《The Compound》Chapter 10
(A/N: I've noticed a few people who are a little confused about A/B/O dynamics. Trust me, I get it, is quite confusing. I don't think I would be great at explaining it, so instead, I'll leave a suggestion for anyone who may need a resource on what the universe is. Since Wattpad is picky about links, and you can't copy or paste things out of someone else's story, I would highly suggest you search up 'A/B/O for Dummies' in Google. There's a great starter page that basically explains everything by Victoriavanessahazel on Tumblr.)
"Y/N!" Steve called out from your bedroom, "Are you ready?" He asked, leaning against the doorway between the room and your closet.
"Almost," You said and finished zipping your luggage, "There." You said getting up and rolling it to him.
"You excited, beautiful?" He asked and smiled.
"Very," You smiled back giving him a quick kiss, "Thank you."
He got his driver to take the two of you to the airport. You sat in the backseat with him, placing your head on his shoulder since it was a long ride with traffic, and you wanted to take a small nap. His shoulder acted as the perfect pillow for you, temporarily.
Steve kissed the top of your head and gently whispered to let you know you had arrived. You let out a small yawn and stretch, taking in your surroundings stepping out of the car. You assumed initially you would be at the airport, and you were, but you thought of a terminal.
Yet here you were, standing on the black tarmac, a beige jet in front of you. "Steve?" You asked as he stepped out of the car right behind there.
"Is that yours?" You pointed at the plane, some men were taking your bags and putting them in the back of the aircraft.
"Yeah," He lightly smiled at your shock.
"Y-you have a private jet?" You asked and he nodded, slightly chuckling.
"Four actually, this one's for domestic travel though." Your mouth fell wide open. "C'mon baby, don't be shy." He grabbed your hand, leading you to the ramp that led you up. You walked behind him as he got into the plane. "Charles." Steve smiled and shook the pilot's hand at the top.
"Mr. Rogers." He smiled back.
"This is my girlfriend, Y/N." He let the two of you briefly shake hands and meet.
"It's nice to meet you." You smiled.
"The pleasure's all mine, Miss." He seemed extremely kind. You and Steve made it to your seats in the large jet, which had multiple chairs and sofas, televisions, and a few doors leading to other rooms.
"So this is one of four?" You asked again for clarification. He nodded.
"The smallest one of four actually. This one doesn't go longer for three hours and stays domestic." You nodded, still internally amazed at everything.
"Would you two like anything to drink?" A flight attendant came by the two of you, smiling. Steve looked at you first, letting you know to go.
"A water is fine for me, thank you." You politely smiled back.
"I'll have a water too." Steve chimed in right after you. She lightly nodded and went to retrieve your drinks.
"So," Steve sighed and leaned back in the large beige leather chair, crossing his arms over his chest. "Is there anything I should know about your family before we arrive?"
"I don't think so," You sighed, "We're pretty typical I would like to think. Granted, no family is normal." Steve nodded understanding. You had warned him before that your family would most likely have the both of you work on the farm so to bring ruinable clothes, they usually needed all hands on deck.
The attendant came back with your waters, each of you taking a sip. "Are you nervous?" He asked you.
"Nervous, no. Anxious, yes." You lightly smiled, "I think I should be asking you if you're nervous." He lightly chuckled.
"A little yeah," He smiled, "I just hope your family likes me."
"Trust me, they will," You smiled back. "They're very accepting people. And if they don't, my dad's got a shot gun." Steve's eyes went wide. "I doubt he would actually use it."
"You doubt?" Steve questioned.
"I can't really speak for him, ya know..."
"I hope you know my anxiety just spiked." You lightly laughed.
"Don't worry babe," You said lightly, putting your hand on his and lightly rubbing it, "They'll love you. Trust me."
Two hours later you were both climbing down the stairs of the jet, Steve politely helping you despite the fact that you both knew you were fully capable of walking down stairs. "I had someone pick up a car for us," He said as some of the crew began loading your bags into the truck of a small Audi SUV.
"Great," You lightly smiled, "It's about an hour and half drive after this."
"Shouldn't be so bad." He put his hands in his pockets as you two walked towards the car.
"It's not," You stated, "It's pretty scenic. If you qualify scenic as corn fields and cows." He laughed and grabbed your hand.
"C'mon, let's get a move on doll."
The drive wasn't bad. It was filled with small conversation, a lot of Steve clarifying who in your family was who so he wouldn't forget and look like a "terrible boyfriend" as he put it. Finally, you pulled up to the small beige farm house. It featured large columns holding up the slightly slanted porch, which edged around two sides of the house on the front and the side, a white fence going half way up the porch, wooden white chairs and a swing sat on them.
It featured three floors, the third slanted as it was the cramped attic. You got out to find your mom rushing out of the door. "Y/N!" She yelled and ran to you as you ran to her, "My baby." She cooed and ran her hand through your hair, grasping onto your body for dear life.
"Hi Mom." You sighed and took in her pleasant scent and touch. She hadn't changed one bit, other than a few more gray hairs and some more visible wrinkles. Once you both let go she cupped her soft warm hands on your cheeks, and smiled, you smiling back. There were tears slowly coming down her face, yours beginning to fall.
"You look more beautiful than ever, such a woman." She admired and gave you another tight squeeze, bringing her into your embrace. You eventually let go, and introduced her to Steve briefly.
"This is Steve, mom." You smiled. She turned to him, looking up as she was only an inch taller than you, and smiled. He stuck his hand out.
"It's a pleasure to meet you Ma'am." He charmingly smiled. She immediately grasped him in a hug, even being a little less than a foot short than him. He was briefly taken aback, but soon hugged her back.
"The pleasures all mine," She smiled up again, letting go, "Thank you, for bringing our little girl back." He smiled back.
"I wouldn't want to have it any other way."
Steve helped you get all the bags out, him taking most of them out. "Your father should be in any minute," Your mother called from the kitchen as she wiped her hands with a dish towel. "Melissa and Jessy should be coming in with him." You nodded and smiled, thinking of the great memories with your older sister and younger brother. "For now you two can settle in your room."
"Thanks mom." You smiled again, leadings Steve up the stairs and down the hall, into your childhood bedroom. It was a pastel yellow, with white trim and light flowers on the edge of the top and bottom for detail. It was pretty large, a rectangle, with a bay window overlooking the forest out back, a full bed with light blue sheets on it. A small desk with a vanity sat across and to the right of your bed, your closet door next to it. "What d'you think?" You asked, plopping on your bed.
"It's cute," He smiled, looking around. "Definitely you." You lightly laughed.
"C'mere," You said and outstretched your arms to him. He complied and walked to you, letting you hug him and he sat on the bed, giving him a soft kiss. "Thank you." You murmured, your foreheads lightly against each other.
"Anything for you." He smiled back, getting one more kiss from you. Your intimate moment was interrupted when your door flew open.
"Y/N!" Melissa cried and practically tackled you on your bed. "I can't believe you're here." She smiled as the two of you finally got up, hugging again, Steve awkwardly sitting there.
"I know right!" You squealed and squeezed her. She finally let go, looking you up and down.
"Damn," She sighed, "You're hot." You lightly pushed her and smirked.
"Jessy," You smiled and hugged your little brother, who was standing in the doorway.
"I missed you." He said, and held onto you. The last time you saw him, he was eight, and now he was 16, and roughly an inch shorter than Steve give or take.
"I missed you too," You smiled, "You've grown." He lightly laughed.
"Yeah, I think I did." Then he glanced at Steve, who once again sat kinda awkwardly. You chuckled at him.
"Guys, this is Steve." You pointed to him.
"Steve, huh?" Melissa sat next to him on the bed, "So what are your intentions with our sister?" She asked, placing her elbow on his shoulder, eyeing him.
"Whatever she pleases." Melissa squinted her eyes at him.
"Good answer." She got up and went over to you. "I like him."
"I'm Jessy." Your brother went over to him. Steve stood up, shaking his hand.
"Steve." He smiled, Jessy smiled back, taking a moment to stare at him.
"You look familiar..." he pondered, "From somewhere." Your face went blank as you remembered, your family had no clue who he was. Well, they knew he was, but not his title. Steve nodded, as he let go of your brothers hand shake.
"You should probably go and speak with dad." Melissa spoke up. "The man nearly had a heart attack when he heard you were coming back."
The four of you walked down the creaky stairs, to the main floor where you walked into the kitchen where your mom was working on dinner. Then you saw your dad. He looked older for sure. Almost all his hair was grey, and more wrinkles than before. "Dad?" You asked and smiled.
"Y/N," He happily said and walked over to you, giving you a big hug. "You look so much older." He smiled and let go.
"Thanks dad," You smiled back, giving him another hug and letting go. "This is Steve, by the way." Your dad looked over, eyeing him for a minute.
"It's a pleasure, Sir." Steve smiled, extending a hand. Your dad was only a few inches shorter than Steve.
"The pleasure's all mine, son." He responded, shaking Steve's extended hand firmly. "Thank you for bringing my daughter back home."
"It was no problem at all," Steve smiled back.
"Can you all please set the table for dinner, it will be ready in about 10." Your mom spoke up. You all nodded. Steve and you set the plates down as Jessy and Melissa got out the silverware and napkins.
"So Steve," Your dad began as the feast of chicken, rice, and salad began. "What do you do for a living?"
"I'm a CEO," He stated, taking a sip of his water, "I run a company."
"What type of company?" Your father countered taking some chicken off the platter. Steve took a brief moment to plot what he would say.
"We run agriculture and business in the U.S." Your dad looked up for a moment, quickly catching on.
"What's your last name, son?" He asked, eyeing Steve. Steve took another moment knowing he would expose himself.
"Rogers." He said. Your entire families eyes went wide, as you awkwardly looked down.
"You didn't tell us he was Captain America!" Jessy looked at you, breaking the silence.
"I didn't think it was relevant." You fired back.
"Relevant?" Melissa asked, "You're dating Steve Rogers and that's not relevant?"
"I just didn't want you guys to freak out!"
"Enough!" Your father finally called out, you and your two sibling looking at him like deers in the headlights. "All three of you know the rule, no fighting at the dinner table." You all nodded, turning back to your food to continue eating. "So Steve," Your dad began again, looking up at him, "Have you heard of our farm?"
The conversation continued, your family interrogating Steve about business, Jessy interested in his Cap days, and your mother most intrigued by his intentions with you, which he explained multiple times, was solely to make you happy.
After dinner you and Steve were put in charge of the dishes as your mother prepared some food for the next day, and your dad and siblings closed up the barn and fed the animals. "Sorry about dinner." You apologized to Steve, handing him dishes you had just washed so he could dry them.
"It was no problem," He lightly chuckled, gently drying some plates with the white dishrag, "Your family seems nice. Protective though." You nodded.
"I think they're scared," You admitted quietly. He looked at you raising an eyebrow in confusion, "I think they're scared you're going to take me and whoosh me off again, and they'll never see me. Like what happened with my first heat." He sighed, putting the plate down and engulfing you in a hug, kissing the top of your head.
"You know I would never do that, right?" He asked. You initially didn't respond. Of course you trusted Steve, but you weren't sure how much you truly should. You only knew him for three months. "Right?" He asked again.
"Yeah." You lightly said. But of course, Steve was smart enough to know that you weren't telling the complete truth, but he also didn't want to push you into an uncomfortable position, so he let it go.
After finishing your jobs, you resorted to the living room where everyone else except for your mom sat. You sat on the couch next to Jessy, Steve sitting next to you, lazily throwing his arm around you. "So, we have some more work on the farm to do tomorrow." Your dad mentioned to you all. "I'm going to need your help, Y/N, with the cattle. Steve, we would appreciate your help." He nodded agreeing with your dad.
Just then you heard some small spurs tapping on the floors. Your eyebrows furrowed as Jessy smiled at you. You turned around to see a sight you would never forget.
There walked in your old collie, Sadie. Her face was white, and she had a slight limp. "Sadie?" You asked. She looked up, her tail speeding up as you leaping up from your seat and ran to crouch down next to her, giving her a kiss on the head. "My baby!" You cooed and pet her as she lightly whined out of excitement. "She's still alive?" You looked back to your family who nodded.
"She's doing alright for a 16 year old dog." Melissa answered. You continued to pet her as she licked your face and you lightly laughed. You looked back up at Steve who smiled down at you from where he sat on the couch. You got up with Sadie and sat right back down next to Steve. Just then your mom came up.
"Y/N, you better start making your bread again for the Sunday market." You looked at her for a moment.
"Why?" You asked.
"Because everyone loves your bread," Jessy answered, "Mom's tried to remake it, she can't."
"And people have been begging for it for the last eight years." Melissa added on, "Wouldn't stop asking for it." You sighed.
"Then maybe I will." You lightly smiled, petting Sadie some more.
"Oh you will," Your mother said and you rolled your eyes.
You and Steve laid in your full bed together, partially squished by his larger frame, so you two were basically attached at the hip in bed. Sadie too joined, or attempted to. She sat at the edge of your bed, staring at Steve for a while, before laying down on your feet. "I don't think she likes me." Steve said, looking at her.
"Eh, she's protective." You smiled, "Aren't you baby?" You asked her. She looked at you and began wagging her tail again, "Try and be nice to Steve okay?" You looked over and set your alarm to seven, as breakfast always started at 7:30. "Night Stevie." You told him and turned off the lamp.
"Night sweetheart." He said and gave you a quick kiss on the head.
The next morning your blaring alarm woke both of you up. You got changed into a t-shirt and old overalls you had in your closet, with a pair of boots, throwing your hair into a ponytail. Steve had a flannel shirt which he rolled his sleeves up on and jeans with boots, which you suggested he bring.
You two walked down the stairs to be greeted with breakfast prepared by your mom. You gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, Steve pouring some coffee for the two of you. "How did you two sleep?" She asked and plated a few more pancakes.
"Very well," You said and lightly smiled at Steve, who nodded agreeing. "Breakfast looks great mom."
"Thanks Sweetie." She smiled as you grabbed some plates, helping to put them on the table.
Breakfast went by fast, with some conversation about plans for the day. After, your mom did the dishes as everyone went out to start the day's agenda. You were in charge of getting the cows to the fields, and milking them, as well as feeding the goats. "Steve?" You called from where you sat in the loft of the barn.
"Yeah?" He asked, moving some of the barrels of hay effortlessly.
"Could you toss me another barrel?"
"Yeah, of course." He got a large square of the food, tossing it up to you. You pushed it to the side before stacking it up on some more.
"Thanks," You lightly smiled, jumping down from the top.
Your day went by pretty normal. It got pretty hot at about noon, so you were all already sweating and worn when you went to get lunch. Then came dinner, which is when you wrapped up all your work.
You had to admit, Steve in a flannel shirt with rolled up sleeves as well as sweat and dirt on his face was oddly hot. It made you smirk lightly when you saw him, understanding he was yours and no one else's. "Hey doll," He came in as you started preparing the dough for your bread to rise.
"Hey," You smiled as he gave you a kiss on the head. "I'm going to finish this, then maybe we can take a walk with Sadie, alright?" You asked.
"Of course." He lightly smiled and leaned against the counter, watching as your hands forcefully yet gracefully kneaded the dough.
"So, what did you think of your first day on the farm?" You asked, placing a few rolls of dough into bowls and covering them to let them rise.
"It wasn't so bad," he lightly smiled, putting his hands in his pockets, "Lots of work." You nodded.
"This is how I spent every weekend, morning and night growing up." You sighed, washing your hands, "It's not so terrible when you get used to it."
The two of you put on light jackets since it was slightly chilly and dark out, slipping your shoes on and going out to the back of the house and into the acres of land, Sadie following behind you two hand in hand.
You two followed along the edge of the forest for a few minutes, just gazing around. "I'm so happy." You finally broke the silence and smiled.
"I'm glad," Steve smiled back giving your hand a squeeze.
"Thanks Steve."
"No problem, hon." He said and looked down at you. You two finally found a nice area to sit down which you did. Sadie immediately went over to Steve, sniffing his face, before sitting next to him as he began petting her.
"It's so gorgeous," You smiled, "So different from New York." He nodded.
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