《The Ground ( O.BxO.C)》dang *super short*


Me and John were taken back to camp and split ways after being helped. John went to the meat house me to help Raven. As I was there Finn came in and it got really awkward. Which leads me to were I am now.

"we are I just want you to be happy" Raven said facing Finn. He looked as though he was gonna say some thing but was cut off by yelling. We all rushed out of the tent to find people running and the meat house on fire.

"JOHN" I yelled running over to him. Finn and Raven stood staring at the scene in front of them. When I got to John I saw Octavia as well "shit Guard dog is she ok" he ignored me ha fuck you too. I went back to checking on Murphy.

Before I could react he shot up "this is all your fault" he yelled at a boy. "we told you it was to much wood" then threw a punch. Bellamy and I both shot up me grabbing Murphy and him grabbing the kid.

"hey stop save it for the grounders" Bellamy warned glaring at them. I shot the kid a death glare. Octavia was first to say something.

"now what are we gonna do that was all are food" she questioned. I know I was just restraining Murphy but I lunged and punched the kid. Murphy grabbed me and held me back. Bellamy and Clarke shared a look.


Me and Murphy are talking when the hunters arrive. He starts to do something with what looks like a fish when Raven walks behind us. "the hunters back" she ask and I nod "is Finn with them" she ask again.

"nope but don't worry I'm sure Clarke is keeping him out of trouble" he tells her as she walks by. I hit him in the arm. He looks at me confused.

"don't John don't" I whisper to him. Then start helping with the fish.


I know I know its short but I just wanted to get something out to you guys, gals, and non-binary pals.

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