《The Compound》Chapter 11
"Hello, Sweetheart." You heard Steve walk in through the front door, setting his bag down and hanging up his jacket.
"Hey, Stevie." You smiled and walked over to him, giving him a quick kiss, "How was your day?" You asked as you two began walking to your room through the modern hallways.
"Alright," He sighed, beginning to unbutton his dress shirt, "Better now." He smiled at you. He walked into his closet as you sat on the bed, continuing your conversation. "Bucky suggested a new place he and Rachel tried out," He walked out looking at you, throwing a plain grey t-shirt on. "I was thinking we could try it out for our date on Friday."
"Sounds great." You lightly smiled.
"I was also thinking maybe we could go out for lunch tomorrow," He walked and sat next to you on the bed, "I have a meeting from 11 to 12, but after that, you could stop by my office and we could go out. Only if you want of course."
"Yeah of course," You grabbed his hand, lightly squeezing it, "I would prefer to spend lunch with you than some of your partner's wives." You lightly sighed and he chuckled in response.
"You're too smart for them of them I know," He wrapped both arms around your small frame into his large one, squeezing you and kissing you on the top of your head, "Thank you for doing that by the way."
"It helps you, and I'm glad to help." He lightly smiled at you before getting up and grabbing your hand.
"I was thinking it's about time we actually spend some time together and read, it's been a while hasn't it?" He took the two of you out of the room and into the large library.
The next day, you were riding the elevator up to Steve's office in his building, mindlessly scrolling through social media which you had recently figured out on your phone. The elevator dinged, you walking out onto his floor and down a hallway, sliding your phone into your purse. "Hey, Dani." You greeted his receptionist at her corner desk.
"Y/N!" She said and smiled, revealing herself behind the giant Mac she was previously working on. "Mr. Rogers will be out any minute, he's finishing up a meeting. Feel free to have a seat." You nodded and thanked her, sitting yourself down in one of his comfortable leather chairs only a few seats down from where Dani and her desk sat in the empty reception area.
You continued scrolling through your phone, participating in the group chat Rachel, Lyla, and you had set up to pass time and set up logistics for brunch. You heard Steve come out of his office talking and laughing with another man whose voice you didn't recognize.
The two came out, both about the same height, both in suits. The mystery man had dark brown lightly curly hair, and a pleasant but huge smile, with a pair of sunglasses on. Steve's eyes finally met yours, and he smiled even more. "Hey, beautiful." He said as you got up.
"Hey," You responded. The other man briefly looked at you up and down before lightly smiling, you lightly smiled back.
"Tony, this is my girlfriend, Y/N." He glanced between the two of you.
"Y/N," Tony repeated and extended his hand, you grabbed his and shook it, "It's a pleasure."
"Likewise." You smiled and the two of you let go of the shake.
"So, how'd you end up with a piece of junk like Steve?" He asked. Steve rolled his eyes and you lightly laughed but slightly taken aback by the question. Because the true answer was weird, to say the least.
"Oh um," Steve could hear the hesitation in your voice.
"That's a story for another time, in which alcohol is involved." Steve lightly laughed and so did Tony. The two shook hands as he departed, Steve throwing you under his arm and giving you a quick peck of a kiss. "I hope Dani didn't give you too much trouble." He looked back to her who rolled her eyes.
"Of course not," You smiled back at her, "You're the only trouble in this office." You sassed him back.
"You're not wrong about that," Dani added on.
"C'mon love, let's go to lunch." He lightly smiled, "I just have to grab my coat." You followed Steve into his large rectangular corner office. It overlooked countless buildings in the city, all framed with floor to ceiling windows. The room was furnished with his large modern black desk, and mahogany brown colored leather chair. Two more leather chairs were across from the desk, slightly darker than his. The room was finished with a small living area with two couches and more chairs, a dark brown coffee table in the middle, and some filled bookshelves scattered around.
You noticed on his desk as well, right next to his computer was now a photo of you and him laughing at one of your friend get-togethers which Bucky took, and a photo he managed to snag of you smiling in the pool on his patio, your arms resting on top of one enough on the edge of the pool, your chin resting on your arms, and soaking wet.
You lightly smiled at both photos, as before Steve's office was bare of any photos. He immediately noticed your gaze, and smiled back, "I hope you don't mind," He began, referring to the photos, "I thought I would brighten up the office a bit with some more beautiful things." You playfully nudged him.
"I don't mind at all," You got on your tiptoes to peck his cheek, "And you're very cheesy Mr. Rogers."
"You love it." He sighed, grabbing his hand in yours.
You two went to a small lunch place about two blocks from the office. You and Steve conversed about whatever came to mind, ate the food of course (which you had to admit was delicious), and laughed at some terrible jokes Steve and you made.
You walked back through the busy streets of New York, going back up to Steve's office. He gave you a kiss before you departed. Of course, a car was waiting for you to believe who brought you back to the penthouse.
You had texted Steve later to ask him what he wanted for dinner, he settled on lasagna which you were more than happy to make for the two of you.
You went into Steve's library again, finding the cookbook section. You weren't even sure why he had one, considering Steve didn't know how to cook or bake before you. Carefully, you sifted through the untouched pages, finding a good looking recipe, and further grabbing the ingredients to begin.
While you were stirring the tomato sauce, adding some spices and herbs here and there, you heard Steve come in. "Hi sweetie," He came in, slipping off his shoes and taking off his suit jacket as always.
"Hey Steve," you called back, "How was your day?"
"Boring," He sighed, coming and giving you a hug from behind. "Lunch with you was my highlight." He smiled and kissed you. You smiled back.
"Lunch was great." You added on.
"Do you need any help, doll?" He asked, removing himself from you and rolling up the sleeves on his light blue dress shirt.
"Help would be great," You responded, pointing to the pasta. "Could you throw those in a pot of boiling water?"
"Of course," He said beginning the process. "Also," He added on, placing the pasta sheets in the large metal pot filled with scorching water. "We're going to have to cancel our date on Friday. There's an event, gala type thing, I have to go to. But I was wondering if you would be my date?" He smiled.
"Of course Stevie," You smiled up at him.
"I was also thinking I would take tomorrow afternoon off," You looked up at him, your eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "Well for starters we have a fitting for the event at one," He stated, momentarily checking the consistency of the noodles, "After that, I thought that maybe we could go and look for a new car for you?" This time your eyes brows shot up.
"For me?" You clarified in shock. He nodded, "Why?" You asked.
"I think you deserve some freedom. I mean, yes we're in the city, but there are so many places around where you go to. Of course, my men would follow you, but I want you to feel as free as possible."
"A-are you sure?" You asked again. He nodded.
-Time skip because I'm kind of lazy right now :)-
The following afternoon, Steve came into the penthouse at 12:30, greeting you with a kiss. "How are you?" He asked, his hand placed lightly on the small of your back.
"Good, how are you?" You responded.
"Better now that I'm with you." You smiled and rolled your eyes.
"You say that every day." You lightly chuckled.
"It's because it's true." He kissed you again. "Have you eaten, doll?" He asked, unbuttoning his shirt as you sat on the bed in your room, him across from you.
"Yeah. Have you?" You asked, aware of Steve's tendency to not eat for lunch because of work.
"No." He reluctantly sighed.
"Steven!" You snapped, standing up to face him, "You need to eat!"
"I'm fine, doll." He said, "Don't worry about me." You rolled your eyes at his nonsense.
"I need to worry about you when you can't even look out for yourself." You crossed your arms over your chest, "I'm going to tell Dani to force-feed you. And if she won't then I will." He lightly laughed.
"Yes ma'am." He finally said, "I love you." He smiled, leaning down now shirtless and giving you a kiss.
"I love you too." You replied and lightly smiled.
The fitting began pretty well. You had no clue how they worked, but thankfully the staff and Steve were extremely kind and patient with you. It began with being stripped and then wrapped in a white, plush robe which you had to admit made your senses melt into it.
There were elaborate gowns lined up on a clothing hanger, against the floor to ceiling window of your and Steve's room. One by one, you had a team of three people help you get into each dress. "These all match with Steve's suits," The lead, Miranda spoke while zipping you up in a long black dress. "So any suit he picks will match any dress you pick. Granted you have about five more items then he does."
So you shuffled through the dresses, shimmying in and out of each one, looking at yourself in the mirror as you and those around you took mental notes about what you liked and didn't like, and why. After about eight dresses, Steve came in. "How's it going?" He asked, walking over to look at you from behind through the mirror.
"Good," You lightly smiled, making eye contact via the mirror.
"Why don't we take a ten-minute break?" Miranda suggested you and Steve both nodded as everyone filed out to give you two some privacy. Steve smirked, looking at you up and down as you faced him.
"I wouldn't mind you staying in this." He smiled and started playing with the tie on the robe. You rolled your eyes.
"Oh please," You scoffed, "I feel uncomfortable enough."
"Why doll?" He asked, placing a small kiss on your neck.
"Because I'm almost bare in front of these people I've met what, an hour ago?" He lightly smiled.
"Good point," He sighed, "But you're sexy as hell." You rolled your eyes again, playfully nudging him.
The fitting continued, going dress by dress. Steve sat off to the side in an armchair, but still had a perfect view of you in the mirror, you had the same view of him looking at you. Your final dress was a velvet emerald gown, which draped over your body hugging every curve in the right places. It had a slit up by one of the legs and showed off a respectable amount of cleavage.
Everyone looked at you in awe, your figure on the verge of a being goddess. You looked in the mirror to see Steve's hands gripping the arms of the chair, his jaw locked and his pupils dilated in lust as he looked your body up and down a few times.
You personally really loved it, but you were still worried about your curves showing too much. Comparing yourself to Lyla and Rachel, you were noticeably larger. "I think this is it." Miranda smiled, everyone nodded around. "What do you think?" She asked you.
"I love it." You smiled. Miranda then looked back.
"Steve?" He lightly smiled, loosening his grip.
"She looks gorgeous," He smiled at you through the mirror.
"This it is!" Miranda said as they helped you get out of the dress and back into the robe.
Everyone else left, taking the dress so they would be able to come back on Friday when the event was. You went into your closet, picking out an outfit for you and Steve to go out. "Ready love?" He asked from outside your closet.
"Yeah," You walked over, holding your bag and grabbing his hand. You two got in his Jaguar and pulled out of the garage.
"So, what type of car do you want?" He asked, holding your hand as you two drove.
"I'm not totally sure," You sighed, "I'm not very picky, but I've always liked Range Rovers." Steve nodded.
"Then we'll go find you a Range Rover." He lightly smiled.
You two drove for about fifteen minutes through the streets of New York, Steve doing an effortless job at dodging cars and pedestrians, before you arrived at a large white building, with various sports cars lining the windows. Steve managed to park only a block away, you two shortly after walking down to the building, and through the large glass doors.
"Mr. Rogers!" A tall, slim man stood up from a desk, dressed in a suit and his dark black hair slicked back, smiling.
"Mr. Patterson, how are you?" He shook his hand, smiling back.
"Great man, how about you?"
"Good," Steve said letting go, "This is my girlfriend, Y/N." The man smiled and shook your hand.
"It's a pleasure."
"Likewise." You responded.
"So we're shopping for your new car today?" He asked, facing you. You nodded. "Any ideas?"
"Preferably a Range Rover," You lightly smiled, "But I'm pretty open-minded."
"Great," He smiled, "We have our Land Rover collection on floor four, so we'll head there first."
He lead you and Steve into the elevator and up. The entire place was modern but classy. "So we have three Range Rovers on display right now, however, if you would like certain specifications we can get one ordered for you." He stated, as the small box dinged and the three of you walked out, Steve and you hand in hand. "Delivery time varies from as little as 24 hours to a few weeks. Sometimes they have to be custom made." You nodded, understanding.
He explained all the elements and amenities the cars had, as you and Steve sat in them. You were taking some mental notes on them, you thought that they were beautiful cars in general. You could tell that Steve, however, was going to make sure this car was safe and okay. Especially with the number of questions he had. "What do you think doll?" He asked you. You ran your hand over the quilted tan seats, then the dark wooden console (which had a mini-fridge in it).
"I love it." You smiled and he smiled back.
"We'll take it," Steve told Patterson. So the three of you headed back down to the main floor, sitting in his private office with more marble walls and floor to ceiling windows.
You began discussing the specifics, such as color, engine, interior, and extra amenities. You finally settled for it to be white, with a tan interior, quilted seats, and dark wooden accents in the interior, including on the console. Steve also insisted you get every extra amenity from auto-park to additional technology aspects. "Would you like to make payments or pay in full now?" He asked.
"Pay in full," Steve said and pulled out his wallet.
"Alright," He said and typed a few things into his computer, "The car will ship in two weeks, is that alright?" Steve looked to you, letting you answer.
"Yes, of course." You lightly smiled, placing your hands on your knee, which was crossed over your other leg.
"Sounds great," He smiled, "Your total will be 221,260 dollars." He lightly smiled at Steve who without hesitation handed his card over. You were shocked, considering this man had spent more than the average person's yearly salary on a single car for you.
He put in the information, handing it back to Steve, and printing out a paper receipt. "We'll see you two in two weeks." He smiled at you two, shaking your hands once again.
"Thank you," You said as you and Steve began driving home, "So much."
"For what doll?" He asked as if clueless.
"For what?" You asked astonished, "You just bought me a 200 thousand dollar car!" He lightly smiled.
"You deserve it." Your mouth dropped open as your eyes went wide.
"I deserve it? For what?" You asked, looking at him. He chuckled.
"You put up with me," He sighed, "And my shit all the time."
"You're not that high maintenance Steve."
"Can I be honest for a moment?" He reluctantly said and looked at you, you nodded. "You're the second girl I've dated who has truly been in love with me, and not for the money." You sat there silently for a moment, "Every woman I've dated has been with me for my money and status and I was sick of that shit. That's why I went to The Compound, and I don't regret it." He lightly smiled. "And I've recently been coming home really late, but you're always there up and awake waiting for me with leftovers you've made. You genuinely care."
"Of course I care, Steve," You lightly said, "The least I can do to thank you for getting me out of there is to take care of you because some days you don't even take care of yourself. No offense."
"None taken. You're right about it though."
"Could I ask about the other girl who you loved?" You asked very lightly, playing with your fingers. He sighed.
"I might need some alcohol before I talk about that." He lightly chuckled at his own joke, and you nodded not wanting to push him further to talk about it.
Later that night you and Steve were cooped up in the living room, eating fast food burgers considering it was late and neither of you were up for cooking. Steve was also debriefing you about what the event would consist of, "Wait," You stopped his spiel, "We have to dance?" You asked him. He nodded. "I- I don't know how to dance."
"I'll teach you." He said getting up, holding his hand out.
"Now?" You asked, looking up at him.
"Yes, doll." He lightly chuckled. You grabbed his hand and got up, him leading the two of you to the open middle area of the living room. Your bare feet hit the cold hardwood floor, as Steve grabbed your other hand, placing it on his shoulder, your others still intertwined. He took his free hand and put it on your shoulder blade.
"Now stand up straight," You followed and he smiled, "Now we're going to move to the right, then back, then left, then forward, then right."
"Okay," You said as he began moving the two of you, you following along in his grip. After a few minutes of practicing, you were gradually getting better.
"There you go," He smiled, even more, looking down at your feet. "You got it." You smiled. Just as you thought you had gotten it, you tripped over his shoe slightly. Yelping out, you began falling but Steve quickly grabbed you, stabilizing you before helping you back up. You blushed out of embarrassment, "It's okay doll, it was just a mistake."
You two began again before Steve briefly left to start music on a record player he had. You two danced in the living room for another ten minutes, you finally perfecting the skills, as you laid your head on his shoulder, moving your arms so both were lazily hanging on his shoulders. He lowered his hand to your waist, holding you close as you slowed down the dance. You felt completely content for the first time in a while, just there with Steve. Everything from his smell to his warmth made your heart want to burst.
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