《The Contract Wife. book Series #1 (COMPLETED!)》C4: The News


Once the car stopped, Victoria got out only to be amazed by the size and beauty of the mansion in front of her. It was undoubtedly very luxurious and expensive. The building alone was money robbed, now to consider the bills this house can emit.

"You can go have a rest. The maids will show you to your room." He said and she sighed as a maid waved at her softly as she walked to Victoria.

"Hello madam. My name is Ella and I will be your personal maid." She said and Victoria could only stare down at her with a bit of nervousness.

Having to force people around was never her specialty. She would rather have people tell her what to do. Even though raised by a rich family, she was just never spoiled.

She followed the maid up the flight of stairs as Derek watched her closely, still a bit puzzled by her reluctance to accepting such an unimaginable amount of money for doing almost nothing.

He watched her until the doors closed behind her, cutting her from his view. He sighed and turned to the business car that one of his drivers brought forth. He stepped into the black car that his butler opened the door to and leaned into the seat, sighing out in defeat of the day.

It had been a much busier day for him. He now couldn't have his five hours of rest since he had to wait for Victoria's arrival.

"Where to sir?" The driver asked as he noticed Derek wasn't saying anything. Derek opened his eyes and ran a finger through his hair.

"To my family home." He said and leaned onto his knees as his head throbbed a bit due to over working.

"Yes sir." The driver nodded.


He got down the car and walked over to his father's old but still beautiful mansion. Exquisite past designs that still stand out as pieces of perfection film today.


Her mother pulled the doors apart with a wide grin on her face. She quickly rushed down the stairs in her tiny heels with maids running after her in fear of her slipping and falling.

"Derek!" She exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around his waist. Her height always as short.

She stepped back, her flawless grey hair falling swiftly on her shoulders like curtains.

"How is my angel? Did you bring her!?" She asked in excitement and he furrowed his brows at her but smiled softly.

"She's tired. She had a long journey. You can see her tomorrow." He said and cleared his throat as she giggled then grabbed his wrist and yanked him forward, running back into the mansion, nearly causing him to fall.

He stumbled trying to keep up with her height and speed, not wanting to snatch his hand away, that would be so much disrespect to her.

"Honey!" She called out as she pulled Derek towards the dining arch. "Honey, it's Derek, and his wife has landed!" She giggled out in excitement as she ventured into the dining hall where Derek's father, Mr Eugene Lamar stood instructing the servants.

A butler stood by his side jolting down the details as he spoke, hardly pausing for a second.

Eugene glanced towards his son and smiled, waving the servants off as he walked to his son with wide arms.

"Derek!" He exclaimed and embraced him in a hug, being squeezed into the strong grip of his father as his height suppressed his own son's.

For a man, as old as 59, he was surely very built and ready to demolish a building with one hand.

"How's my daughter in-law? Its a shame you didn't invite me to your secret wedding." He said as he frowned. "I'll be looking forward to the public one."


"Is that necessary?" Derek asked as he furrowed his brows and took a step from his father. "We already got married."

"Without us. You'll marry again with us watching. It will be a grand wedding!" His mother exclaimed in joy. "We should have it this weekend!"

"Yes! We shall have it somewhere along a beach and-"

"Mother, father, please." Derek sighed as he pinched his bridge. "I know you're excited, but she's pregnant and she doesn't want to fit in a tight wedding gown now." He said simply and smiled at himself at how perfect it came out.

"Oh!?" They both exclaimed in amusement.

"How many weeks?" His mother asked impatiently.

"Well... She hasn't tested, she's just assuming she is." Derek said as he glanced down at his watch.

"She should go for pregnancy testing tomorrow with me!" His mother exclaimed and smiled at her husband. "I would love to have some quality time with her."

"Wouldn't you have to wait a bit? I mean... The cycle goes on for quite some time and-"

"Nonsense." His mother said as she smacked his shoulder. "It only takes two weeks. And you've been apart since forever."

"Mother." He growled and she giggled and walked away from him, leaving him with Eugene who smiled as he watched her walk away happily.

"She's excited." He told his son who ran a hand through his hair in frustration. "She isn't?"

"No." Derek said. "She just arrived. Of course we got married secretly but it failed a couple of times..." He lied so perfectly that his father believed him.

"Try tonight then." His father winked at him. "You do not want your mother crying now would you?" He asked and Derek sighed out as he watched his father leave the room. "Oh and your sister is in your old room looking for you!"

Derek furrowed his brows and turned towards the doors leading outside, hardly intending to meet his sister. Out of the three children born, she was the most materialistic, stubborn and boastful of them all.

He never liked her since as kids, but she grew attached to him a lot more despite not being a biological brother and sister.

He stepped out into the pavement and was heading to his ready car when he stopped at the sound of heavy heels. This could only be his sister, Penelope.

He reluctantly turned only to stare into his sister's smiling eyes. She waved at him as she carefully got down the stairs in her clear heels and fancy velvet silk robe.

"Dearest. I missed you." She smiled as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and gave small soft kisses on both his cheeks before leaning away. "I eavesdropped." She giggled. "So the mystery wife is coming into the open."

"Yes. Penelope." He sighed as he took a step back from her, avoiding the gash of perfume emitting from her. "You heard right."

"I can't wait to see her tomorrow. If you don't mind. I would steal her." She grinned and he shrugged his shoulders as he smiled and walked to his car.

"Be my guest Penelope. I have work tomorrow anyway." He smiled and she nodded in agreement as she waved.

He sat into the seat and sunk into it, feeling his bones crack with every relaxation.

This was a long day for him.


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