《The Contract Wife. book Series #1 (COMPLETED!)》C2: the Pamphlet


"Okay, wow. This is a big pamphlet." Naomi said as she crossed her legs on the floor while Victoria split open a packet of chips. "Okay, let's start with the man's background and what he's currently doing. Its important when your being a pretend wife. His parents will definitely ask the most secure questions to check if you're an actual wife or just a street performer."

"Uh?" Victoria asked as she sat down beside her and glanced at the details she was reading. "He's birthday is on march 5... Okay."

"Make sure you remember that." Naomi said as she flipped the page, looking for the key elements. "Oh here's a good page with all the details scribbled in. Says here that he had been in a car accident when he was eight, he had complete memory loss and didn't gain back his memory since." She said then glanced at Victoria, wondering if she was getting any of it, only to notice she was jolting them down. "You know you have to memorize this?"

"I know. Just a few short notes is all." She said as she scribbled a few more. "Go on now."

"Okay. He's been in one affair his whole life and became famous at the age of nineteen. He visited the awards with an anonymous lady in a peacock mask, the lady was just an escort and didn't want to be in the headlights seen with our client Derek." She said and Victoria nodded slowly. "You'll have to be this woman. The mystery woman will be revealed as you."

"Won't that affect how things are run here? That we aren't supposed to be in the spotlight? What if I get assigned to another man?" Victoria asked and Naomi shrugged as she glanced at the paper once more. "It is quiet weird. She doesn't accept such exposure. Maybe he's a big client."


"Mmmh..." Victoria frowned and raised a brow in question but shrugged. "Alright. Anyway. It's my mission."

"Good girl." She smiled. "Okay says here that you need to act like a wife. He told his parents that you secretly got married during a vacation in los Angeles. There's a ring you have to wear, he will give it to you upon arrival. And its a ten month contract. You have to be with him for ten months." She said and Victoria glanced at her in shock.

"Ten full months!?" She asked in terror and Naomi nodded in agreement as she flipped several pages, skimming her eyes across the pages. "Why ten months?"

"I'm looking." She said as she flipped a few pages back and paused. "Oh right here." She cleared her throat. "Important notice, keep in mind that Mr Derek Lamar is being visited by his parents for at least Ten months in advance. They will come a month after your arrival at his location and will be looking forward to meeting his secret wife who is supposedly expecting a baby." She said and Victoria nodded as she scribbled it down.

"So I would have to get silicone bellies for this occasion and then adopt a child right after?" Victoria asked as she jolted down a few more details.

"Yap." Naomi said as she closed the pamphlet and turned to face her. "You'll be leaving tomorrow, eight pm for Los Angeles." She said as she smacked the paper against the table and leaned back, crossing her arms over her chest. "You agree?"

"I do." Victoria nodded as she sighed and yawned, stretching her body a bit. "I'm kind of tired."

"Here's a plane ticket.... Wow, upper class. You're riding in style baby." Naomi exclaimed and giggled out with a wide smile. "Its nice. He's going to treat you well in the next ten months. Then after, he might tip you." She said as she crossed her arms and leaned back on the couch. "If you ask me, this is more of an offer and not a job."


"Its all fancy of course." Victoria yawned once more and got up, stretching herself further. "But if he's a hot head I'll live in hell."

"He's charming. He's hardly home anyway. You get the mansion to yourself. It will be a win win. All you have to do is pretend to be pregnant. Better stretch that belly of yours, you gotta eat like you're pregnant and act emotional." She said and Victoria nodded.

"I'll call it in now. I'll be in a plane for hours, so I need to get some beauty sleep." Victoria sighed and waved at Naomi who stood up and rushed to stop her as she held a small bottle in her hands.

"Before you do, we need to dye your hair into pitch black. He even sent the right hair colour as the mistress before." Naomi said as she grabbed Victoria's shoulder and yanked her towards the bathroom.

"Why should I lose my golden locks!" Victoria asked as she clenched her hair. "Its not fair!"

"If you want to get paid, listen to every word he says, or we'll get in boh trouble. He's the biggest client we've had I'm forever." She said as she grabbed an empty container from the cabinet with the mirror on the door. She poured in the dye and began to mix all the dye requirements.

Victoria sighed as she sat down on the toilet and clenched her golden locks. It had taken her a wickedly amount of time and money for her to make her hair as gold and shiny as possible with most natural remedies.

"Okay. Come here." Naomi ordered and Victoria reluctantly walked to her.

It took nearly half an hour for her to finish the bush of hair Victoria had which was also envious. Her hair was healthy and so full of volume and a heavy texture.

It wasn't too long, just somewhere to her upper waist section at least.

Once she was done, she remains with a luxurious black wet hair.

Naomi quickly blow dried it and combed with every blow until her hair was nothing but shiny and curled up extremely.

She reached for the straightening iron and straightened it up until it was as straight as any line could be.

"Perfect!" She exclaimed as Victoria stood up and glanced into the mirror. No doubt it was a good look for her, bit she would prefer her golden locks over anything.

"Ugh." She sighed out and furrowed her brows in anger.

"Now go sleep child. A day awaits you tomorrow." She giggled as Victoria growled under her breathe while making it to her room.

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