《Always There》29. Jem


I have good, bad, and somewhat okay news. For starters, the bad news is that my plan backfired. I guess it's not a good idea to match your mom with a stranger. On the bright side, Mom decided to be just friends with Henry. I wasn't cut out for matchmaking.

The good news is that Mom and Gem mended the rift. It felt so good. Can you imagine what happens if they don't? Though, I found it abnormal about Gem finding out the divorce's context in a dream. I will ask her later.

The somewhat okay news is about Golly. Gem said, "I'm going to reverse the trick I used." Mom got used to him now. I was still spooked from thinking on it. Ugh!

The art festival is coming up. Gem has finished her painting. She won't let any of us see it. "It is a surprise," she said. I don't like that she's being sneaky.

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