《The Contract Wife. book Series #1 (COMPLETED!)》C7: Husband's caretaker


Victoria sighed as she reached down to her feet and stroked the heels, feeling the pain her high heels have her throughout the day.

She glanced up at the clock just above her door and it was well past seven. She sighed and leaned back, straightening her back a bit as she turned her head side to side only to stop when her phone vibrated with an unknown caller ID.

"Hello?" She said only to pause a bit as she listened. "Okay. I'm heading over." She said as she cut the call and groaned a bit more.

She got up from her bed and walked to the closet, eyeing the way the maids stacked up her clothes. She glanced down at the shoes and pulled out some sandals and reached for a simple black jumpsuit.

After getting into her picked clothes, she quickly tied her hair into a bun and rushed out, grabbing her handbag and her phone.

"Are you leaving madam?" Ella, her personal maid, asked as she rushed to her side once spotting her hurriedly leaving the bedroom.

"Yes. Get a car ready, I need to go to my husband's office." She said and Ella nodded, willing out her phone in an instant and quickly clicked on the one of the drivers' number.

"Yes. Mrs Lamar needs a lift to Mr Lamar's office." She said and cut the call. "Its ready madam."

"Thank you." Victoria smiled as she stepped into the elevator with Ella.

"Anything you may need Madam?" Ella asked as she stared at Victoria who tired fixing the loose short strands around her edges. "What about dinner?"

"We'll have it when we get back. Just bring a medical kit to my room, some fever medicines too and a pail of warm and cold water as well as a towel." She said and stepped out as it opened and Ella nodded, turning towards another corridor to get the requirements ready.

Victoria walked out of the house and rushed towards the ready car, stepping in in seconds.

"Mr Lamar's office please." She said and the driver nodded once he jumped in and drove off.


Derek groaned as he squeezed his eyes shut whilst leaning against the desk with sweat running down the sides of his face.

Peter turned the fan one step more faster as he watched Derek being stubborn just to leave his office. So he decided to call Victoria behind his back, hoping Victoria could put some sense into him.

"You're just hurting yourself. Its been going on the whole day." Peter said as he eyed Derek who shook his head in denial and wiped a handkerchief on his forehead.

"It will go away." He said shakily. "I have lots of work to do..."

"I can do it for you you know?" Peter asked with furrowed brows and Derek chuckled weakly.

"That'll pile up your work." He said then leaned back on the chair. "I just need to show it I'm dominant."

"Who the hell does that?" Peter rolled his eyes. "I've called your wife." He said, taking Derek aback who shot him a shocked glance.

"Why would you do that?" He asked in annoyance and Peter shrugged his shoulders.


"She'll get you out of here." Peter said easily getting Derek to smirk out.

"She's not going to do that. I won't listen to her." He said then sighed ad he glanced down at the floor only to shot his eyes towards the door where Victoria emerged from.

She eyed him in pity as she rushed to the desk then glanced at Peter.

"You were the one on the phone?" She asked as she glanced at Peter who nodded with a smile and stood up, holding out his hand.

"Peter Jackson. Derek's close friend." He smiled and Victoria smiled back, shaking his hand. "Nice to finally meet you."

"You too." She smiled. "Derek told me a lot about you. That you're like the only friend he has." She lied and he nodded with a chuckle.

"I am the only friend he has." Peter chuckled only to have Derek roll his eyes and lean back with a heavy sigh.

Victoria glanced down at Derek, locking eyes with him and for a moment, Derek's heart skipped a beat.

He glanced away from her eyes and down to the desk and so did Victoria.

"What's all this stuff?" Victoria asked as she glanced at Derek, only to remember what she was here for. "How bad is it?" She asked as she reached out and pressed the back of her hand against his forehead. "Your fever is really high, why didn't you got to the hospital?"

"He kept refusing the whole day and I got sick of him. So I thought you would take him from here." Peter said and Victoria glanced back at Derek.

"I have work to do." Derek said easily. "I'll leave for the hospital after."

"So what did you do to make yourself better?" Victoria asked with furrowed brows.

"I had painkillers." He said and Peter snorted, getting a glare from Derek.

"You must be writing yourself a death sentence." Victoria rolled her eyes and grabbed Derek's wrist, pulling him from the seat. He reluctantly gave in, knowing it would be embarrassing for him to act against his own wife. "Thank you Peter. It was nice meeting you." Victoria smiled as she pushed Derek towards the door.

"Oh wait!" Peter exclaimed as she grabbed his gift basket and rushed towards them. "This is from me. I want you to open it first before the others."

"What's... this for?" She smiled sweetly and Peter smiled back, avoiding Derek's narrowed eyes.

"Its a welcome package into Derek's life and also a congratulations gift for your pregnancy." He said and Victoria blushed as she cleared her throat and chuckled nervously.

"Thank you Peter. Its sweet. I'll open it first then." She chuckled and Derek pulled her out of the office, feeling annoyed and sick at the same time.

Victoria lanced into the basket in amusement, a bit skeptic of what could possibly be in it. There was an already unwrapped box and a winds bottle inside together with plenty other wrapped items.

"Don't take this as a sign. Remember what we agreed on." Derek said firmly and Victoria rolled her eyes as she chuckled.


"I know. But I'm not return the gifts I get." She smiled as she bit her lips and giggled. He rolled his eyes as he chuckled back only to groan when his head pierced into his skull. "Though. You're really careless in taking care of yourself. Then the contract is over. Trying getting married for real this time." She said and he sighed out as he reached for his forehead and stroked it a bit.

"Everyone in the world is untrustworthy. You love them and they will get back at you with a knife." He said. "It's better not to be on the other end of the knife."

Victoria could only stare at him and nod in agreement because that was also the reason she felt being alone was alright.

After she had gotten out of an eight year relationship where her ex boyfriend was found cheating, in her own home, she decided not to believe in everything a man tells her.

They stepped into the car and Derek sighed out as he leaned onto the other window, shutting his eyes as he tried to take a moment to sleep.

Victoria stepped in as the driver took the basket from her and put it in the back. She glanced at Derek who was sweating heavily and with rough short breathes.

Once the car started, the way back home seemed to bother Derek as his head hit onto the glass of the car so much.

He groaned a few times and cursed out a bit more.

"Hey Mr Simpson, drive carefully!" Derek snapped in anger and Victoria chuckled.

"Ignore him." Victoria chuckled and held Derek's shoulder. "Put your head on my laps" She said and he stared at her in confusion. "I said-"

"No." Derek sighed out and folded his hands. "I can sleep at home." She frowned and grabbed his head, forcing his head down on to her laps. He sighed out in defeat and positioned his body in the right manner.

Victoria smiled as he shut his eyes and let sleep drift into him, feeling his head slightly lighter than before. She pressed two fingers against his temple and began to massage a bit, reminding herself of how her mother taught her to ease the headache.

He relaxed his furrowed brows as he felt at ease. She smiled a bit, knowing it was working.

They arrived a short moment after and Derek struggled sitting up right, feeling his head throb with each tiny moment. He groaned as he held his head, shutting his eyes for a moment. Victoria frowned a bit as she got out from the other side. She rushed to the other side and held his free hand. He weakly opened his eyes to see who held his hand and Victoria stood there waiting for him.

"Come on." She said as she softly yanked on his hand. He let go of his head and struggled stepping out, feeling sick and dizzy at the same time. "Can you walk?"

"I can manage." Derek said and Victoria nodded as she wrapped his arm over her shoulder for support as they walked towards the doors.

With each step they took, he grew weaker and the pain all over his body grew worse.

"Stop..." He said out shakily as they had just started the stairs. She stopped and glanced up at him worriedly. "Let me sit for a moment..." He said and she helped him sit down. She sat right beside him and held his hand, feeling the temperature.

His palms were burning on hers, almost making her a bit skeptic.

"How do you feel?" She asked and he sighed out, rubbing his forehead.

"Like crap." He said then glanced at hr weakly. "Okay, let's go." He said as he stood up and she shook her head in denial.

"Rest a bit." She said calmly and he shook his head in denial as well, snatching his hand from hers.

"Weakness only makes things worse." He said as he began to walk up that stairs on his own.

She growled and got up as well, walking to him and going under his arm to help him walk a bit securely.

They made it into the house and he struggled to keep himself going as the Butler and a few servants followed behind in case he collapsed.

They stepped into the elevator and the butler reached for the second floor button.

"F*ck..." He groaned as he leaned against the walls. "Why is it taking so long?" He asked as his body slowly broke down.

"Just a bit more." Victoria smile in pity for him and he shut his eyes, pinching them together to keep himself from fainting out in exhaustion.

The doors dinged open and he found himself unmoving. She stared at him for a moment.

"Can you walk?" She asked and he glanced at the floor, breathing heavily. "Could you carry him for me?" She asked as she turned to one of the servants. "I don't think he can manage."

"I can." Derek insisted and began to shove his feet forward. Victoria rolled her eyes and followed behind him.

They got into Derek's room and she helped him to the bed. He struggled getting on, but once his back touched the softness of the bed, his eyes instantly fell shut. She opened her mouth to call for her supplies when Ella rushed in with them and handed them to her.

"Thank you." She smiled and Ella nodded.

"Any need for assistant madam?" She asked and Victoria shook her head in denial.

"I'm good from here on. Thank you." She smiled at her maid and Ella smiled brightly before bowing.

They left the room and she dipped her hands into the bucket with chilling cold water and squeezed, turning to him down.

His brows were pinched to his forehead and he was sweating beyond normal. She placed the towel on his forehead and he moaned out as the pain subsided a bit. She reached to his jacket and tried taking it off. When she failed, she simply pushed it back and untied the buttons of his T-shirt. She dipped another clothe in and placed it on his chest, making sure to change the places after a few seconds.


Do you feel what I feel?

Oh the shivers. Burrrrrr.

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