!" She yelled in anger as she gripped her hands. "I'm just as shaken as you are."

"Anyway, its only been a day. Let's wait a little while." He sighed out and leaned against the sink, facing her. "We have to keep trying."

"Okay." She cleared her throat and walked out of the bathroom, still shaken by the thought she could be.

She stood facing the door and glanced up at the clock just above the door, feeling weak in the stomach.

"Don't think too much." Derek sighed out as he walked into the room. "It won't be good for the pregnancy if you are. It just needs time. Tomorrow should be alright to check." He said and she nodded as she turned to face him.

"I'll go get a bath now." She smiled weakly and walked out of the bedroom, walking just across the floor to her room.

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