《The Ground ( O.BxO.C)》Fun


It has been a day since I left camp. There has been no sign of Murphy so far and my mind is racing. What if he is dead? What if he is dyeing right now? What if I already passed him? What if he hurt? And the one that scares me most is what if he is already found his way back to camp. I was brought out of my thoughts when something wen flying by my head.

Quickly looking over to see an arrow stuck in a tree. I look in the direction of where the arrow came from. Nothing absolutely nothing just silence. That is until two more arrows come flying at me. I grab one right before it hits my face. Unfortunately the second one goes right into my side. Screaming in agony I decide its best if I don't stick around. I turn the other direction running as fast as I can ignoring the burning sensation in my side.

Not paying attention I trip over a tree root which resulted in me landing on me side bushing the arrow farther. I let out another scream as my hands shot down getting covered with the black liquid that was now coating my shirt and jacket. I suddenly felt a stinging in the back of my head. Turning I see four people dressed in strange clothes. The one holding the rock slammed it to my head again and everything went black.

I open my eyes taking in my surroundings I am on the ground. Hands tied to a tree behind me legs tied and my we pons discarded. A guy looks at me turns his head looking at me. Quickly he nudges another guy saying something I cant understand. Then running off to a big tent looking thing.


I try to stand only to hiss at a burning in my side. Looking down threw my ripped shirt I see a bandage over my whole side. Some one clears their throat causing me to look up. A tall girl with green eyes is looking at me. She has on armor and a red sash flowing over her shoulder.

"who sent you" she says but I can't understand her. I tilt my head to the side confused staring at her. She ask again "who sent you" I stair at her blank face green eyes looking at me curiously.

" I don't quit understand you" I say sitting up wincing. She nods looking at my bandage "what happened" she says in English so I can understand. I look down at my bandage.

"oh one of those dudes shot me" I nod to the tree that captured me. She glares at them clenching her jaw. She looks at the guy beside her "I thought I told you she remained unharmed" she says in her language I guess. The man looks at her in fear saying something then running of.

Looking at another "untie her" she says. He does as told and unties me i take this as an opportunity grabbing him by the wrist twisting it back holding him. He flips me over and i land on my feet tripping him. I put my foot on his back "wow you let a sky girl beat you" a guy laughs.

"my turn who are you and what do you want" I point at her but she only chuckles. I push on the mans chest causing him to grunt in pain. "I'm not joking" i glare at her locking eyes. We stair waiting for the other to back down.

"let him go we are not going to hurt you" she says "I will explain everything" she reassures. I sigh stepping off the mans chest. The girl starts walking and I follow.


"so your telling me I'm something called a night blood" I question and she nods. "yes in fact are first commander was a sky girl who was also a night blood" I stare at her amused.

"HEDA" a man yells getting Lexa's attention. So what happened was Lexa took me and showed me around their home called TonDc. She also explained everything about my blood and her people. "heda we found a sky boy wondering are borders" the man says.

I stare confused at what he is saying but Lexa stands "Excuse me Jess but I have to go" she tells me and leaves. I stayed till she was out of view then i followed them. They walked to the entrance of TonDc. There they had the person i came out here for, Murphy they had him tied up the same way I was.

I wanted to run to him to help him but, right as I was about to round the corner Lexa looked my way so I quickly flung back around. Only to come face to face with a women "oh hi I was just ya know I was just leaving" I quickly darted off.

Around twenty minutes after I left I could hear screaming Murphy's screaming. Once it finally stopped I waited until Lexa went into her tent and, ran out to were they had Murphy. Which leads me to were I am now, untying Murphy.

"Jess Jess is that you" he chocked out he is covered in blood and dirt. I look at him almost crying I nod. "its ok I'm gonna get you out" I tell him. Just then we hear foot steps approaching. I work on untying him quicker "Jess leave hurry they will do the same to you if they catch you please go" he begs.

I look at him shaking my head "no Murphy I'm getting you out of here" I tell him moving to untie his feet. The foot steps get closer an I finally get him untied grabbing him quickly and pulling him behind a wall.

The man doesn't seem alarmed he just smirks. I pull Murphy with me threw the back of TonDc. "Murphy go" I tell him pushing him a little "no no your coming with me" he chocks. I mean I want to stay but I have to go he won't make it two minutes on his own.

"fine come on hurry" I throw his arm over my shoulder holding half his weight. We walk into the forest as quick as we can to get away from the grounders. I sigh looking back "goodbye" I whisper. I know that I'm Skikru but the Trikru get me they understand me they don't lock me up because my blood. I look back at Murphy nodding and we set off on are journey to the dropship.

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