《Colorado Springs Drama》Chapter 11: A Plan from the Enemy's Spy


I was in World History class, writing down notes. I was writing so much that I didn't notice a note on my desk. I picked it up and read it:

Want to find a way to have your brother be unaware of your date? I know how. - G.S.

I didn't know who G.S. is, until I showed Jen and Alicia the note. "Do you know who could this be," I asked them. "No," Alicia replied.

"What if G.S. is Georgia Starr," Jen suggested. "What? No, that's impossible," I said, "remember what she did to me." Sadly, I was wrong because G.S is truly Georgia Starr.

"I know what I did was wrong and I am sorry," she said, "I really want to help you. Please, give me a chance."

"Excuse us for a moment, please," Alicia said. We, except Georgia, moved over a few paces. "I don't know if we could trust her," she said. "I know that we cannot," I said.


"She worked for the Sabrinas."

"C'mon, Tay, we have to. Who knows? Maybe she won't tell them this time," Jen said.

"Maybe. I don't know."

"Come on!"

"All right. Only because I want Sam not to know about Jason being my date." We turned around and walked back to Georgia. "Okay, if you tell us your plan, you won't tell anything to the Sabrinas."

"I promise," she said. "So, what's your plan," I asked.

Georgia told us the whole plan; I thought it was a brillliant plan. The plan was to not only to have Jason meet my mom, but to leave with him. Okay, I know I mention this earlier, but, what do you except? The hard parts are to have Mom not say anything about Jason to Sam and not letting him see us, whatsoever.

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