《Crossing Boundaries| Bellamy Blake》14| Picking Sides


Bellamy had tried his best all morning to hide the marks around his neck. He was constantly pulling and tugging at his shirt or adjusting his jacket.

Then he stopped, why did he care? It wouldn't be the first time he had slept with someone. It wouldn't be the first time someone saw him with marks from the night before either, so why did he care now?

Because of the person he got it from. He got it from a Grounder. And from Cattleya of all people. Someone he clearly shown he hated.

He was the first to talk shit about Grounders and now he was the first to have sex with one. He was a fucking hypocrite! Fuck! How could he be so stupid! Letting a Grounder get into his head. That's probably what she was trained to do.

But that wasn't true and he knew it. Cattleya had asked him if he wanted her, if she was told to have sex with him, she wouldn't have asked. Cattleya was an honest person but she was loyal above everything else; she was loyal to her people, even if that meant turning on him.

Bellamy kicked a burned piece of wood. It doesn't matter! It was a one time thing. It's not like he would let it happen again. Bellamy wasn't in his right state of mind last night. He was still getting over the damn virus the Grounders sent over.

Bellamy got back to tent. He had a enough shit to deal with today. Most of the camp's food supply completely burned up after one of the boys put too much wood in the pit, and now, most of his people were out gathering more meat. While he stayed behind and took care of the camp.

He opened the flap to his tent and noticed someone already in. Raven. "What are you doing in here?"

"They don't waste time. I'll give them that. What's it been, a day and a half?" She said pacing in his tent. To be honest, Bellamy couldn't care less about some stupid love drama Raven had going on with Finn and Clarke. He already had to deal with her shit once today.

"Mistaken me for someone who cares. Time to move on." He said starting to show her out until she started taking her clothes off. "What are you doing?"

"Moving on."

"I've never been with anyone but Finn. Take off your clothes." Bellamy only stared at her. In his opinion, Raven was nothing like Cattleya. Raven was very straight-forward, he'd give her that. But Cattleya...well, she fascinated him-shit! No! He needed to get this Grounder out his head. "Fine. I'll go first." Raven started taking off her remaining clothes.

"If you're looking for someone to talk you down, tell you that you're just upset and not thinking straight, I'm not that guy." He needed someone to get her out his head.

"Good." Raven pressed her lips against Bellamy's and he prayed she'd get Cattleya out his head.

Cattleya sat on a branch of a tree that hovered perfectly over the Skikru camp grounds. Anya sent Cattleya and another warrior, Reno, to spy over Skikru and keep track of their movements and weaponry. But Cattleya couldn't help but spy on other things. Bellamy, in specific.

She watched Bellamy tugged on his jacket as he tried to pull it up higher over his neck. Cattleya smiled each time he ran back and forth around their camp. It was like watching a squirrel jump between trees. She watched him kick a piece of burnt wood before he entered his tent. He was clearly mad about their camp losing all of their food.


He stayed in his tent for a while. For a long while. What's he doing? Well, did it really matter what he was doing? It wasn't any of her business, but Cattleya grew more curious by the minute.

She careful jumped between trees to get closer to Bellamy's tent and cautiously lowered herself down just enough to see through the sliver opening of his tent. She could Bellamy and Raven having sex in his tent. Cattleya blinked a few times just to make sure what she was seeing was right but the sight was all the same. Bellamy and Raven, together. They didn't even like each other. A lump grew in her throat.

Fuck him! Not even a day later! She thought-she really thought-she thought what? That last night was special to him? Why would it be special to him? Last night was like any other night to him. Why would this one be any different?

Maybe because they spent night after night knowing and trusting each other. He was the first person in so long she could be honest with. She didn't know how to be anything else but herself around him. A luxury she didn't have anymore. Clearly, he didn't feel the same way.

Not even a fucking day later! It really was nothing and she knew that now. Honestly, what did Cattleya expect, it was Bellamy. She knew deep down it would happen like this, but he couldn't wait a day! Cattleya was tired of all this shit.

Bellamy watched as Raven marched out his tent. He was angrier than before. The sex didn't help either of them, in fact, it made it worse. All he could think about was the night before with Cattleya.

To be honest, having sex once wasn't an option for them last night. And each time was better than the last. Every feeling they had build up against each other, and about anyone else, was released in one night. They would usually talk about it, but neither one of them were in a mood to. They were both so angry at everything and at each other, but now, they had to deal with the morning after feelings and it wasn't looking good for either one of them.

Bellamy now realized why she was so adamant on both of them staying up. They would never have a night like that again and she was trying to savior every moment.

Yet, she was the first to close her eyes. Bellamy's arms were wrapped around her body and he liked that he found it easy to hold her. He watched her breath until he felt his own eyes close. Until he woke up with a jolt and she was already gone. The sun was hardly up and Cattleya was no where to be seen.

Maybe this was what he was really mad about? She didn't stay-no! Cattleya is a Grounder. This shouldn't have happened in the first place. But he wanted it to happen, he let it happen and he knew it.

Why'd it have to be her? A Grounder? Out of all people, his enemy. Well, Cattleya wasn't his enemy, her people were. But she was very much a part of her people and she made that very clear. Shit! Why couldn't things just be simple for once!

Just two weeks ago, Bellamy would have killed Cattleya on sight, and now, all he wanted was to go back to last night as they both laid in his cot.

"We're not to leave our post." Reno said as he followed after Cattleya.

"You can stay if you want but I need to talk to Anya."


"Cattleya, we have orders!" He argued.

"And like I said, you can stay." In truth, she didn't want to be there anymore, in fact, she didn't want to be anywhere. She never knew what was going on anymore. Anya kept lying to her and she was trusting Xerxes more than her. She was her second not him! She was still completing all her duties. She was still loyal to her and her people. Just because Cattleya wanted peace with Skikru, didn't mean she was revealing their secrets to them.

Cattleya climbed onto her horse just as Reno stood in front of Patroclus. "Move out of my way or I run you over."

"Cattleya you have to stop!"

"No! I have to talk to her."

"I don't know what the Sky People have done to you-"

"They've done nothing! You think Pa wouldn't say we're doing the same thing?"

"It's not the same!"

"It is! You don't think Azegda was outside of our village watching us, planning when to attack? The same thing is happening and I'm tired of letting things just happen! I won't let it happen again." Cattleya whipped her reigns and Patroclus began to move.

"You won't find her." Reno said with a sigh.

"What are you talking about?"

"Anya sent me out here to keep an eye on you. She took two Sky People."

"Shit. What did they look like?"

"The girl had long, yellow hair, and the other, a boy with dark hair. He's always with the girl." Clarke and Finn. Why the hell would she take them?

"Why did she take them?"

"Lincoln told her about them." She whipped her reigns again and rode to Lincoln's cave.

"Lincoln." Cattleya called out entering his cave. "Lincoln!"

"Shhh! You shouldn't be here. If any of Trikru sees you, they'll declare you a traitor."

"I don't care what Anya said. What did you tell her about Clarke and Finn?" Lincoln let out a sigh.

"Tris isn't getting better. She keeps convulsing and Nyko has tried everything. Anya came to me as a last resort and I told her about Clarke, but I didn't think she'd take Finn."

"Anya must using him as leverage. If Clarke doesn't heal Tris, she'll kill Finn. We have to get them out."

It had taken up the rest of the evening for Cattleya to come up with a plan and sneak into camp. Lucky for her, nearly everyone was preparing for battle tomorrow, but Cattleya wore a war mask just in case of being seen. She walked into the halls were they kept the prisoners. It was the only place with no distinguishable features of the outside world.

She silently went down the stairs hearing voices as she neared closer. "Take him away and kill him." Anya commanded followed by a shouting of protest by Clarke. That could only mean one thing. Cattleya held down the lump forming in her throat.

Cattleya waited for the warrior to come closer before swinging her fist at his jaw knocking him out. She was quick to catch him and left him in a dark cell. Cattleya quickly held a knife to his throat before he tried running away. He was better safe with her than trying to fight everyone off out there. "Don't say a word." She led him out the camp and deep into the forest toward the Fire Post.

"Hey, we can talk-" Cattleya's took off her mask. "Cattl-" she covered his mouth before he can finish.

"Not so loud. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, but how did you know?"

"Lincoln told me. He's gonna help get Clarke out, okay? You'll both be safe." Finn hugged Cattleya. "Finn?" She didn't want to ask. She didn't want it to be true. "The little girl that Clarke had to save, Tris, did she make it?"she asked as they pulled away.

Finn's silence said it all. "I'm so sorry." Cattleya squeezed her eyes shuts to refrain from crying but they always managed to slip out. She breathed heavily for a few seconds before learning to catch her breath again.

"Your fight is over." She finally breathed out. Finn kindly placed a hand on her shoulder.

"It's okay to cry." Cattleya ignored him.

"Come on, we have to get to the other Fire Post."


"No! What's done is done. We have to focus on keeping your people alive. Let's go." Finn followed Cattleya all the way across the forest and waited for Lincolns's arrival. Now all they had to do was keep a look out for Anya.

Anya soon arrived with her horse and Clarke on her back. Of course, Cattleya couldn't exactly tell what was going on but there was another Leader there, Tristan. He was from Polis. He had to be sent under Lexa's command and that meant his army's here. Skikru is going to get slaughtered. "What's going on?" Finn asked.

"The Commander sent another leader to our camp."


"Meaning our unit just doubled in size. They definitely want your people dead."

"And where does that leave you?" Finn asked. It was a fair question. One she hadn't asked herself. A question she didn't want to ask herself. She couldn't fight for both sides forever.

"I'm helping you, you can trust me." Even if it did mean getting disowned by her own people. By her family.

Cattleya grabbed two rocks and lit the fire post up. "This'll signal that Reapers are near and hopefully Lincoln and Clarke will be able to meet us here." She watched as another fire is lit in response. Tristian and Anya climb and on their horses and ride towards the river bank. "It worked." Finn let out a sigh of relief.

It had a taken a few minutes but Lincoln finally came with Clarke on his horse. To be honest, Clarke didn't look exactly relieved but she probably thought she was still getting killed. Lincoln cut off the rope around her hands as Finn and Cattleya came out from behind the fire. "Finn. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. I don't understand how..."

"Cattleya saved my life. She took out one of her own people to do it."

"Signal fire? That was you?" She asked Cattleya.

"We needed a distraction." Cattleya replied.

"I'd say it worked." Finn said. Cattleya and Lincoln both watched the other fire signal go out.

"Not well enough." Lincoln said.

"What's it mean?" Finn asked.

"It means Anya knows Clarke is not dead. We need to hurry. Let's hope they follow the horse." Lincoln slaps the back of the horse signaling it to run off.

"Hey, what do we do now?"

"Now we run. Come on. It's right up here." Lincoln rushed them. Finn and Clarke a million question before even reaching the opening. "There's a tunnel to your camp. If we make it through, we should get there before Tristan. Go. Go!"

"I'll fight them off." Cattleya said.

"No, you're a warrior. Skikru needs help fighting at their camp not here, let's go!"

"Lincoln!" Anya shot arrows at them. Cattleya cut them off with her sword. "Cattleya?" Anya knew now what side she's on.

"All right. Now get up and toss it over." Murphy told him. Bellamy tossed the belt made noose over the pole. Murphy was't being serious was he?

"What do you want me to say? You want me to apologize? I'm sorry." Bellamy said sincerely.

"You got it all wrong, Bellamy. I don't want you to say anything. I want you to feel what I felt, and then... Then I want you to die." Bellamy looked up at the noose and finally realized he might die today. He just didn't think it would be by Murphy.

Murphy made him bring over a stool directly under the noose. "Stand on it. Put it over your head."

"This is insane. The Grounders could..." Bellamy said trying to reason with him. They had bigger problems to deal with. Murphy shot a bullet into the side of the Dropship.

"Put it over your head." Bellamy caved in and placed the noose over his head.

"Happy now?"

"You're so brave, aren't you? I mean, you came in here thinking you're just gonna turn this whole thing around, that you were stronger than me, and maybe one of your friends would come and help you." Murphy taunted him. "Well, what are you thinking now, Bellamy? Hmm?" Murphy tugged at the noose and instinctively Bellamy tried to pull it further from his neck. Already his feet were float away from the stool.

"You know, I got to hand it to you, Bellamy." Murphy continued. "You got 'em all fooled. They actually look up to you, almost as much as they look up to Clarke. Yeah, well, we know the truth, don't we? You're a coward." He mocked. "I learned that the day you kicked out the crate from beneath me. Even that Grounder bitch had more balls than you and she was a fucking prisoner. You were just giving the people what they wanted, right?"

"I should have stopped them." Bellamy said sincerely.

"Yeah, it's a little late for that now."

"You think they're just gonna let you walk out of here?"

"Well, I think the princess is dead... but I know the king's about to die, so who's really gonna lead these people, huh? Me, that's who, and who knows maybe that Grounder bitch will fall for me, too." He wouldn't. Cattleya would kill Murphy before he could even get a word out. "She was soft on me before...I've seen the way you look at her and I saw her sneak into your tent last night. Yet again, maybe I'll have to kill her and your grounder-pounding little sister..."

Then they both heard a scream from underneath the dropship. "I'm guessing that's them right now." Murphy let fire on the floor of the dropship.

"No!" Bellamy starts to take off his noose before Murphy kicks the stool out from under him. Immediately, all the air is locked out him as noose hugs tightly around is neck. His hand clawed at his neck trying to loosen the noose.

"Using your hands is a cheat. Mine were bound, remember?" Murphy grabbed at Bellamy's hands. His vision was starting to go blurry but he still managed to punch in the face. As result, Murphy punch out whatever air Bellamy had left in his body.

Bellamy was starting to see visions-memories. His mom reading stories to him right before bed, holding Octavia for the first time, watching his mom get floated, coming down to earth, spending every good night with Cattleya until the last. He saw a light flash through his eyes. He didn't want to die, not today.

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