《Just A Secret (Dreamnotfound)》7


Christmas is in a few days a it's coming very fast. I was scrolling through PetCo to find a little Christmas outfit for Patches, then my phone was vibrating obnoxiously. I look at my screen and see that George is calling me. I answer of course.

"Hey George."

"Hey Dream, how are you?"

"I'm good, how are you?"

"I'm good."

"What's up?"

"So my parents just called and said they wanted to have dinner, then they asked if you wanted to come. So?"

"Well, I haven't seen them in a while. Sure I'll go."

"And be prepared for any weird questions, they haven't seen you in a while."

"I'll prepare answers for any questions."

"Okay, I'll pick you up again if that's fine?"

"Yeah, totally."

"Okay perfect, see you then."

"See you soon." I hang up.

I haven't seen George's parents since high school, they handed me a card with $20 dollars in it and said that I deserved it after all my hard work, but after that I haven't seen them since. I go to my closet and see that I have one nice shirt. Just a plain blue and white dress shirt. I haven't dressed up "nicely" in years, so dressing like this was foreign to me. Patches hops onto my bed and watches me compare the shirt against my torso with it still on the hanger.

"What do you think, Patches?" I say turning towards her, "Do you think that this will make look nice?" She just stares at me, but doesn't stare in a judgmental way. I hang the shirt back up again and sit next to Patches, she moves closer to me when I sit down and rubs her whole body on me. I start to pet her in the direction of her fur and she closes her eyes and starts to purr.

"You like that?" I ask. She's purring and leans on me a bit. "You're so sweet Patches." I say with a smile. I started to think about the dinner with his parents, it really shouldn't be weird but I can see myself making it very awkward.


'Hey George, are your parents going to be weird?'

'Hopefully not,'

'No guarantee?'

'No guarantee.'

I'm in my room buttoning up my nice collared shirt and move my hair around to make it look nice. I look at myself in the mirror for any flaws, then my phone started to buzz.


"Dream I'm going to be outside in a few seconds."

"Okay, let me put some food in Patches' food bowl and then I'll be outside."

"Don't take too long,"

"I won't, I promise." I run down stairs and quickly put a scoop of food into Patches' food bowl and make my way outside, I see George in his car staring at his phone. I make my way to the passenger's side and get into the car.

"Well you look nice,"

"Was I not supposed to dress up?"

"Take the compliment idiot."

"Fine, thanks George. I think you look great too." He rolls his eyes at me and starts to turn the corner. We arrived at his parent's house and it looks the same, like it stood still in time.

"We arrived," George says getting out of the car.

"It looks the same since the last time I've been here."

"My parents hate "stuff that changes too much" so I guess they wanted to preserve memories." George says moving to the front door, I trail behind him and once we stepped into the porch, George knocked on the door. We stood there for a few seconds before we heard footsteps. George's mom answers the door and I look up from the warn out wood finish.

"Oh, hello Clay, I haven't seen you in a while," I cringed a bit when she said Clay, I haven't heard that in a while.

"It's lovely to see you Mrs.Davidson." I say with a shy smile.

"I haven't seen you in years, wow, you really grown into a man."

"Okay mom, stop boosting Clay's ego." George says walking into the house. I walk in and go to the kitchen to see George's dad finishing up the food. He turns around and a smile formed onto his face.


"Now, is that Clay?"

"Yes it is, sir."

"Wow, you've really grown up since the last time I've seen you." He says walking over to me. "So, how are you?"

"I'm good, thank you for asking."

"Anytime Clay, well George was going to start helping me put the food onto the table and you can choose a place to sit." I nodded and sat the closest chair to me, I was hella nervous. I watched as George and his dad continue to bring food to the table, eventually all of the food was on the table and we were ready to eat. George sat next to me.

"So Clay, did you ever get that cat you've always wanted?" George's dad asks as he passes around the food.

"I did, she's a shorthaired cat named Patches."

"Awe, she sounds cute." I stuff my mouth full of chicken to stop talking so much.

"So, have you guys been hanging out much?" George's dad asks.

"Yeah, I've been going to his house like every other day."

"Maybe you guys should sleep together," I choke on my chicken and try to make sure I don't spit it out.

"What?" George says equally shocked and confused.

"Sleep in the same house? Is sleeping together not the right thing to say?"

"Definitely not."

"Okay, noted." They kept asking questions about my life since high school and all about that.

After dinner, George and I offered to clean the kitchen and the table. I kept bringing dishes to the sink and George started to scrub them.

"It was nice to see them again." I say to the silence.

"They enjoyed seeing you again, I guess they missed seeing us together."

"I just liked catching up with them,"

"They really like you, I remember when they first met you they told me they just knew we'll be friends for a very long time."

"And they were right."

"They seen us grow up too." George says loading all the dirty dishes into the dish washer. We eventually say goodbye to George's parents and he starts to drive me home. I watch as the road lights illumination faintly light up the road.

"George, can I stay at your house tonight?"



"Sure, but you don't have any clothes,"

"Can I borrow some of your stuff?"

"Why can't you go do your house and get some clothes?"

"There would be no point to go to your house then."

He sighs, "Fine,"

He pulls into his garage and we both get out. We walk into his house and I notice that there's a picture of me, him, and Sapnap on his wall. I follow him to his room and George starts to get some stuff from his closet. He puts out a GeorgeNotFound hoodie and some pajama pants.

"This is all I have,"

"It'll work." I take the clothes into the bathroom and start to change. I put on the hoodie and when I put on the pajama pants I realized that they were a little, well, tight. I walk out and see George laying on his bed relaxing.

"Are you already tired?"

"Kinda," I lay next to him. "Sorry about the questions my parents asking so many questions from you."

"No, it's all fine, they haven't seen me in a long time."


"I remember that one time we were talking about your crush and then your dad walked in and started to ask about her." I say laughing.

"He just had to walk in when I was talking about my crush." George says kinda embarrassed when he's thinking about it. He turns his head to look and me and I do the same.

"Do you like anyone?"

"Like right now?"


I hesitated, he doesn't know.

"I mean, yeah." George's eyes widened.

"Who?" He asks excitedly.

"Why do you wanna know?"

"Because I'm like you best friend."

Best friend.

"I'll tell you when I'm ready," I say looking at his ceiling.

"Fine buzz kill,"

"Whatever, plus they're perfect and I don't wanna mess it up."

"Mess it up?" I look at him again. "Dream, you're amazing and how can you mess up anything? Even if you mess up anything, you'll move on and become a better you." I smiled at him.

He's caring and one of the best people for me. I'm so glad I have him.

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