《The Contract Wife. book Series #1 (COMPLETED!)》C3: The Second Contract


She gazed down at the countless miniature houses passing by below them and sighed as she glanced at her wrist watch once more.


Of course it was that late. It was a pretty long journey that will soon come to an end in almost half an hour.

Suddenly, her heart skipped a beat as she now realised she was about to meet her first client. She reached into her handbag and pulled out her makeup bag and began ruffling through the contents in search for a blush brush. She finally found the brush and makeup pallet and worked her face properly and carefully.

"Attention to all customers, the plane will be landing shortly, please ensure that your bags and belongings are close to you as we approach the airport. Welcome to los Angeles, I was your flight host, Ms Collie Hawks and I thank you for your interest in flying with us."

She sighed out as she gazed out at the brightly lit airport with thousands of lights and trucks driving around.

The planed touched the ground and so did her heart. It came to a clean stop and the passengers began to walk out slowly.

Victoria reached into her bag and pulled out the picture of the man she was assigned to. She got up once she memorized the face and shoved the picture back into the bag as she got up and hurried out as well.

She stepped into the bus and waited as it transported them to the airport. She got off once it had come to a stop and walked towards the luggage. Reaching out for her suitcase she gasped only to have it snatched from the rollers in an instant. She glanced up at the possible threat only to stare into two unfamiliar blue eyes.

"Ms Silk?" He asked and she tensed a bit as she studied the man.

"Mr.... Lamar?" She asked a bit confused at how different he looked.

"No. I'm one of his men sent to escort you to his car. If you would please." He stood aside and that was then when she noticed more men in black standing in different places but particularly doing nothing.

Victoria cleared her throat and followed behind the man carrying her suitcase as though it was a stuffed animal.

They made it out of the airport and walked towards a black limo parked a few steps away from the doors, clearly getting a lot of attention from people around.

She clenched her fists as she walked to the car, her heels much louder than her own heart at the moment.

"Ms Silk." The man said as he opened the door only to have a fresh minty and wine scent rush into the open and directly onto her face.

She cleared her throat and sent a smile to the man before getting in shakily, not wanting to upset the owner of the deal before it even began.

She took a seat down and glanced around the limo until her eyes landed on the very familiar hazel eyes that were in fact staring back at her.


"Ms Silk." He said but did not intend to reach his hand out for her to shake. "I see you changed your hair."

"One of your requirements sir Lamar?" She asked with a small tagging smile only to slightly drop it when he shook his head in denial.

"Not necessarily." He said as he glanced out the window as the limo began to move. "The hair colour was a choice. You would give the Press an excuse that you had to go gold." He said and she frowned as she glanced down at her hands on her laps. "You're the youngest and the newest?"

"Yes. Three years younger than you are." She said with a smile as she remembered what Naomi had said about pleasing the client.

"And you willingly signed pregnancy papers without second thought? How strange." He said as he furrowed his brows at her. "Tell me Ms Silk. Are you a virgin?"

"I am." She said with a slight blush. "And what was it about the pregnancy papers? Why wouldn't I sign to fake being pregnant?" She asked with a small nervous chuckle to which he raised both his brows to.

"What pretend?" He asked and she became pale so suddenly. "You will get pregnant with my child and bare me one. There after will your contract be destroyed and we could say we divorced because I found you cheating."

"What?...." She gasped out in disbelief. "They never said I would be impregnated!" She exclaimed in stress and slight anger and confusion. "I didn't sign up for this!"

"Documents are already sealed and dealt with in court. Your unwillingness to getting impregnated does not make it illegal for me to do so." He said and she stiffened as she shot her eyes to the ground.

"They never told me..."she sighed and glanced at the CEO uncomfortably. "I would love to step out of the deal sir..." She said and he shook his head in denial.

"No. You signed a ten month contract and you're the youngest woman there who is as well new to the job, you haven't been seen by the public with other men yet." He said then sighed out. "Do not worry Ms Silk. You won't be forced to marry me. You're just going to give me a child and leave. Do not worry about child support. I have money enough to last it."


"If you're worried about your overall health, I will treat you to my best doctors. In addition to that you get to life a one time life of luxury. Keep in mind, I don't intend to marry you even if you carry my child, so do not think of pestering me after and broadcasting to the news. It won't work for you." He said coldly with a plain mask on and she clenched her fists as she cleared her throat and leaned back into the seat.

"Okay. Since there is no way out of this..." She said quietly. "I still want rights to my child. You can't hide him or her from me."


"What benefit will you be anyway?" He asked challengingly and she pouted her lips in anger. "How much is your salary again? Oh yes, hardly quarter of what I get per month. Why would you want to be part of it?"

"Because I am. I'm going to be the mother and I need to still be connected to it." She said and he sighed out exasperatedly as he glanced out the window for a few moments then back at her. His hazel eyes threatening her in an instant to submit to his decision.

"Five million." He said and she furrowed her brows in confusion.

"What?" She asked and he smirked a bit as he leaned into the seat.

"Five million for you to drop this nonsense. I will give you one million so you don't involve yourself after the child is born." He said and she clenched her jaw in anger.

"No." She said. "Full damned rights. "

"A million per year for the rest of your life." He said and she chuckled out teasingly as she rolled her eyes.

"No." She said and he clenched his jaw as he felt his limits being tested.

"Three million." He said. "Annually."

"I said no." She said then leaned forward challengingly. "I grew up with a mother that did the same, she gave me up for money to a rich woman unable to conceive. She lost her rights to me the moment I was born-,"

"So what are you crying about? You left your worthless mother and got a rich one." He said as he sighed and glanced away from her. "You're very stubborn."

"I was torn apart when I discovered my mother sold me off!" She exclaimed in anger and he lazily glanced at her. "I was devastated and torn to shreds.... I left them and began to leave on my own feeling I couldn't trust anyone. I tried looking for my real mother for answers... But she had died thirteen years after I was born. Killed and murdered in the streets. I never got to see her. Never got to listen to why she gave me up. I dont want our child-"

"My child you mean-"

"Our child to feel this way." She ended, dropping him from getting his victory. "I don't want a random woman to nurse my kid."

"I'm not marrying anyone after. So no woman will nurse it." He said. "Just a set of professional baby sitters." He simply said and sighed as he studied her unpleased face. "What is it with you? Aren't you afraid of losing your job this way? Why does a helpless kid have to do with you?"

"May I ask Mr Lamar. Why do you want a kid in the first place?" She asked with narrowed eyes as she watched him seem a bit amused by the question.

"If I had a choice I wouldn't want to have. My parents want a grandchild and I can only afford one for them. They will not stop pestering me about it." He said and she folded her hands.

"Have you ever wondered why they are pestering you?" She asked in question as she tilted her head to the side. "Because a baby is a precious thing that God gave to mankind. Something priceless. That is why I can not accept your money offer. I give birth to it and you just listen to my rules. Understand Mr Lamar?"

He clicked his tongue and swiped up his phone from his pocket and scrolled over the screen, tapping on Victoria's manager's phone number.

"Hello? Mrs Welling? I would love to cancel the contract please." He said and Victoria stiffened uncomfortably as she shot him a nervous glare. "No. I want to cancel the contract. I'm not satisfied with your services. An improvement? Right now? Alright. Impress me Mrs Welling, if this doesn't work I'm getting back my money and sending back your failed agent." He said then cut the phone and stared at her with a satisfied smirk plastered on his face.

Her phone vibrated in her purse and her pulse quickened drastically. She shakily reached into her purse and tapped the answer button, her worst fear was being replaced.

"Hello?" She shakily answered and avoided Derek's pleased eyes. "Oh... Naomi. No I understand! Okay.... Okay... Right.... Mhm.... Yes... Okay, it won't happen again. Bye." She sighed out and dropped her hand with her phone to her laps and glanced up at Derek who seemed very much satisfied with himself. "I'll drop the rights." She said reluctantly and he grinned as he clasped his hands together.

"Was that so hard?" He asked with a small chuckle and grabbed a black folder laying a few feet from him and opened the folder, pulling out a document. He took the pen from his pocket and began to scribble on a one million annual allowance. He held it out for her to take and she stared at it for a moment before receiving it.

"What is this?" She asked and he smiled.

"Its a contract." He said. "You drop the rights in a exchange for annual allowance." He said and she threw it back to him and crossed her hands, getting him a bit puzzled.

"Keep it." She said. "I'd rather struggle with my little salary than give my child out for money." She said then glanced out the window with furrowed brows, feeling a sting in her chest.

"This will be a lot easier if you agree to whatever I say. It doesn't matter anyway. Your boss will sign this for you." He sighed as he tossed the document to his side. "You will get paid for this child as a token of appreciation for signing the contract and giving me a child. The more you struggle the more you'll realise it's stupid. You'll keep getting the money whether you like it or not." He said and she didn't reply, instead she stared at the large houses passing by the window.

No doubt they were in the rich folk's territory.

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