《The Contract Wife. book Series #1 (COMPLETED!)》C9: Infertile?


She stared straight at the ceiling as she placed her hand on her stomach and stroked it, as if performing a magic trick to miraculously get her pregnant.

The door creaked open and Ella, her maid walked in with a tray of soup and some bread for lunch.

"Sir told me you hadn't shown up for breakfast. So I brought you some lunch." Ella said as she walked to the bed and sat the tray on a glass stool. "May I ask what is bothering you?"

"I'm fine." She smiled, knowing her maid wasn't someone to randomly share secrets to. And she had an agreement not to tell anyone about anything they agreed upon.

"Okay." She bowed a bit and left the room.

She turned back to looking at the ceiling only to get interrupted when the door opened once more, this time, Derek walked in with a gift basket she forgot to recollect after yesterday.

"Still moaning your infertility?" He asked and she rolled her eyes as she sat up.

"Its not funny." She said angrily as he sat cross from her, cross legged.

"It wasn't meant to be." He said and placed the basket in the middle of them. "Peter's basket."

"Right." She said and grabbed the box shaped gift. She pouted her lips as she opened it slowly then removed the lid of the box, only to find three beautiful necklaces and four pairs of earrings, all white, gold and black in colour.

Victoria's eyes went wide as she stared at the set in amusement. She reached in and pulled out a necklace with not much design or jewelry on it but it had small pearl inside a gold metal piece shaped as a small tear.

"He bought original necklaces. That's an actual pearl." Derek said as he took the white diamond necklace from the set and eyed it closely. "This is actual diamond."


"Why would he get me this?" She smiled as she struggled putting it on. He shrugged his shoulders as he reached out and helped click the necklace together.

She reached to her neck and felt the small pearl with her finger tips, feeling as though she was the most beautiful woman on the earth with just a necklace.

"How do I look?" She asked with a sheepish smile and he smiled back, tilting his head to the side a bit.

"Like a trillion dollars." He chuckled and she got up, padding towards the bathroom in her bare feet with a giggle.

She stood in front of the mirror and stared down at the necklace and how it looked on her.

No doubt it was expensive, and any eye that rests itself on it was surely going to know its worth.

No mistake about it.

Had crafted by the famous Moreen Mcmoré, a woman known of her strong determination to perfection and her serious iron mind. She was non to dwell with and wouldn't take no for an answer. Laziness was never in her book and she was always good with whatever she did.

A woman close to perfection.

And the necklace sitting on her throat was one of her works.

And Victoria just happens to be a strong fan of hers.

"If you're going to faint. Do it later will you?" Derek teased as he stepped into the bathroom and leaned against the door frame with his hands crossed on his chest.

"I've been here almost a day and you're already comfortable with insulting me." She said with a playful smirk on her face to which he rolled his eyes to.

"Why aren't you eating?" He asked and she frowned a bit but stared at her reflection. "This is a serious question."


"You should find someone else for this job." She said as she turned to him. "Most of my family line can't bare children."

"Your mother did." He said as he stared at her through the reflection. "You will too."

"No you don't understand." She chuckled. "My mother was the only one to give birth to me in her whole family tree without those embryo transplant whatsoever." She said as she panicked a bit. "When... When I gave the thought I wouldn't be pregnant... It hit me. I reminded myself..."

"You're just overreacting." He said and she sighed as she leaned onto the countertop. "Look, how about we visit the hospital together and just check." He said as he walked to her and held her shoulders. "That shouldn't be so bad."

"Why can't you just change me?" She asked. "I don't want to know if I can or can not... I'm scared."

"First of all. You're the youngest woman in the company who would correspond to my age." He said as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Second, I like you." He said and she glanced at him in shock as her cheeks burned.

"Are you in love with me Mr La-"

"Love and like are two different things." He interrupted her as he furrowed his brows. "You're not as annoying as I thought you would be. Many would have demanded a lot of things just to carry my child. While you seem very much disciplined." He said and she furrowed her brows at him as she pouted her lips.

"You know its fine to admit you love me-"

"Don't get too excited." He sighed as he walked towards the door. "Get ready. We're leaving for the hospital."

"I said I don't want to-."

"Who's contract did you sign?"

"But that doesn't mean-"

"Victoria." He hissed then narrowed his eyes at her and she growled under her breathe as she marched out of the bathroom, walking past him. "You're going to force me to reconsider this contract."

"You will when you find out I'm infertile." She said as she forced her ankle boots on. "It will be good too. I won't have to deal with you any more."

"Don't act like I trouble you." He said as he watched her dress up. His eyes lingered over the curves of her body as she took her dress off and tossed it on to the bed. "I hardly even-"

"You threaten me with your eyes." She complained then pulled on a champaign pink elastic dress, turning to him. "When I'm infertile, I'm keeping my gifts and you'll owe me some money."

"You're not infertile. You're just overreacting." He sighed out in boredom.

"There's a high possibility I am!"

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