《By Chance 《Chanlix》》~ 23 ~


Jisung wanted to know if Felix was alright. After the episode he had yesterday, no one had seen him come out of his room and he hadn't been brought dinner.

Before he ran off, Seungmin, Hyunjin and Jeongin had showed up and so, the five stood there, watching him. This was because Jisung knew that doing something would only lead to worse, he knew from experience and he didn't want 'worse'.

After he had ran off, the three boys asked to know what was going on, but Jisung didn't tell them. They had never known about this side of Felix and he didn't know if he wanted them to, so he waved his hand as if dismissing the subject and said "never mind," with a frown.

A man had stepped into the room from who-knows-where after this, and told them to stay. "You guys are Felix's friends, right? You should stay for the night" he had smiled. Jisung guessed that this was president Bang. In all honesty, Chan looked nothing like him.

None of the boys objected because driving home would be a pain and so, here they were, six of them sitting at a large table, too big, and eating breakfast in silence. Jinyoung had joined them and they had learnt through him that Changbin was one of his brothers yesterday. But he was no where to be seen along with Chan.

Jisung played with his omelet, pushing pieces around with his fork. He wanted Felix to come down just so he could see if he was okay, even if he came to only grab a bar or something.

Felix stood in the bathroom that connected to his room, one hand on his blue toothbrush that was half sticking out of his mouth, and the other on the shiny, white vanity.

He thought. And freaked out.

Chan had left his bed and gone to get changed in his own room which was probably all the way across the mansion. Felix thought about how Chan had gotten into his bed.


It gave him butterflies through his thin shirt whenever the image of his curly head laying on his stomach would pop up.

He sighed and faced himself in the mirror, looking into his own eyes. Upon seeing the natural, small smile that played on his lips, he let out an even bigger smile to which his toothbrush almost fell out of his mouth.

Felix didn't usually have a smile at all, his resting face was also quite plain; lost eyes and a frown. It made his chest warm to see such a thing on himself.

He thought over the reason.

This made the smile fade a little bit, he couldn't depend on someone who wasn't his to make him smile. In that very moment, Felix had decided with a determined face, that he was going to find other things that would make him smile. Hobbies, they were called. He couldn't rely on Chan, especially when his intentions were so clouded.

Felix finished washing up and walked out of the bathroom. He pinched the top of his shirt that he had been wearing since only last night and held it up to his nose, sniffing it. He shrugged, smelt okay.

He left his room and took the stairs two-by-two, eager to get some food in his mouth. He turned into the dining room and flinched as his eyes caught his friends sitting around the table. He stopped in his tracks and looked each of them in the eye, who were just staring at him. Were his pants on backwards?

He didn't think so, but he still looked down to check. Nope.

He slowly began walking into the dining room again, "uhh, so, not to be rude or anything..." they all waited for him to continue, "but why are you all here." He finished, feeling a little bit guilty as it sounded like he wanted them gone. He didn't, he was just genuinely confused.

After a minute of silence, Seungmin decided to speak up. "Okay so the big scary but nice man asked us if we wanted to stay and we figured the drive would be bothersome soooo," he met eyes with Felix, "here we are." He blurted out.


Felix slowly nodded, assuming that the 'big scary but nice' man was mr Bang. He decided to take a seat in the empty space next to Jeongin and upon seeing him, one of the maids whom were standing in the corner almost immediately ran to the kitchen, probably to fetch his breakfast.

She came out and set a plate of scrambled eggs with toast on the side in front of him, his favourite. The 50 year old women had a nice, genuine smile and it just made Felix smile too, "thank you soo-young" he spoke gratefully, not sure if it was for the food or giving him the pleasure of smiling sincerely.

She nodded and left to go take care of some matters. Felix grabbed his fork and knife and cut into his egg, taking a bite and kicking his legs happily.

Suddenly he heard a voice break the silence, "I have so many questions"

Felix paused the fork, about to go into his mouth, and turned his head to look at Seungmin who was sitting beside Jeongin. He sat up from his slouched position and stared back, "what questions?" he cocked his head.

"Questions about everything."

That was when it hit him that ever since the camp, they hadn't spoken to him at all. He had mysteriously left without saying a word, and suddenly he appears at Chan's family home, knowing the names of the maids.

Plus, Jisung was the only one who knew anything about Felix's background and family life, so, they would be in much confusion.

He placed his fork slowly down on his plate and caught the eye of Jinyoung, who sat opposite of him. Jinyoung knew everything, all of it. Even more than Jisung did by this point.

The two boys communicated through their eyes, Felix giving a panicked look, Jinyoung showing reassurance, it did help.

But Felix didn't exactly know what parts to explain and what to leave out.

He cleared his throat, about to attempt to explain firstly about how he'd been living with his fathers friend. "Um...okay so..," he was nervous, he didn't know why, "the reason why I'm staying here-"

"His dad is on vacation." Everyone turned to look at the stairs where the noise came from. It was Chan, walking down the stairs, fresh clothes and hair. It looked like he was avoiding making eye contact with Felix.

He walked into the kitchen and not three seconds later, walked back out with one piece of Vegemite toast in hand, proceeding to go up the stairs.

Was that all he was going to eat? Felix frowned.

Wait...did Chan know, about Felix's dad?

Chan decided that today was the day he was going to talk to the owner of this house and rattle out everything. There was much he was curious about, but there was one thing that he could not seem to figure out no matter how hard he tried, and this, was killing him.

He made his way to the huge office and barged through the doors, taking a seat across from the balding man.

He looked so shocked that he almost dropped the papers in his hand. "Chan?" He remover his reading glasses, "What are you doing here?"

Chan tapped his fingers against his the desk, "why," he made eye contact, "am I Seo Changbin?"

I am so so so sorry for not updating for almost a month guys,, I've been catching up with school work and assignments and stuff 😭😭


just started writing a new book called 'facade', it's a got7 jaebum fanfic so if anyone is interested in it please check it out!! It's really good and her updates are a lot faster than mine 🤧🤧

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