《Colorado Springs Drama》Chapter 2: Mom's New Job


The drive from Georgia to Colorado was a long one. During most of the trip, Sam snored, while I looked out the window, thinking of what life would be like in Colorado. Mom, while driving, asked, "So, you still aren't mad about yesterday, right, Taylor?"

"No, Mom, I'm not," I said. Actually, I'm just upset. I missed my two friends, Janice and Ashley. When I told them the news, they weren't glad either.

When we arrived in Colorado, our new house looks neater than the last one. It is light blue on the outside, the living room is medium-sized and the kitchen is behind it. In the hallway, there are two rooms on each side. The backyard is pretty with the green grass and a huge oak tree. Did I mention we have a pool?

Since we arrived in the afternoon, Mom asked if we want to see what to see what her job is. At first, I thought it would be boring, but I didn't want to make the same mistake. So, the three of us went instead. Mom said, "Now, you two, keep your eyes shut. I'll let you know when to open them once we're there."

Yeah, Mom wants to make her new job a surprise for us. "Okay, we're here," she said. Sam, who was waiting impatiently, opened his eyes as quick as lightning. "Whoa," he said, "hey, Tay, get a load of that." Not knowing what he's talking about, I opened my eyes. All I did was staring with my open mouth. My mom is a restaurant worker at Quiznos, my favorite restaurant!

"Well, what do you think," she asked, smiling. Sam said, "It's cool, I guess." I said nothing; I just stare. "Hmm, it seems like Tay is surprised," he observed. "Well, you and Sam are really going to love your new school," Mom said, "you'll start your first day tomorrow." I guess I was wrong about Colorado all along.

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