《The Ground ( O.BxO.C)》Hole


Murphy and I have been walking for about forty minutes when I noticed his limp. "hey Murphy why don't we take a break" I suggest genuinely worried. He shakes his head reluctantly "no we have to keep going what if they catch us" he shoots back at me almost tripping.

"Murphy look at yourself your leg you nails your eye" I point to his hands were the grounders had ripped his nails out for information. He sighs defeated "hey and we are almost back we should be fine to take a break." I lied.

He nods "I guess and um how's your side holding up" he sat on a log. I looked down at my bandaged side remembering the arrow being pushed further into my side when I fell. " please don't remind me its there" I grimace at the memory.

He nods looking around "hey Jess" he speaks up. I stay looking down humming letting him know I'm listening. "do you think what I did was wrong" he said barley above a whisper his words causing me to look up at him.

He diverted his eyes to a near by tree "Murphy I think you were mad and I think you were doing what the people did to you" I pause thinking "I mean when you think about it Bellamy says it was Clarke's fault for telling everyone, but he was the one who kicked that log he didn't give you a chance to explain" I make my thoughts known.

He looked at me his eyes glossed over. I know Murphy never cried so I stood "alright we should get going" he nods standing quickly. We walked in comfortable silence the only noise that could be heard was Murphy wincing when ever he almost tripped.

Its now dark are only source of light is the moon over head. As we walked I looked at the sky wondering whats going on up there. Then my thoughts slowly drift to Octavia. Is she okay? Is she happy? Is she mad that I left?


"Look" Murphy's voice dragged me out of my thoughts. He was pointing a bit left from where I was looking in the sky. I looked over to see what looked like a meteor shower. There was at least three dozen rocks floating towards earth.

"maybe earth ain't so bad after all" I chuckled.


"shit Murphy run!" I yelled as the grounders kept chasing us. We had decided to take a rest because my side was hurting and Murphy couldn't feel his legs. When two grounders decided to try to attack us. Lucky for us I saw them coming so Murphy and I ran.

"I can't run any faster" he yelled from behind me. I turned around running back for him memories of when I tried to save Atom flashed threw my mind. I stopped my movement seeing Atom in the fog again. "JESS" he yelled I could hear him but I could not move at all.

The grounders had closed in on us Murphy finally got to me. Grabbing my shoulders "Jess hey come on snap out of it" he shook my shoulders, but I was still frozen in place Murphy seeing this Murphy went to his last resort. Pulling his hand back then forward quickly leaving a sting on my face.

I shook my head coming back to my senses right as a grounder went to hit Murphy. I threw Murphy be hind me so I took the hit instead. The grounders knife went into my arm that I threw up to block my face. I took in a sharp breath before lunging at the grounder.

Tackling him to the ground we fought until I was pushed off of it. Now there was two grounders and I was on the ground. One went to stab me but got hit in the back off the head with a piece of wood. I looked over, it was Murphy he had managed to stand long enough to get a hit in.


The other grounder growled? Then lunged at Murphy only to be stopped at the sound of a horn. The sound seemed to alarm him because he grabbed his friend and ran off.

I stood up wiping some mud of my face. Murphy looked at me before falling forward. I jumped to catch him. Setting his arm on my shoulder taking some of his weight. "what do you think that sound was" I asked him. He just shrugged and we kept walking.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We are still walking finally getting close to camp. Murphy still using my shoulder for support. I can see the light. No not 'The Light' I mean I can see torch light fire light in the dark. "John John look do you see it" I asked smiling.

He looked up slightly "yeah" he responded voice cold. I don't blame him for not wanting to be here and trust me we would not be if we had some where else to go. Right when I went to say something I tripped. Cans rattled alerting the camp of are presence.

I set Murphy down making some leafs crunch. Before I could move again gunshots rang out. I fell behind the bush. Gasping I looked at my side a bullet hole right threw the previous cut. Light began coming toward us along with footsteps. "get in a ball and be quiet" I whispered to Murphy remembering that if you get as small as possible its harder to be seen.

"Octavia slow down" I heard someone say. Octavia? The light was super close when someone moved some of the leaves over. Octavia and a few men peered down at us. I stayed laying on the floor not moving while Murphy on the other hand crawled back when Octavia touched him probably out of fear that they would kill him.

"oh my god"

"no way"

"Murphy" "Jess"

A/N: To those of you who read this I want to say thank you. I apologize for taking so long to update. Also I want to know your ideas on what should Lincoln be to Octavia. I'm not sure let me know in the comments. Again thank you for reading.

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