《Crossing Boundaries| Bellamy Blake》8| Locus
Bellamy impatiently waited for the acid fog under the tent with Jasper, Finn, and Monroe, but nothing came. "Will this even work?" Monroe asked
"We'll find out." Finn said.
"No, we won't." Growing more impatient by the second, Bellamy lifted the tent above his head "There's no fog." Finn, Jasper, and Monroe moved out from under the tent.
"Maybe it was a false alarm." Finn suggested. Bellamy recognized a dark hair in the distance
"Cattleya?" He whispered to himself. Bellamy started to follow after her as she moved from his sight.
"What is she doing out there by herself?" Jasper asked.
"She's doesn't see us. I'm going after her." Bellamy said.
"And what? Kill her?" Finn asked.
"No. Catch her. I'll make her tell me where Octavia is." He said following after her. "She's out here by herself, she has to know where Octavia is." He practically growled.
"How do we know she's not leading us to some death trap?" Jasper basked
"We don't." Finn said.
Cattleya came back to the cave and found Lincoln laying on the cave floor while Octavia struggled to unlock herself with the key. "Why'd you knock him out?" She asked as she checked on Lincoln.
"i don't like confined spaces." Octavia stated. Cattleya grabbed the key from Octavia's hand and began to unlock one of the chains. Just then, Bellamy walked into the cave.
"Bellamy?" Octavia said.
"Octavia." He replied as he walked over to her. "Monroe, watch the entrance." Bellamy pushed Cattleya away from his sister. "Stay away from her." He hissed.
"I'm trying to help her."
"You knew where she was this entire time! Why didn't you tell me where she was!"
"Bellamy, I've been looking for her this entire time just like you!"
"Then how did you know where the cave was?"
"I was coming back to free her."
"You're just like him." Bellamy pointed at Lincoln on the floor. "You're just another Grounder who can't be trusted...." What the hell did he know! All she's done was do as he asked trying to gain his trust. What a waste of time! After, everything she'd done for him! His people were better left for dead. "You let Roma die."
"I didn't let her die! I tried to save her!"
"Just like you were doing with Octavia!" He snapped.
"Stop fighting! Cattleya isn't lying. We need to go before he wakes up." Octavia said indicating Lincoln.
"We're not leaving with her." Bellamy sneered. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill them both." Octavia argued and tried to push Bellamy out of Lincoln's cave, but Bellamy was stronger. Cattleya moved Lincoln out of Bellamy's reach while Finn stood in front of them. "They started this. Finn! Move!"
"She saved our lives!" Finn held up the fog horn. "Foghorn." Everything happened so quickly. Lincoln woke up and stabbed Finn at his side. Cattleya grabbed onto Finn before he fell to the ground.
"Why did you do that!" She yelled at Lincoln. "You're going to be okay, Finn, alright. Octavia! Come help Finn." Cattleya frantically searched around Lincoln's cave for medicine to stop the bleeding, or heal the wound, or numb the pain or something! There was so much commotion and shouting in such a small space, Cattleya just wanted everyone to shut up!
But then, all at once, the noise stopped. Cattleya turned around to find Lincoln on the cave floor knocked out and Bellamy swinging a rock at her head. Cattleya blocked Bellamy's arm before the rock hit impact. "Bellamy! Stop! We need to get Finn to Clarke." Octavia said.
"Not with her still alive." He neared her face.
"I'm not the enemy here, Bellamy." He pushed Cattleya against the wall but she pushed against him. She was strong, he'd give her that. Bellamy reached for the lock, locked her wrist to the chain and aggressively pushed her against the cave wall. He tried to hit her head again, but Cattleya kicked his leg from under him swiping him off his feet.
"Stop!" Octavia shouted as she tried to pull Bellamy away from Cattleya. "Leave her alone! Finn is dying and we need to get him to Clarke. Let's go." She commanded.
Bellamy picked up the key from the ground putting it in his pocket before carrying Finn in his arms. He gave Cattleya one last glare before he left out of the cave. Octavia wrapped her arm around Jasper's shoulder for support and turned to the Cattleya. "I'll come back for you. It's gonna be okay, I promise." Octavia said but she could tell Cattleya didn't believe her.
"Don't make promises you can't keep, Octavia."
It had been hours before Bellamy returned to the cave. He wasn't alone, he brought Miller and another Sky Boy. Bellamy walked toward Lincoln first. He noticed the black paint on his face like Cattleya used to wear only his was a different pattern. "Take him back to the Dropship." Bellamy commanded. Miller and the other boys roughly picked up an unconscious Lincoln, inconsiderate about his condition.
Cattleya tried to reach out to Lincoln to make sure he was okay but his body was out of reach. She only hoped that he was just unconscious.
Bellamy began to crouch down to the Grounder's eye level just as Cattleya stood up from the cave floor. Bellamy stood extremely close to her body, both of their eyes staring into one another's. Cattleya wasn't scared of Bellamy. She wasn't scared of what he might do to her, or what pain he might cause her. Cattleya knew she had been through worse.
"I wanted to trust you." He said catching her off guard.
"You and I both know that's a lie. You were quick to find any excuse to call me a traitor. Even after I told you the truth. You were never going to trust me." Bellamy stayed quiet and studied her. She wasn't scared. No matter the situation, she wasn't scared. He'd give her that.
Without saying a word, Bellamy cut a strip of her black undershirt and tied it around her eyes. Cattleya let him believe he was taking her hostage, again; this was the only way he would unlock her from the chain. She wanted to hate Bellamy for what he was doing but she understood. He was doing this for his people and for what he believed in and her people would do the same. She would do the same. She's done the same.
Bellamy took out the rope from his pocket and tightly tied it around her wrist before unlocking her.
Bellamy grasped her left forearm and pushed her forward. "Let's go." He ordered. Cattleya tripped her way out the cave steps as Bellamy continued to push her forward. Cattleya took a deep breathe in. If she was going to be taken, she wasn't going without a fight. She grounded her feet and pulled against Bellamy's dragging. Eventually, she fell to the ground followed by the sound of a click. "You come with me or I put a bullet through you."
"You better make it a kill shot." Cattleya waited for the sound or the pain of a bullet, but instead her head was hit with the end of his weapon, causing a different kind of pain to course through her head.
Cattleya's vision was incomplete darkness but now her other senses weren't working properly either. Damn, he really hit her hard. The muffled sound of the trees ruffled violently from the strong wind. The rain were like sharp needles poking at their skin. A storm was coming. A big one.
It felt like hours until Cattleya heard the sound of the makeshift gates open. "Hey! They're back!" A Sky Girl shouted." A few seconds later, she felt the incline of her stumbling legs walking up the Dropship.
"Bellamy!" Cattleya swung her head to the muffled sound of Octavia's voice. "What the hell are you doing? Let her go!" Gentle fingers touched her exposed cheek until they were taken away.
"It's time to get answers." Bellamy said.
"Oh, you mean revenge." Octavia snapped.
"I mean intel." He pushed Cattleya forward into someone else's arms. "Get her upstairs." Climbing up the ladder was difficult but they had managed to take her up two sets of them.
Cattleya's right side of her body slam against the metal wall of the Dropship. She slid down the wall guiding her to the Dropship floor. Cattleya prepared herself for whatever fate Bellamy had in store for them. Her father had taught her to go the Locus.
"Locus, is that place where no one else can go. It's your place and your place only. No one can hurt you there." Her father told her. It was as if he was right next to her, guiding her to Locus.
She was home in Otom. She was twelve. She was young. She was pure. She was happy.
Her Ma was alive. Her Pa was alive. Her siblings were innocent. Her life was full of love and no worries.
The sky was waking up and they all sat outside their home watching the sky fight the blue and black night with a pink and orange morning. Her Ma wrapped her arms around Cattleya's body and rested her chin on top of her head. Her Pa held a curious five-year-old in his arms where he would be forever safe. And her sisters, sat on either side of them. Cattleya closed her eyes and inhaled the scent of the morning dew.
There was no one else in the world besides them. Nothing dared to disturb their happiness and wholeness. Nothing could hurt her here. No one could hurt her here. She was home and she was safe.
This is her Locus.
Bellamy saw Cattleya's eyes dilate in size as he removed the black clothing from her eye. He had tied each of the Grounder's arms with seat belts and attached them to the Dropship: the bronze-toned male was tied up to the back of the third floor, whereas, Cattleya was tied up to the right side wall of the Dropship.
Bellamy had removed the black clothing from around her eyes so that she could see him torture her friend and maybe it would break her, and he would get answers. But, when he saw her eyes it was if she was looking past-no, beyond him. Cattleya was awake, blinking, breathing but she wasn't here. Did he do that to her? No, if he had hit her hard enough, it would have made her unconscious, not do whatever this was. Right?
Lincoln looked at Cattleya from across the ship and knew she was safe. She wouldn't break and she would be okay. As much as Lincoln wanted to reach Locus, he wasn't able too. Locus was a state of mind very few people could reach, but Cattleya's family were notorious for reaching Locus. They trained since they were old enough to fight. "What's wrong with her?" Bellamy asked him.
When the Grounder didn't answer, Bellamy whipped him with the end of the seat belt. "What's wrong with her!" Bellamy asked more sternly. Suddenly, a large noise came from outside the Dropship. "What the hell was that? We under attack or not?"
"Storm damage, we're okay." A tall sky boy stated. Bellamy nodded and turned his attention back to the Grounder.
"We're gonna try this one last time. What's your name? Where's your camp? How many of you are there?" Bellamy asked. Again, the Grounder didn't answer and Lincoln paid the consequences. Behind Bellamy, Miller looked through the Grounder's bag and found a few vials and a notebook.
"Hey, check it out." Miller showed Bellamy the vials in his hand. "What is all this stuff?"
"Who the hell knows with these people?" Bellamy said. Lincoln struggled against his restraints to reach out to his bag; his notebook was in there. "Looks like we found something he doesn't want us to see, Miller." Just as Lincoln didn't want, Bellamy flipped through his brown leather notebook. "It's our camp. Guessing that all those marks add up to 102. 10 are crossed out. That's how many people we've lost." He flipped to a page with a drawn face he knew all too well. The Grounder had drawn Octavia into his notebook, something deep inside Bellamy snapped. "You've been watching us ever since we got here!"
There had only been one Grounder that had been with them since they first landed on Earth. Bellamy looked over to Cattleya with her hands tied above her head, and with her eyes still glazed over. "Was she with you? Was she your spy?" He asked. Lincoln stayed quiet and a few seconds later, the seatbelt snapped against the side of his torso.
Bellamy realized he wasn't getting anywhere with torturing just him. He walked over to Cattleya and roughly gripped her chin upward forcing her to look at him. Her eyes gazed into his brown ones as he let his thumb brush over her soft cheek. She was gone. Bellamy couldn't hurt her, he convinced himself. He wasn't hurting her. She was too far gone for him to reach. She would be okay, he convinced himself.
Bellamy clenched his right fist tightly before he swung it against Cattleya's left cheek. Miller looked down at his feet as he tried to block out the sound of Bellamy's fist colliding with her cheek. As much as Miller hated the Grounders, he couldn't watch Cattleya's face get punched.
Lincoln saw a small drop of blood escape from Cattleya's mouth. He wanted to help but he couldn't do it. They both knew it didn't matter who you knew or where you grew up with, you could be family, and you would be killed if you spoke a word about their people. Declared traitors. Cattleya would understand that.
The Grounder's face was the first thing Clarke noticed when she climbed up to the third floor. The Grounder held a furious gaze at Bellamy. Over Bellamy's shoulder, was a beaten Cattleya. Clarke rushed over to her. She gently held up her head to find bruises already forming on her cheeks and blood around her mouth and nose. "Bellamy, what did you do!"
"I did what I had to do." Bellamy roughly answered.
"She helped us!"
"She's a Grounder!" Bellamy pointed at the tied up Grounder. "His weakness."
"Well if he didn't hate us before, he does now." Clarke stated.
"Who cares. How's Finn?" Bellamy said trying to change the subject before the guilt built up in his gut.
"Alive." Clarke simply answered before continuing to argue about keeping and torturing the Grounders for "intel". Clarke acted humane until Finn started seizing. She figured out the knife the Grounder used to stab Finn was laced with poison. "What's on this?" She held the poisoned knife to the Grounder's face.
"What are you talking about?" Bellamy asked.
"He poisoned the blade! All this time he knew Finn was going to die no matter what we did!" She explained. "What is it! Is there an antidote?"
Octavia followed Clarke up the third floor and immediately notice Cattleya. Her eyes began to sting with tears. Octavia lied to Cattleya and she knew she would. She told Cattleya that everything would be okay but now she's here tied up and tortured. "Clarke, he doesn't understand you!" Octavia snapped. Bellamy remembered the Grounder had vials the Grounder had in his bag. Maybe one of them could heal Finn. He told a young Sky boy to hand the vials to Clarke. Clarke studied he vials handed to her before placing them in the floor in front of the Grounder.
"You'd have to be stupid to have a poison around this long with no antidote. Which one?" She asked him but the Grounder remained quiet.
"Answer the question!" Bellamy shouted angrily. Octavia noticed the right grip her brother had on the makeshift whip.
"Show us, please?" She tried asking the Grounder.
"Which one? Our friend is dying down there and you can stop that!" Clarke desperately asked again. The Grounder was quiet again. Bellamy was getting frustrated and Finn was dying; they were getting nowhere with just asking.
"I'll get him to talk." Bellamy said grabbing the knife from Clarke's hand.
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