《Crossing Boundaries| Bellamy Blake》7| My Responsibility
"Don't Grounders have a sense of privacy, bitch!" Roma hissed.
"Shut up." Cattleya dismissed her. Roma tried to fight her but Bellamy held her back.
"Hey! Calm down." He told her. Bellamy turned his attention back to Cattleya. "What are you doing here?" He noticed her lips were a little swollen and had blood on them. "Did you untie the rope with your teeth?" Bellamy will give her this, she was very...adamant.
"Octavia, she's not here. She's not at camp." Cattleya ignored him.
"What are you talking about?"
"Octavia is missing!"
"And you expect me to just believe you?"
"No, but she would've been one of the first to help around camp. Plus, you think she would have let you tie me up without arguing?" A worried expression washed over Bellamy's face.
"I'll check the tents. Go get Clarke." Cattleya nodded in agreement.
Cattleya had to admit, she had gotten lost trying to find Clarke's tent until she had spotted Miller. "Miller!" She called out to him.
"Hey?" He said displeased at the Grounder shouting his name aloud.
"Where's Clarke's tent?" Miller pointed to an orange tent at the other side of the camp. "Why?"
"Octavia's missing. " She stated before jogging over to Clarke's tent.
"Did you tell Bellamy?" Miller asked right behind her.
"He's the one who told me to find Clarke." Cattleya opened the flap to Clarke's tent and found that she was awake. "Clarke, have you seen Octavia?"
"No. It's Octavia. She's probably chasing butterflies."
"Clarke, she missing. She's not at camp."
"Did you tell Bellamy?"
"Yes. He's checking the tents as we speak." Just then, Bellamy appeared by Cattleya's side.
"She's not in any of the tents." He informed them.
"Okay, let's go find her." Clarke stated.
"Thank you." Bellamy said.
"Don't thank me. I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing it for Octavia." Clarke corrected him. Bellamy nodded his head understanding as Clarke exited her tent. Bellamy turned to Miller.
"Gather everyone around camp."
"Hey, everybody, gather around and grab a weapon. My sister's been out there alone for 12 hours. Arm up. We're not coming back without her." All the Sky People went to gather their supplies at Bellamy's command. Cattleya noticed Clarke trying to convince Jasper to stay at camp.
"Hey, Jasper, you don't have to do this. You haven't left camp since we brought you back." Clarke said.
"Clarke, I need to do this." Jasper argued.
"We need all the people we can get." Cattleya intervened.
"We need a tracker." Bellamy stated.
"You have Cattleya." Clarke said.
"No, she stays here." Cattleya eyes widened. Why did she let herself think this time would be any different?
"What?" Clarke said. "Cattleya is better and faster than Finn. She can find Octavia."
"Finn! Get out here." Bellamy ignored Clarke. Cattleya scoffed at him.
"He's not gonna let me go." Cattleya stated to Clarke.
"You tried to escape earlier today or did all the water go to your brain?" Cattleya neared her face to Bellamy's.
"Look, like Clarke said, I'm not doing this for you." She snapped. "I want to find Octavia as much as you do. I'm going with you." She stated.
Bellamy meet her eyes. "Fine but try anything funny-"
"I get it."
"We're still bringing Finn. Two pairs of eyes is better than one."
"Sure." Cattleya said following behind him.
"Guys, guys. Come here!" A Sky person shouted.
"What is that? So bright." Another asked. Cattleya and Bellamy craned their necks up to the sky. Hundreds of light specks flickered in the sky. Cattleya had never seen this happen before.
"Did you see that? Look up there. It's so beautiful." A crowd began to gather around them. Cattleya had an uneasy feeling. Something was wrong.
Raven, Clarke, and Finn appeared by their side. "They didn't work. They didn't see the flares." Clarke stated.
"A meteor shower tells you that?" Bellamy asked her.
"It's not a meteor shower," Clarke said. "it's a funeral. Hundreds of bodies being returned to the earth from the ark. This is what it looks like from the other side." She turned to Raven. "They didn't get our message." Raven angrily stomped her way to Bellamy.
"This is all because of you!" She blamed.
"I helped you find the radio." Bellamy argued back.
"Yeah, after you and your Grounder girlfriend jacked it from my pod and trashed it!" Raven accused.
"What the hell are talking about, I found it for you!" Cattleya corrected Raven. Clarke pushed her way between Cattleya and Raven.
"Yeah, he knows. Now he has to live with it." Clarke said.
"All I know is that my sister is out there and I'm gonna find her." Bellamy turned to Finn. "You coming or what?"
"Yeah." He answered.
"What are we waiting for? Move out!" Bellamy commanded.
Cattleya and Finn crouched down studying the ground in front of them. They could hear the mumbling of the kids behind them. "How do we know the Grounder isn't leading us to some death trap?" One of them said.
"Just ignore them." Finn said.
"I don't care what your people think of me." Cattleya stated honestly. "I just want to find Octavia."
"We will." Finn studied the trail again. "Straight?"
"Straight." She agreed.
They continued to follow the trail leading Cattleya to a string hanging from a nearby tree. She nudged Finn's arm and pointed to the string. "Look over there."
"What is it?" Bellamy asked.
"Right there." Cattleya pointed at the rope. "You see it? Is that Octavia's?" She asked Bellamy.
Bellamy walked closer towards the string and held it in his hand. "Rope."
"What are you doing?" Finn asked.
"We need the rope to get back up." Bellamy went down the steep hill following the rope, crouched down and found an odd object on the ground. "Flashlight. It's her's."
"I'm going all the way down." Finn said following after Bellamy.
"Someone else was here." Cattleya slid down the small steep hill with ease and landed next to the Finn.
Cattleya noticed the footprints on the ground; one set of footprints were lighter than the others. "The prints are deeper going that way. They were probably carrying her." She said.
"If they took her, she's alive. Like when they took me." Jasper stated. They followed after the footprints until they approached a crossway with a sign at the entrance. The sign was made of a few letters and pictures.
"Cattleya, what does it say?" Finn asked. Cattleya was hesitant to give them an honest answer.
"Do not enter." She replied.
Many of the Sky People began to complain and retreat back to the Dropship. "Go back if you want. My sister, my responsibility." Bellamy stated as he walked through the cross path.
"I'd walk into hell to find her." Jasper said following after Bellamy.
"I think we just did." Finn said to Cattleya.
Most of the trail was set, so Cattleya let her mind wonder to her little brother. Aden was only six when he became Cattleya's full responsibility. She tried her best to raise him to become a strong person with discipline and manner. When he was eleven, as they were farming outside, Aden's nose began to bleed. He was a Nightblood and someone had noticed. Soon after, he was taken to Conclave training. Cattleya had cried for days; at eighteen, she truly was alone for the first time. No one there to distract her anymore and she didn't know how to deal with it.
The shifting pink sky blended with the black night as the sun rose from the east. "Why did you care about my sister so much?" Bellamy's voice startled her.
"She reminds me a lot of my siblings. They can be stubborn as hell and impulsive and even reckless, but I know they mean well and care for others." A small smile grew on Bellamy's face.
"Siblings? As in more than one? I can barely deal with Octavia. I can't imagine others."A smile also grew on Cattleya's face.
"Yeah, well, really the whole village felt like my siblings, and everyone got into fights with everyone. I think everyday if I'm being honest. But my sisters were the biggest pain in the ass." She laughed.
"So where's everyone now?" Dead or went their separate ways. It didn't matter if Bellamy was being genuine with Cattleya right now, she had to be careful of what she said.
"My oldest sister is a leader of her own unit and I'm second under her. My youngest sister is Heda," Cattleya slipped out. "and...she's a leader too but her unit is a...lot larger, and our brother is currently training to be a leader." She explained as vaguely as possible.
"Why do all your siblings get to be leaders and you didn't?" Bellamy asked.
"I chose not to be. I never wanted to be fighter; I always wanted to be a farmer growing up...with a big family. All the little kids running around. I wanted to be like my parents." She smiled but then it faded. "But that was quickly taken away from me." Bellamy had noticed Cattleya daze off into a memory. In the short time he had known Cattleya, Bellamy had never seen this look on her face, and frankly, it bothered him. Wait, why?
"How old are they?"
"The oldest is 25, I'm 23, my youngest sister is 20 and our brother is 14." Huh, they were the same age.
"He's fourteen training to be a leader of his own unit? That's a big burden for a kid."
"We've been through worse and I know I raised him the best I could. He can handle it." They walked side by side falling back into silence.
"Are you waiting for the rest of your family to come down from the sky too? Don't you want to see them?"
"It's just me and Octavia." Bellamy snapped. She must've struck a nerve. Cattleya sighed and began to walk ahead of Bellamy, but he gently grabbed her arm. "I'm sorry, it's just-I didn't expect that question. On the Ark, it was illegal to have more than one child, so technically, Octavia shouldn't exist and our mom was floated for it."
"The option of not having other kids, I couldn't imagine."
"Life wasn't easy in the Ark."
"Life wasn't easy down here. Looks like we finally have something in common." She smiled at him.
"I've got nothing. I lost the trail." Cattleya said standing up from her crouched position.
"The Grounder bitch, made us lose the track on purpose. I bet she doesn't even know what she's doing. She's probably leading us into a trap." She heard Roma comment under her breath.
"I haven't seen you do shit since we've been out here. So why don't you enlighten me; show me where Octavia's at." Cattleya turned to Roma. She stayed quiet. "That's what I thought."
"You fucking-." Roma neared her face to Cattleya's. Cattleya never wanted to choke a girl so much in her life.
"Hey!" Bellamy intervened between the two girls. "We don't have time for this."
"I lost the trail too." Finn said.
"Whoever took Octavia is skilled. They're one of my people."
"Yeah, no shit!" Roma commented.
"Roma." Bellamy snapped.
"I meant a warrior. It's not just some villager." Cattleya corrected herself. "They know what they're doing."
"Keep looking." Bellamy commanded.
"Wandering around aimlessly isn't the way to find your sister. We should backtrack..." Finn suggested.
"I'm not going back."
"Bellamy, Finn is right. We need-"
"Where's John?" Roma interrupted Cattleya.
"I just saw him a second ago." Jasper said. Bellamy told his people to spread out and look for John. Suddenly, John's body flew down from the trees with a slit throat. It was Cattleya's people and they're going to kill them one by one.
"No! Don't spread out!" Cattleya commanded as she kept her eyes on the trees. "Stay close." Finn followed Cattleya's eyes.
"They use the trees." Finn stated. The Sky People looked up toward the trees keeping a lookout.
"I told you guys we shouldn't have trusted that Grounder bitch!" Roma sneered aloud. "She lead us right into a trap!"
The Sky People began to panic around her, and they kept accusing of her things she had no control over. "We should run." Finn suggested.
"No. If we run things will only get worse." Cattleya stated.
"I'm sick of running anyways." Bellamy stated as he walked straight into the open woods.
"Hey, what are you doing?" Finn asked.
"You can't just walk out into the open, Bellamy!" Cattleya said.
"They know where she is." He continued to march on but Cattleya stood in his way.
"Bellamy, please for once, just think. Let's think about our next move before you start getting people killed." She warned.
"Get out my way." Bellamy ignored and pushed his way past her. He's such an idiot!
The Sky People began to stupidly call out their friend's name. "Roma!" Cattleya turned her head to the sound and noticed that Roma had run straight into the open. Cattleya knew she would regret it but she ran after Roma.
Cattleya had quickly caught up to Roma and tackled her to the ground before she could hurt herself. But then, another Sky Boy tripped on a string making a large trap impale him through his stomach. This caught both of the girls attention causing to Cattleya loosen her grip on Roma. Roma squirmed out from underneath Cattleya and screamed with all her might as she saw blood drip down the boy's mouth. "Shit!" Cattleya shouted and ran after her again.
"Wait! Roma! There could be more. Stop!" Finn shouted after Roma.
Sweat began to form on her forehead as Cattleya continued to run after Roma. It brought her back to when she was nine:
Cattleya ran through the forest running out of breath with each step that she took. She quickly climbed up the tallest tree she could find and camouflaged her small body between the leaves of the tall tree. She watched as her father looked up at the branches of her tree.
Cattleya tried her best to discreetly jump to the branch of another tree, but when she looked down to keep track of her father, he was gone. She moved onto the other branch only to bump into her father's chest. "Pa!" He grinned.
"Caught you."
"How? I thought I did better this time!"
"You weren't careful enough. I saw the branches of the trees moving. When you move between branches, you have to pick the strongest branches. They move less." Cattleya nodded her small head. "But, you did great in hiding only if you didn't move." Her father ruffled through her hair.
"Only." She said rolling her eyes.
"You have to keep practicing, Cattleya." He caressed her cheek. "Now, go back down and go find Lexa and Anya. Lexa likes to do sudden attacks, so she will cause a distraction before. And, Anya is stronger on the ground, so she will try to get you to lose your balance first. Got it?"
"Got it." Her father smiled.
"Get them." Cattleya smiled back brightly.
Everything happened all at once. Cattleya spotted Xerxes with a large spear in his hand. She saw Xerxes aiming at Octavia standing in front of a large tree, but she was quickly tackled and taken away from line of sight. Roma kept running and Xerxes let his spear fly. "ROMA! Stop!" Cattleya was too late.
Xerxes's spear dug through the front of Roma's chest and exited out her back into the nearest tree. Cattleya ran up to Roma's impaled body. Roma's eyes completely dilated and Cattleya closed her eyes. It was then she spotted Octavia's mouth covered by one of her people. "Lincoln?" She walked closer to him. "What are you doing with her?"
"She was hurt and I healed her." He answered.
"Her brother is looking for her everywhere. You need to let me take her back."
"No, she's hasn't properly healed."
"They have a healer." Cattleya argued.
"No." Lincoln snapped. Really? Was he serious right now? "You like her? Don't you?" Cattleya heard several footsteps in the distance and familiar voices approaching. "You don't even know her. You need to let me take her back!"
Lincoln ignored Cattleya and helped Octavia off the ground. Cattleya watched as Octavia struggled to walk, and wrapped Octavia's left arm around her shoulders but she was still having trouble. "My leg. I need to rest." Lincoln stopped and picked Octavia up in his arms. "Thank you. You saved my life. That girl back there, I knew her, So, if she's here, then so is my brother. Please, you have to help him, too. They'll kill him." Lincoln didn't answer back. "You don't understand me, do you? Great."
"We'll help, Bellamy." Cattleya soothed Octavia's dark hair.
Octavia continued to ask Lincoln several more question until they reach led his cave. "What are planning to do with her?" Cattleya asked him. Lincoln ignored Cattleya and handed her the fog horn.
"Go blow the horn." He commanded then proceeded to lock Octavia to a chain on the wall, despite her protest.
"You said you would help her brother so go help her brother." Cattleya stepped outside Lincoln's cave and took a deep breath in before blowing the horn into the sky.
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