《By Chance 《Chanlix》》~ 22 ~


Felix felt his heart race as a hand snaked around his stomach. A thousand thoughts ran through his mind, how did this stranger get into his room? He thought he had locked the door. Was this person going to kill him? Felix was more than scared.

"Stop." Felix felt his tense body relax automatically upon hearing the familiar voice. "Stop, please. I don't like seeing you cry baby boy." Chan whispered, brushing his lips against his ear. Felix shivered.

Yeah right. Like he cared.

Felix didn't bother to turn around to face him. "Stop pretending like you care." Felix said softly, trying not to hurt himself too badly. Though it still stung to think about.

Silence. Chan didn't answer at all, instead, he just tightened his grip on Felix's waist. Right after his tears had just stopped, he felt his eyes sting yet again and saw his vision blur. He blinked, a tear dropped from his eyes.

Chan was conflicted. He didn't know what to do.

He had his arms wrapped around Felix's small waist when he felt wetness drip onto his arm. The boy was crying, and he didn't know what to do. 'Stop pretending like you care.' He had said to him. Was he the reason he was crying in the first place?

Chan's intentions weren't to make Felix upset. In the hallway, he had spotted his father standing by the door, hidden from everyone's view, simply watching everything unfold. He held a stern face and Chan knew that if he admitted to having feelings for Felix right then and there, it would've been not him, but Felix that got hurt.

That was the very reason he had tried to disappear from his life, but Chan's desires and needs to have the boy by his side had gotten the best of him. And so he was back, and he wanted to tell him so bad how much he liked him and cared for him. But he simply couldn't.


"Felix I-" he started but was cut off.

Felix turned around and faced Chan, his grip being forced away, "look, I live here now and if you're really Bang Chan, son of president Bang, that means you do too. We may have played together as kids and I like that I got to know you as an older boy, but please, stay away from me." He finished, looking down at his feet and playing with the hem of his shirt.

Chan was taken aback. Stay away? Did Felix really not want him near him? But he thought...did Felix feel nothing towards him at all?

Chan didn't know if he could do that. Staying away from the one person who was on his mind basically 24/7...

"No" he answered sharply, barely even thinking about his answer.

Felix raised his head and stared into Chan's eyes. God that look that made his heart race. Felix was so cute but also hot as fuck at the same time and Chan honestly didn't know how to deal with it.

He watched his mouth turn into a frown and his eyes turn glassy. It hurt to see Felix so upset because of him. He was the one making Felix cry. "Please Chan" he begged, "stop playing with my heart." He spoke softly before running off and out of the room.

Chan just watched him. There was no use in running after him if he'd only keep running away.

Chan needed to numb this pain he was feeling, Chan needed alcohol.

— —

Chan stumbled up the stairs, grabbing onto the railings as tight as he could and dragged his feet to move.

He tripped on a step and knocked his chin on the floor at the top of the staircase. "Ow fuck."

He stayed in that position, not feeling bothered enough to move, until he spotted one of the maids walking by. "Hey!" He slurred. "Hey elf clown, come here."


He laughed a drunk laugh before saying "hey baby, wanna smash. You're pretty hot."

"Chan get your ass of the floor." Changbin responded blankly.

"I caaaaant, help me pleassseee." He whined.

He heard the pretty maid sigh before lifting him up. "Hey, you should be in a women's wrestling team. You're so strong."

Changbin made sure Chan was a fair distance away from the stairs so he wouldn't fall down them before leaving him, already sick of him.

Chan complained, saying he needed help finding his room, but then spotted it and let Changbin go.

He walked into the room, twisting and turning the knob and with much struggle, finally getting the door open. He tripped over something on the floor but soon found his bed and got comfy in it. 'Ahh, this is nice', he thought, pulling up the blankets and then pulling his pillow closer to him.

Felix woke up being suffocated. A heavy arm was draped across his body and a leg across his own, but the scariest thing of all, was turning his head to see a face snuggled into his neck, breathing lightly.


He looked so peaceful, like a baby. It wasn't often that Felix got to see him look so relaxed and with almost no worry on his face, he didn't want to disturb him.

His heart was beating at an irregular speed, Chan was so close to him.

He turned on his side to get a better view of the mans face. It was a rare opportunity that he got to do this. His small eyelashes were the cutest thing to him, and the way his soft, wide lips were down turned almost in a pout. His skin looked extremely soft and before Felix could stop himself, he carefully freed a hand out of Chan's hold and rubbed his cheek slowly. It was soft.

One question was trapped in his mind, he removed his hand and frowned. "Why did you kiss me?" He whispered lowly, as to not wake the boy up. He wasn't expecting an answer, but he did want one. And he didn't want it to be that he was playing with him, but Felix couldn't get his hopes up.

Why was he here anyway?

Felix had to admit, he had missed sleeping by Chan's side, the sense of strange comfort he felt had never returned since the day he left, until now. Felix felt properly rested and as he woke up, he wondered why, Chan was his answer. But he had to learn to get used to sleeping well without him. Although he really didn't want to.

Suddenly, he felt Chan lift his arm off and instead, lay his head on Felix's stomach.

Felix froze.

Oh god oh god oh god

He felt butterflies arise in his stomach and his heartbeat sped up, even more than before.

Although he felt like he was about to explode, Felix smiled, the blond's fluffy hair looked so smooth and touchable.

He reached his hand out and started playing with the soft curls, twirling them around his finger. He ran his hand through the hair, glad that Chan was asleep and didn't see him almost having a heart attack just because they were in the same bed.

"Keep playing with my hair baby boy," a raspy voice suddenly spoke, "I like it."


I hope you guys are all staying safe with the virus going around, quarantine is very boring but I'm sure y'all smart people can find ways to entertain yourselves. Maybe buy some albums.., no I'm joking,, or am I,, ??


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