《Crossing Boundaries| Bellamy Blake》15| Repeating History


Cattleya, Clarke and Finn all turn to the sound of an explosion. "It's from the camp." Finn stated.

"We're too late." Clarke said. Cattleya let the two of them run ahead of her. It was amazing how quickly time had passed. The sun was shining out again but Cattleya had no perception of time anymore. She didn't even know what day it was anymore.

Luckily, they were closer to Skikru's camp than they bought and were able to get there in a couple of minutes. "Wait! Hold your fire! Clarke and Finn!" Miller announced. "Open the gate! Get in!" Cattleya quickly ran in after Clarke and Finn. "Cattleya?"

"Grounder!" Someone shouted and all guns we instantly pointed at her. Cattleya held up her hands in surrender.

"Don't fire!" Miller commanded.

"Don't shoot! Don't shoot!" Finn shouted at everyone.

"She's with us! She helped us escape! Put the guns down!" Clarke said looking for Bellamy for help.

"Put the guns down!" He command as he looked at Cattleya and she looked at him back. Everyone slowly but surely started to lower there guns.

"We heard an explosion? What happened?" Clarke asked.

"Murphy happened." Bellamy answered. Cattleya noticed a faint dark line around his neck. Until her attention was taken away when Jasper came out the Dopship asking for Monty.

"Monty wasn't with us and I didn't see him at the camp." Cattleya told Jasper.

"Clarke, we need to leave, now. All of us do. There's an army of Grounders, unlike anything we've ever seen, coming for us right now. We need to pack what we can and run." Finn announced.

"It's true, Trikru's unit doubled in size last night and they're all coming here, right now, to fight. You need to leave." Cattleya said.

"Like hell we do. We knew this was coming." Bellamy argued back. She hated when he did.

"Bell, we're not prepared." Octavia tried to argue.

"And they're not here yet. We still have time to get ready. Besides, where would we go? Where would we be safer than behind these walls?" He asked.

"There's an ocean to the east. People there will help us."

"I know the leader personally. She will take your people in. You'll be safe. They don't believe in war or fighting." Cattleya stated.

"You guys saw Lincoln." Octavia said.

"You expect us to trust a Grounder?" Cattleya glared at Bellamy. "This is our home now. We built this from nothing with our bare hands! Our dead are buried behind that wall in this ground! Our ground! The Grounders think they can take that away. They think that because we came from the sky, we don't belong here. But they're yet to realize one very important fact: We are on the ground now, and that means we are Grounders!" God, he's so fucking stubborn! They needed to leave and they needed to leave now! Enough of this speech shit!

Clarke managed to persuade her people to leave and everyone started to get a move on packing things. "Where is he?" Octavia asked Cattleya. She handed Octavia her sword.

"Lincoln wanted me to give this back to you." Octavia wanted to ask more questions until Raven cried out for help. Cattleya took out her sword in response. She wouldn't be surprised if they were already near.

Cattleya searched the trees as she heard the buzzing of everyone all around her. "And you! This was your idea too? Aren't you supposed to be some damn warrior?" Bellamy asked.


"I am, but your supplies are low, your people can't fight, and I can't kill every warrior that comes through that gate. Bellamy, I've seen this before. You're people have an option, a way out. I didn't." Cattleya could hear the screams already playing in her ears.

"What does that mean?"

"It means I have a second chance at making things right." Cattleya said.

"And you think we need your help?"

"I know the plan they're gonna throw at you. It was my fucking plan!"

"How do you know they won't change it?"

"I don't but your people don't stand a chance either way, and I'm not gonna let history repeat itself. You guys have an opportunity I didn't have, that my people didn't have, and I know your people will make it. You guys are gonna be okay; you can live peacefully." You? Not we, you.

"Why are you talking about it..." Why was she stating it like- "you're not coming." Bellamy stated.

"Someone has to take the blame." Cattleya said walking into the Dropship before she could watch his demeanor fall.

Clarke cauterized Raven's wound. "That should stop the external bleeding." Cattleya wondered around the bottom floor of the Dropship. She took in her surroundings of the Dropship. She noticed a knocked over stool and a cut off noose on the floor.

"I don't understand. How did Murphy get a gun?" Finn asked Bellamy. Cattleya, again, looked at the dark line around Bellamy's neck. Murphy tried to hang Bellamy just like Bellamy hanged him.

"Long story." Everyone started to go on and on about rocket fuels, bombs, Reapers and Raven's wound. It's like the conversations were never ending. Cattleya just wanted them to get the hell out of here before Trikru came.

"Look, if you don't hurry up, Trikru is gonna have their scouts out here before you can even step foot out the gate." Cattleya said.

"I'll get the stretcher." Finn said.

"Can't run away fast enough, huh? Real brave." Bellamy mocked Finn.

"Dying in a fight you can't win isn't brave, Bellamy, it's stupid." Finn corrected.

"Spoken like every coward who's ever run from a fight."

"And you talk about it like you've fought in one before. You have no idea what it's like to be in a war." Cattleya said to Bellamy.

"Well, if you're so scared then why are you staying?" All eyes turned to her as she glared at Bellamy and him at her.

"Your staying?" Clarke said.

"If I go, my people will never stop looking for me. I'll be more of a threat than help. I can't go."

"So you'll let them kill you?" Finn said.

"Yes, if that's what it takes."

"Cattleya, we need you. How are going to get there or communicate with them?"

"Their leader knows English and Lincoln gave Octavia a map. She'll guide you guys."

"Wait, what? Your staying?" Octavia said entering the Dropship. Cattleya stayed quiet and that was answer enough for her. "I'm not leaving without you."

"Octavia-" Cattleya started.

"No! You've helped us through everything, and if you think I'm gonna leave you here, then you thought wrong. If I have to help you fight off every Grounder that comes through that gate with you then I will! So you either come or I stay with you." Cattleya looked at Octavia then Bellamy. What was he doing? Why wasn't he objecting to Octavia? He wouldn't sacrifice Octavia to make her go, right?


"All right, that's enough. It's time to go." Clarke said. Cattleya pushed past Bellamy as she left out the Dropship. He followed after her.

"Hey!" He said grabbing her attention.

"Why the hell did you do that? If you have a problem with my decision then you deal it with me! Not with everyone else in the room."

"This war isn't going anywhere, the Grounders are going to find us one day, and whether I like it or not, we need you." She stayed quiet. He finally admitted it. "Look, if I have to drag you along with a fucking rope then I will." Bellamy sighed. "I'm asking you to trust me." Cattleya raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"It's nice hearing it come out from your mouth for once." Bellamy couldn't help but smile. She looked up at the trees as Bellamy went to take care of his people. It'll be a long time before she'd look at them again. Maybe it's better if she went off the live in Luna's Clan. There would be no fighting. No more worrying about wars. And no more hearing the eternal screams of her past ringing in her ears. Only the ocean.

Would she really leave everything she's know for them? The people she loves for them?

"Please tell me you're coming?" Clarke asked her.

"What would you say if I said I wasn't?"

"I'd say...that it's wrong, you're making the wrong choice...and I'm sorry we didn't try harder for you."

"You know the first thing I'm gonna do when we get to the beach?" Miller said to another Sky boy.

"No. What?"

"I want to go surfing." He answered.

"Do you even know how to swim?" Cattleya said making Miller roll his eyes. "Don't worry, I can teach you."

"How do I know you won't let me drown?"

"You think I would go through-" Cattleya saw movement in the trees. She stopped the group in their tracks.

"What is it?" Jasper asked as she stepped a little forward and immediately a spiral dagger came flying down at her.

"Get down!" But they weren't quick enough and a Sky boy was pierced in the face by the dagger.

"Grounders!" Jasper shouted.

Skikru began to run back behind the gates. Cattleya headshot her daggers at the warrior in the tree and at another nearby. Both scouts falling to the ground at relative times. She quickly took out her daggers from their bodies and followed Skikru behind the gate.

"If it's just scouts, we can fight our way out. That's what Lincoln would do." Octavia said.

"I already killed them." Cattleya said wiping the blood off the daggers on her coat.

"Just right now?" Jasper asked.


"That wasn't even a minute ago." Finn said.

"Look, do you guys have a plan or not?" Cattleya asked.

"Ok, then." Bellamy said moving the conversation along. "This is what we've been preparing for. Kill them before they kill us. Gunners, to your posts. Use the tunnels to get in and out. From now on, the gate stays closed." Bellamy commanded.

"Come with me." Octavia told Cattleya. She followed Octavia toward one of the fox holes until Bellamy got in their way.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. You're not a gunner." He told Octavia.

"No, I'm not. Like you said, I'm a Grounder." Octavia ran off but he held Cattleya back.

"Take care of her." He told her.

"Would you have let Octavia stay with me?"

Bellamy raised an eyebrow. "I would have dragged you both by a rope."

"I'll try to keep her safe." Cattleya said before picking up some ash from a nearby fire pit and painted on her war paint. Then, she went to follow after Octavia.

"Hey," Bellamy called out to her again. "I know I've been giving you shit...I'm sorry. For everything. Don't die on me."

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you care for me." They both shared a small smile. "Don't die on me, Bellamy."

Things got bad really quickly. Trikru was still using her plan, just like Cattleya had hoped. Skikru stopped firing as she soon as she told them about their plan, unfortunately, forcing Trikru attack Skikru. "Remember slash-"

"Don't stab and make it deep." Octavia finished.

"Only stab when necessary. Through the head stab, like a leg slash. Ready?" Cattleya asked. Octavia took in a few deep breathes.


"Good. Stay behind the gate."

"Wait, what! Where are you going?" Octavia asked but Cattleya ignored her as she climbed over the gate.

Immediately, she was greeted with a sword aiming down at her head. Cattleya blocked the sword, and with her other hand, stabbed the warrior in the neck with a dagger. 3. Counting the other two from earlier. Cattleya headshot her daggers to each passing warrior and quickly retrieved them as the next warrior came for her. 7. More warriors kept coming at her and more kept dying after. 13-no-14.

Bellamy had never seen anyone kill people using three weapons at once, or had never seen anyone kill as many people as she did in such a short time span. In fact, he could promise no else in this camp had either. It was so easy for her. This woman was different than the one he had in his tent the other night. "Remind me never to get on Cattleya's bad side." Miller said.

Bellamy looked through the sight of his gun and noticed Anya coming up behind Cattleya. "Cattleya, watch out!" He yelled and fired a bullet at Anya.

The bullet hit Anya's sword making it fall to the ground, making Cattleya turn to the sound. "You were going to kill me while my back was turned?" Cattleya yelled. "What, you couldn't bare to look me in the face as you did it!" Anya tackled Cattleya to the ground throwing a few punches to her face. Blood formed at Cattleya's mouth and she spit it back at Anya.

Cattleya forced herself on top of Anya and began punching her face. But Anya threw Cattleya off, separating the two. They both got up, waiting for the other to make the next move. They both did. The siblings threw each other at trees, punched, kicked and tripped each other until another warrior tackled Cattleya to the ground.

It was Xerxes. He raised his sword to her but it was stopped before it could puncture her chest. He was thrown to the side by Anya. "Get off her!" She commanded. "This has nothing to do with you. Go take care of Skikru!"

"She betrayed us! She's a traitor!" Xerxes argued.

"She's not your concern! Follow orders!" Xerxes reluctantly followed his command giving one last glare to Cattleya.

"Are you going to kill me now?"

"No, I'm going to let you live with the entire clan knowing that you're a traitor." Anya said. "Our parents would've be disappointed in you."

"Now, we both know that's not true. They would've never let this happen, and I wasn't going to let you do the same thing that Azgeda did to our village."

"We are not the same as Azgeda!" Anya argued.

Just then, an explosion broke through the sky. It was Skikru's people. Anya ran back to Trikru just as the screeches echoed through the forest. "Reapers!" Tristian shouted.

Cattleya ran through the forest trying to find a way back into the camp. "Cattleya." Bellamy called out. "Holy shit, are you okay?" He noticed the excessive amount of new dirt and blood all over her face.

"I'm fine. What are you doing out here? Is Octavia still behind the gates?" Bellamy went to clean her face up a little making her wince in response.

"She's with Lincoln. She was injured, he's gonna heal her." Cattleya leaned herself against one of the trees catching her breath. "Are you okay?"

"I've been better."

"It's good to see you alive." They smiled at each other.

"You too, we have to get back-" Trikru stayed to break down the camp walls. "No, no, no!" Cattleya and Bellamy ran as quick as they could to the camp. They entered through the foxholes just as Xerxes and Tristan slaughtered their way into the camp. Bellamy picked up a gun and aimed to shoot but nothing came out. He was punched to the ground by Tristan and Cattleya went to go help him.

Xerxes swung his sword down at Cattleya but she blocked it with her own. He sneered in her face, "I'll finish what Anya couldn't!" Xerxes swung his down again, except this time, Cattleya had a her dagger ready and she cut his forearm. Xerxes dropped his sword in response allowing her to cut through Xerxes' amor and kick him back.

He landed on his back with blood seeping out his chest. Cattleya went to finish the job before she was pulled by Finn in the opposite direction. "What are you doing!"

"We have to go before they burn the place up!"

"No. Bellamy! Where's Bellamy? Where's Bellamy!"

"He's ahead of us! Let's go!" They run away but not quick enough. The explosion caused Finn and Cattleya to be thrown forward. Her head collided with the ground. Finn landed next to her, her vision was becoming more unclear by the second. "Come on, we have to get up." He urged but Cattleya couldn't. She's guessed she had too much head trauma for one night.

Finn held Cattleya up with one arm around her waist as he carried her through the forest. They didn't get very far when Tristian knocked Finn in the back of his head. They both fell to the ground with Tristian looking over them. He lowered himself down to Cattleya. Small, blurred flickers of fire danced on his shoulders and unpleasing, burned smell came off him. "Let's see how well the Commander will take it when she finds that her own sister has betrayed her." Tristian took out a rope and tied up both Finn's and Cattleya's hands.

Tristan gave a little slap to her face and she spit blood back at his face. He raised a fist to her and like that, she was out completely.

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