《Fusion Online》Chapter 19: Knight Strategos
A few days have passed since the couple found Abby. They searched most of Wayland's beginning towns and have found nothing. They asked people, orphanage, local Alliances, but everything seemed futile. The couple and Abby eventually start walking back to the hotel they are staying at when they hear a few shrieks coming from an alleyway. The three quickly run to the place and see several clones and Spartans blocking the exit to the alleyway and a few kids cowering in fear.
"Just give us any credits you have and you'll be left alone, it's for a good cause after all." A clone player says, his armor being colored white with blue markings. The Spartans are also colored white with blue markings.
"Oh great..." Ian mutters. As much as he wants to help, he is also exhausted from asking around about Abby's parents. Ian looks at his wife and notices that she isn't as tired as him, so she quickly jumped over the crowd of players and landed in front of the kids. Ian sighs and jumps as well with Abi on his back.
"Well, well, well. If it isn't the Sword Defendant Heather." The clone says. "Well. Get out of the way or face the consequence." He warns, taking out a plasma katana.
Heather doesn't reply. She just takes out her vibrosword and prepares to fight. The clone laughs as if he's going up against a noob. "Well boys, watch and learn." He tells his team. He then lunges foreword and attempts to slice her head off. Heather ducks and avoids the attack. She swiftly retaliates with several jabs to his chest, sending him stumbling backwards and falling on the ground. Heather walks up to the clone and puts her foot on his chest, and a grunt could be heard from the clone.
"Now you listen well. I don't care what alliance you are. I don't care if you are the leader of your own alliance. But if you ever. Ever. Try to hurt little children again. I'll make sure your head won't be connected to your neck. Got it?" Heather threatens the clone and his teammates. The clone player nods quickly in fear. "Now go!" Heather commands as she releases the player. The clone quickly gets up in fear and flees, along with his team. Heather walks back to Ian and the children.
The children surround Heather and start jumping in joy that they were save. Heather laughs happily with the children and talks with them for a while.
"So Abby, does this place seem familiar?" Ian asks the little girl on his back. Abi looks up at the sun. "Darkness....isolation..." She murmurs. "Did you say something?" Ian says. Before anything else happens, Abu shrieks in pain as her eyes widen and her pupils shrink down. "Abby!" Heather cries as she runs to Ian and catches Abby before she falls on the floor.
"I got you Abby...I got you." Heather says in a comforting voice as she takes Abby to the shade. "What happened?" Heather asks his husband. "I don't know...," he replies ,"...she just...glitch or something."
"What!? That's impossible!" Heather says. "I know, but it happened." Ian tells Heather. Heather sighs and looks back at Abby. "Let's take the children to back were they belong." Heather says as she carries Abby in her arms. Ian nods as he walks to the children and ask them were they live. The kids tell him and lead the way. After several minutes of walking, they finally reach an orphanage. It's nothing much, just a big building that looks like a cathedral.
"Oh my gosh there you are!" A teen player says as she runs I the children, hugging them. "Don't run off like that again. You nearly gave me a heart attack." She says, looking at the kids with watery eyes. The kids immediately start talking about their adventure they've had and about Ian and Heather. "That's good. Now go inside, food is almost ready." The teen tells the children as they run inside happily. "I'm assuming you are Heather and Caliber?" The teen asks.
"That is correct." Heather replies. "Wonderful!"' The teen says. "I apologize for the children dragging you to save them. Sometimes they slip by me and get in trouble." She sighs. "Besides the point, come in, come in. Foods almost ready so I can offer you some for helping out." She says.
"Thank you." Heather says as she walks inside, followed by Ian who also thanks the teen.
"So that's what happened." Heather tells the story about how they found Abby.
"That's interesting." The teen, whose name is Zoey, replies.
"So I was wondering if you know her." Heather says as she looks at Abby who is sitting on a chair next to her. "I'm afraid I don't." Zoey says, a bit sad that she couldn't be of any help.
"Well. It's ok. I'm hate we will find her parents soon." Heather says. A loud abrupt knock is heard though out the room. The trio walk to the door. Zoey reaches for the door knob and opens the door. The trio see a female clone wearing white and blue armor, she has no helmet and has red, loose hair that goes down to her back. Her orange eyes scan the trio as she bows down. "Heather, Caliber, I am in need of assistance!" She says, bowing repeatedly.
"Uh....first off...who are you?" Ian asks. "Oh yes. My name is Captain Hella Doin of the Fusion Freedom Association." Hella introduced herself. "Ok. Now that we know who you are. I would like to say that several of your men harassed a few children earlier today. I would like an explanation." Heather says, looking at the captain in a bit of disappointment that she could have let that happen.
"Yes. I am sincerely sorry. Ever since our leader, General Zato, got capture by Commander Richard....things have gotten out of hand. The FFA is in deep turmoil about what to do. If it wasn't for those men, I would have never found you two." She apologizes and explains what has happened.
"So...where is your General?" Heather asks, already wanting to help.
"Y-you don't want to know more about what has happened?" Hella inquires, confused that they so willingly want to help out.
"You can fill us in detail later. Just tell us where to go and we'll get him back." Heather says as she walks outside. Ian follows her with Abby on his back.
"So that's what happened, huh?" Ian says, taking in the information.
"That is correct." Hella replies. The four propel have walked into a dungeon that has only recently been discovered. The dungeon is a maze of tunnels, and only a few orange lights illuminate the tunnels. The black wall is filthy and covered in some weird goo that drips to the floor. The horrendous stench fills each tunnel, but the team have gotten use to it by now.
"How much further till we make it?" Heather asks Hella, who is holding a holographic projector on her hand with a map being displayed. "A few more turns and we'll make it." Hella answers, looking at the map. Heather nods as she continues walking through the tunnel.
"Make a right." Hella directs as the four turn right into another tunnel. As soon as the team take a step inside, multiple Promethean Soldiers appear holding lightrifles and ready for a fight. "I'll handle this." Ian says as he takes out his yellow sentinel lightsaber and activates its. The yellow blade ejects from the hilt and illuminates softly.
The Prometheans take one step back as Ian walks towards them. One soldier fires a shot towards the Mandalorian, who brings his sword up to his head and deflects the shot, hitting the soldier in the head and does it's well known death animation.
Ian rushes at the Promethean's, slicing them in half and decapitating others. The battle goes on for a couple of minutes before all 23 soldiers are no longer seeing the light of day.
"I apologize for not helping out." Hella tells them. "It's okay. Plus, Ian likes fighting, so it's really fine." Heather replies to Hella. Ian walks back, smiling under his helmet. "That was a warm up right?" He chuckles. Heather sighs. "Nothing is ever going to satisfy you is if?" Heather asks. "Of course not." Ian says, causing Heather to giggle a bit under her helmet. Abby laughs happily, for she was placed on Heather shoulders.
"And you love to play around right?" Heather happily asks her daughter. "Yes!" Abby laughs.
The four continue their walk and eventually make it to a larger area, almost as big as a boss room, and see a room with the doors open and inside a man sitting down sadly. He is wearing a republic space officer outfit, with several blue and red small blocks on the left part of his chest, represent that he is a general.
"Zato!" Hella cries out, tears of joy forming on her eyes. She runs towards him. "What are you doing!? Run away!!" Zato warns, but Hella doesn't listens and she gets closer to the room.
Suddenly, the dark room is lightened by an orange light. A hatch opens from the roof and a Promethean Knight drops to the floor, creating a small crater. It's health bar pops up, and with it its name is revealed. Ian's eyes widen as Heather gasps. The Knight screeches loudly as it prepares for a fight.
"Heather! Take Abby and Go inside the room and don't come out!" Heather commands as he takes out his lightsabers. Heather nods as she runs inside the room and inside is Hella and Zato. "Teleport now!" Ian commands as the knight goes for a vertical swing at him. Zato and Hella teleport while Heather hesitates. Ian jumps to his left, avoiding the attack from the giant Promethean. Ian runs under its leg and makes a mad dash to the room.
A loud blast fills the room as an explosion occurs right next to Ian, launching him to the wall. The Promethean knight has fired his incineration cannon .
"Ian!" Heather exclaims, fear of losing him takes over her. Her eyes widen and she starts shaking. Ian giants as he weakly stands up. The blast itself sent Ian's health down to half, and that was just the blast effect. At his level being 96, that's almost impossible for his health being dropped that low with just a single attack.
"Teleport away!" Ian grunts. He doesn't want Heather to die, and he isn't going to let this Promethean do it. Before anything else happened, Heather has jumped up 10 feet and jabbed the Knight in the back. She then drops to the floor and slides between its legs and stands in front of Ian.
"It's level is to damn high, it won't even tell us his level." Ian grunts as he tightens his grip on his sword. Ian makes a X formation block, while Heather walks behind him and put one blade in a horizontal line in the middle of the X, and with her other hand she points her DC-15S. Knight Strategos charges at them, ready to strike. Heather fires her blaster several times, which is futile, for the boss's armor it so thick for a blaster to penetrate. The Knight swings his sword at them, sending them crashing to wall. With Ian's health down to red and Heather's at low yellow. Heather looks at Ian, even with get helmet on, he can tell that Heather is scared. Ian doesn't show it, but he is too. He gets up weakly, struggling to do a simple thing like standing. The knight charges his cannon, and aims at the two. Ian stands in front of Heather, ready to take the blast.
The Knight fires, but something has deflected the blast back. Ian looks up. Abby is holding a shield and a lightsaber. The knight flinches, giving Abby enough time to slice it once, which is all it take for the knight to die. Heather gets up and walks to Abby with Ian, who is in the room.
They stay silent for a while, not knowing what to say or do.
"I remember everything..." Abby softy says.
"Want to tell us?" Heather asks, looking at the girl.
"I remember who I am. I'm A.B.I, Artificial Backup Intelligence, created to hold memory that my sister F.A.I.T.H couldn't handle. Once the game started, they deleted my sister and I was put in charge with storage. I was also suppose to help out players that needed help with the game, but I was locked up and can only monitor them. All they had were despair, anger, rage, sadness." She says. Heather and Ian look at each other before looking back at Abi.
"But...I wanted players to be happy...I wanted to be happy...so then I monitored you two. You were...happy, joyful. I never felt that before and I wanted too be happy as well. So I disobeyed orders and teleported nearby. Because I did that, I lost my memories. But now that I deleted Knight Strategos, the system, Osiris,
is running a check on me, and I am now a foreign objet that has to be deleted." Abi sadly announces, tears forming in her eyes.
"No. That's not true." Heather says in disbelief. "T-they aren't going to delete you."
"Yes they are, but I don't want to be deleted. I don't want to leave you." Abi cries. Heather quickly ran to were she is seated and brings her to a tight embrace. "No! That's not true!" Heather denies what Abi says.
"Mommy. I don't want to go. I want to stay with you, and with daddy." Abi hugs Heather back, tears going down her cheeks. Ian walks up to the two. "You are no longer part of the system. You can do what you want. You can stay with us." Ian says as he bends down to see Abi's face that is on top of Heather's shoulder.
"I can't. The system has found me. I will be permanently erased in twenty seconds."
"No! No don't go! Please Abi don't go!" Heather cries. "You're my daughter and I don't want you to leave us!"
"Be strong mommy. Make others happy. Goodbye...." Abi softly says as she starts glowing light blue.
"No! Abi!" Ian grabs Abi's hands tightly, not wanting to let go. "Bye.." And then...... she shatters.
Heather falls to her knees, sobbing over the death of her daughter. "Osiris!!" Ian screams. "You can't make us stay her forever! You can't decided who live or die! I'll show you!" Ian says as he runs to the wall, were a computer console was activated when Abi walked in the room. "W-what....are you doing?" Heather asks, stuttering between words because she was crying.
"I programmed parts of this game, which must have obviously been deleted, but I can still manage to do a few things," Ian says as he types several codes on the console ,"and I should be able to bring Abi back." He types faster, and words start appearing on the screen. Ian has almost done it, Abi should be back. But she wasn't. Instead, a blast sends Ian to the other side of the room.
"Ian!" Heather worriedly calls as she gets up and runs to him. Ian quickly raises his hand up, his fist clenched as if he was holding something. Heather places her hand underneath his to grab the object. Ian opens his hand, dropping a small, five pointed star necklace on Heather's hand.
"I couldn't bring her back, but I got to bring this back," Ian sits upright as he looks at his wife ,"It's Abi's heart. All her memories and feelings are in there. Take very good care of it."
Heather smiles and hugs Ian. "Thank you." She whispers. The Mandalorian hugs her back, and the two stay like that for a while, not wanting to leave or do anything else.
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