《Just A Secret (Dreamnotfound)》6


"Winter Festival?"

"Doesn't it seem fun?"

"I guess," I say scrolling through the digital flyer. "Food, ice skating, and of course the Christmas tree,"

"Please Dream, it'll be so fun."

"I don't know George, I rather stay inside."

"It's on Saturday and it'll only be like 40 degrees." I was thinking about it.

"Please Dream. For me? Plus we haven't been to one in years."

I sigh, "Fine, only for you."

"Yay! So I'll pick you up around 7?"

"Sure, I'll see you then."

"See you." He said happily. He hung up and I set my phone face down onto my desk.

I lean back into my chair and look outside. It looked cold, but hopefully it'll warm up by then. I look over and see Patches sound asleep on my bed. I get up and head downstairs. I have to ice skate with George, the last time I went ice skating with him was in 5th grade and the tip of his ice skate caught the ice and he face planted onto the ice, while I laughed and my mom glared at me and told me to apologize to him.

He'll know I'll want to ice skate, but will he be up for it? We'll never know until later.

The days passed very slow, but then it was Saturday. Finally.

'I'm here :]'

I go outside and see George in his car waving at me. I get into the passenger seat.

"Hey." I say with a smile.


"Thanks for picking me up."

"Of course," He says with a huge smile on his face. "I'm really excited to go, I've heard it's so much fun!"

"You sound like my mom," I say laughing.

"Oh shut up, I just wanted to hangout." I laugh at him while he glared at me. We eventually make it to place and it was in the middle of the downtown area George and I used to hangout when we were teenagers.


"It looks the same, just Christmas-y." I say admiring all the Christmas lights on the buildings.

"Personally I like the decorations."

"So, what do you want to do first?" I asked.

"Maybe ice skate?"

"Do you know how to ice skate?"

"Well, no, but you can teach me." He says with a smile.

"Okay, I will but you better not make me fall,"

"I'm not that bad." He snickers.

We both get our skates and I start to tie mine and so does George. I got onto the ice and started to skate around because I haven't in a while. I look at the entrance and George looks very nervous, I start to skate towards him and he gives me a nervous smile.

"Take my hand," I say putting out my hand for him to grab onto. He latches onto my hand and goes on the ice, right away almost falls backwards; he tugged onto my hand and soon realized I got him.

"You know I'm probably to fall or trip a lot."

"I know that George, but please be careful." I gave him my other hand for balance and support. He looked a bit relaxed once he grabbed onto my other hand, I start to skate backwards and George was getting used to the motions of moving the skates in a gliding motion.

"See you somewhat got it,"

"I guess," He says trying his best to balance.

"Do you want to try to skate on your own?"

"I'll try, but if I fall please attempt to catch me."

"I will, I got you." I let go of his hands and he flails his arms around a bit and stares at his skates to make sure he's has the right balance.

"Dream, look I'm doing it!" He says excitedly, "I'm doing-"

His skate catches onto a little chipped part of the ice. He falls forward and lucky I wasn't that far away from him. He falls into my arms and I left his warm breath on my neck, sending cold chills down my spine I look at him and he's holding onto my coat for what looks like dear life. He's struggling to get up, so I pull him up back onto his skates and make sure that he's able to balance again.


"I got you." I say trying to make him feel a little better.

"Thanks, I almost face planted."

"I'll try to catch you if that happens again." I say with a little chuckle.

"I guess I'm not as good as I remembered." He laughs. I look at him and he still has some fear of falling in his eyes.

"Remember what I said, I'll catch you." I say skating next to him.

Over some time, he was starting to get used to the motions of ice skating. He was falling a bit less which was good. After a while, we decided to check other stuff out. We walk down on of the shopping center, George and I were admiring the Christmas lights the were stringed across the top of the railings on the top floor of shops.

"This is another reason why I wanted you to come," George says nudging me.

"I have to admit, it's amazing to look at."

"I could stare at this for hours." I look at him. He's smiling with the breath escaping his mouth. He looks at me, the dark brown eyes are lit up from the reflections of the Christmas lights. He starts to walk to an open area and I follow him.

"Remember this place, Dream?"

"This is where we made all of our snowmen."

"You know what that means,"

"We have to build a snowman?"

"Yep." George says scooping a handful of snow and starts to mold it into a ball, he eventually puts it on the ground and starts to build up the snow as he continues to roll it through the snow. I started to make the second ball and once I finished, George had the base of the body ready for me to put it on top, I carry the heavy ball and place it onto the big ball of snow. We eventually made the head and placed it on top. George dragged his finger into the snowman's face and made a smily face.

"What should we name him?"

"How about, Albert?"

"Albert? Really?"

"What? We can call him Bert for short."


"Let's head back." I say sighing. I started to make my way back to the shopping center, then something really cold shot my back. I turned around and see George laughing.

"Did you just, hit me with a snowball?"

"I have great aim, don't I?"

"You have chosen war," I say smiling. I start to gather snow and turn the soft powder into a ball, I threw it was George and it his arm. He hit my side and it kept going on back and forth. Until, I took aim and hit George right in his face. The smile was wiped off of my face. George had his hands on his face and I ran over to him.

"George? Are you okay?" I asked worriedly. He turns around laughing.

"You have good aim." He says with a soaked face.

"Here, let me just," I started to wipe off the snow off of his face. My cold hands touch his warm cheeks.

"I'm sorry, I know you hate the cold, but I don't want you with snow on your face." I continue to wipe off the snow and my hand trailed to his jaw line, the last bit. I wipe it off, but didn't take my hand off of his face. His head seems to rest onto my hand.

Something about this feels familiar.

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