《Colorado Springs Drama》Chapter 12: Stop Controlling My Life!


I was in my room, picking out a dress for the dance. I could wear my red, glittering dress and my silver shoes, or my turquoise dress with my white shoes. I asked Mom, "Which dress should I wear: the red one or the turquoise one?" "The turquoise one, why," she asked.

"There's going to be a dance at school," I answered.

"Oh, what are you going to do with your hair?"

"Probably either curl it or leave it."

"Ok. So, who's your date?" Sam said as he walked in, "I hope it's not Jason." Mom asked him, "Why do you assume it would be him?" He said, "Because Jason is the only one who would ask her."

"Why are you so judgemental," I asked him.

"Why are you so annoyed?"

"Because you are annoying, you doofus."

"I'm trying to protect you. That doof needs to stay away from my sister."

"The real doof is YOU! Stop controlling my life! I am not a little kid anymore!" I headed to my room, slammed the door and locked it. "Time for dinner," Mom called to us. Sam showed up, not me. "Taylor, get yourself out here now," he yelled. Mom was not happy about that at all. "Samuel, I won't accept the way you're treating your sister," she scolded. "You can't control her. She can make her choices, not you."


"No buts. You need to talk to Jason and Taylor, if she calm herself down, and apologize."

Sam thought for a moment and came with an idea. "I got a plan, but don't tell Tay."

"Okay, I just it's a good one," Mom said.

He told her everything in his plan. "I think Taylor will love that, for sure."

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