《The Compound》Chapter 12
(A/N: Part if not most of this is unedited but it's really late and I feel like I need to publish it because I haven't published in a while and I don't think I'll be able to publish anything for about the next week so enjoy this and the potential mistakes in it.)
Waking up the next morning, you felt nothing but the duvet and sheets on you, as well as a sore ache between and on your legs.
"Steve?" You mumbled, not wanting to wake up. But when you got no response, you slowly opened your eyes to find no Steve on his side. You slowly sat up, groaning at the feeling, and then getting out of bed. You grabbed Steve's dress shirt, buttoning it upon you, and walking out to the workout room where you knew he was.
As you walked on the cold hardwood floors, all the feelings and memories from the night before came back. Steve was extremely respectful, making sure you enjoyed yourself just as much if not more than he did. Even through the initial pain, he held your hand whispering sweet nothings into your ear while praising you. "Hey doll," Steve broke your trance as he stood there, in nothing but sweatpants, and putting two dumbells down. "How are you?" He asked, walking to you and placing his hand on the small of your back to give you a kiss.
"Good," You lightly smiled.
"Are you sore?" He looked down at you.
"Um, yeah." You lightly laughed.
"I'll grab you some pain killers sweetheart," He said, "I'm basically done anyway." You nodded as you and he went back to your room, he began rummaging through one of the various cabinets in the bathroom. He brought out a bottle of some, handing you two and water which you graciously took. "By the way," He whispered into your ear, "You look absolutely stunning in my shirt." You could hear the smirk in his voice. You lightly smiled and nudged him.
"Oh stop it, Steve."
"We have the entire day to ourselves until about three," He stated, "then we have to start getting ready."
"Sounds great." You smiled up at him. "I'll start on breakfast and then we can do something else." He smiled down and nodded at you.
You decided to just make simple toast and eggs, considering you weren't really up for making an entire large breakfast, and Steve was grateful for you just making food, and putting in the time and effort.
You could hear him and his large stature come from down the hallway. It tended to be overall empty in the open areas of the penthouse, considering almost every security guard was placed off to the side in small hidden corners. You had also grown greatly to accept to the fact that there were constantly guards around. "It smells delicious." Steve came behind you, placing his face in the crook of your neck, and hands on your hips from behind you. You always loved the instant warmth and relief you got from his touch alone.
"Thanks," You smiled, slightly changing your gaze to where his head was beside your own to give him a kiss.
"You're nervous," He sighed and frowned at you, making eye contact, "I can tell." You couldn't lie. You were extremely nervous. You had no clue what to expect or how to act. What if you made a mistake? Would it be big or small? Would everyone be looking? Would it matter? Would it affect Steve and the way people there saw him?
"I don't know," You said and continued plating, "I'm just a little worried."
"About what?" He asked, leaning against the island counter behind you.
"Just, what if I do something wrong?" I turned my head to look up at him.
"You won't darling," He walked closer to you, "And if you make a mistake, it won't matter. No one will remember."
"I just don't want to embarrass you."
"Embarrass me?" He asked in a shocking voice, "You would do anything but embarrass me."
"Yeah, but I'm still not used to-" You paused for a minute, "This lifestyle." He sighed.
"Listen, you're going to be just fine, okay?" He placed his index and middle fingers together, slowly touching the bottom of your chin and moving them up so you could look at him. "And Bucky, Sam, and I will be there in the case something happens. We'll probably try to leave early anyway, these events are not my cup of tea." You nodded slightly, feeling a little more secure in the idea that Steve would be there for you.
The rest of the day to mid-afternoon went by relatively fast. After breakfast, Steve went to his office to do some work briefly. You ended up laying on one of the leather couches and reading, occasionally scrolling through some of your social media when you needed a break, then resorting to Steve's lap after a while for some more comfortability and warmth, as well as his smell which seemed to be the most relaxing thing in the world.
"Mr. Rogers?" One of his many assistants knocked on the large oak doors, walking into the dimly lit study where Steve looked up at him, you still comfortably placed on him. "It's time to get ready." He nodded.
"Of course," He looked at you briefly, alerting you to get up which you did, and too got up next to you, "We'll be out in just a moment." His assistant nodded, turning away and closing the door. "You're going to be alright, doll," He said and looked down at you, "And if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask." You nodded once, him looking down and a small smile tugging at the edges of his lips, "I love you."
"I love you too." You said back, him giving you a quick kiss before escorting the two of you out to your room, him going to the next room over or the guest room. You sat in the chair, as you briefly discussed the natural makeup and hair look the stylists around you would attempt at going for.
It took two whole hours, which was quite a bit for you. You talked a little bit to the various stylists and designers around you, all of whom were extremely kind. You yourself had basically no grasp on good style, so it was nice to have at least half a dozen people doing that job for you.
After a while of work, and squeezing into your dress, it was finally time to go out and meet Steve. If you were being truthful to yourself, you looked incredible. Everyone around you gasped and complimented the look, especially at how the emerald green dress managed to compliment literally every feature ranging from your hair to your hips.
You slowly and carefully stepped out of the room and down the hall, your heels clattering with every inch of contact made with the hardwood floors. Your hair was beautifully and elegantly done in lazy waves, your dress fit like a glove around your curvy figure, and your makeup complimented it all with a light pink lip gloss, and natural eye and cheek makeup. You could see Steve's back facing you, looking down which you presumed to be his phone. He heard you though and turned around.
His smile quickly diminished into a wide-open mouth, his eyes slowly moving up and down as if carving then savoring everything about you. His blues eyes finally met yours, his mouth and overall expression not moving. "Hey," You lightly smiled, walking up and looking up at him, his expression hadn't changed.
"Hi," He smiled finally, "You look absolutely gorgeous." He smiled even more.
"Thanks," You could feel yourself blush, "You look very handsome." You lightly ran your small hands over his tux coat.
"Shall we go, my dear." He said and lightly chuckled, your doing the same.
"Of course." He took your hand in his warm one, leading you out of the house, down the elevator, and to one of his various cars. The Rolls Royce, your favorite. "How're you feeling, doll?" He asked, taking his hand in mine and squeezing it as we drove.
"Alright," I said, my leg lightly shaking up and down as a way to vent the anxious feeling, "A little nervous."
"You'll be alright," He said, "Besides, I think you're too perfect for anyone to notice an error." You rolled your eyes.
"You're too much Captain Rogers." You smiled. You could feel him lightly tense, giving you a hint. You smirked to yourself.
About thirty minutes later, you two pulled up to a large estate, with large and fresh forests surrounding it, and a garden that could compete with fields of flowers. The actual building was a ginormous colonial, white with coliseums and two grand doors that were open, light leaking from them. "Wow." You sighed.
"I know," He said, "It's nice." You two pulled up, multiple young valets immediately taking the car and opening the door, helping you step out. Steve jogged around to your side, taking your arm in his, handing the keys to one of the young men. "Ready, doll?" He asked. You nodded, the two of you walking in with your arm under his.
The moment you two stepped in, you were greeted by two glasses of champagne by various waiters carrying them on platters, as well as an overwhelming number of scents. You graciously accepted one, taking a sip. "Steve!" You heard a familiar voice. And low and behold, ahead of you greeting everyone was Tony Stark. "How are you?" He asked once you and Steve walked up to him, giving him a firm shake.
"I'm doing great," He smiled, "How are you?"
"Better than ever." He looked to you, giving you a quick kiss on each cheek and you doing the same back. "Well someone looks stunning!" He said enthusiastically at you, "Best dressed I've seen so far, and by afar."
"Thanks, Mr. Stark." You smiled.
"Tony, please." He said, "This is my wife, Pepper, by the way." You looked over to the tall, strawberry blonde woman next to him. She was beautiful to say the last and looked striking yet welcoming in her own black ballgown and pearls.
"It's a pleasure." She said, you two shaking hands.
"Likewise." You responded. The two of them only conversed for another few seconds before you two dispersed to find Bucky and Sam, along with Rachel and Lyla of course. As you maneuvered between the various bodies of the elite around you, you began to see some eyes look on you. Steve could, of course, tell and held you even closer before, keeping his hand firm on the small of your back.
"You're doing great babe." He whispered briefly into your ear.
You two continued to maneuver between everyone before you finally reached a partially secluded area to the hall, with a large L-shaped leather couch where your friends sat comfortably, drinks in hand. They greeted you as always, Sam and Bucky wearing tuxes. Lyla had a beautiful dark purple dress on, Rachel had a yellow one. Everyone had wonderful comments towards you, you obviously delivering them right back, which easily lifted your spirits.
You began chatting a bit with the girls as the guys talked about some sort of business that none of you understood. Thankfully, the three of you had become very close which led to a colorful conversation that was never dull and lots of laughs. As you talked to the two girls, you noticed small crescent moons on their necks. They've been marked, you thought. You couldn't believe it.
The woman inside you was joyous for them. They seemed extremely happy about it, and you were happy for them. However, the Omega inside you was fuming in jealousy. That side desperately wanted to be claimed, and Steve was perfect you knew. "Bucky did mine a week ago," Rachel smiled, noticing you looking, "It hurt at first, but since our relationship has really strengthened."
"Sam did mine four days ago," Lyla added, "I agree, it did hurt at first but then it felt great." You nodded, "You haven't with Steve?"
"Not yet," You sighed, "We're trying to take our time. Not that there's anything wrong with doing it now, but it's just a personal decision." The two nodded, almost immediately moving the conversation elsewhere. That was until you heard the Alphas stop talking, prompting all of you to do the same.
"Captain Rogers." You heard an unknown man's voice. Spinning around you saw a short-ish man with black, partially messy hair. He had some peach fuzz on his face, which seems to be turning grey, and quite a few wrinkles on his face. Steve inaudibly sighed.
"Rumlow." He turned around, standing up and shaking the man's hand reluctantly. You could see the man look at you and smirk, causing you to immediately freeze, out of disgust, and just being creeped out in general.
"Nice lookin' Omega." He said, looking back to Steve. Your breath halted. "Good for a billion."
"I'm very well aware that my Omega is quite beautiful." He stated, "Now if you'll excuse me, I think I should be attending back to her." Steve walked away from him, as he stood there for a moment, before turning away. Steve could still see you were a little creeped out. "You're alright," He sat down next to you, holding your hand. Sam and Bucky both gave sympathetic looks.
"Was he the one you guys mentioned earlier?" You were referring back to the first conversation you all had together. The three of them nodded. "Oh, alright."
The rest of the night went fine. You all sat down for dinner at the same table (which you were also assigned at), enjoying some really good food before there were some speeches and what not about random stuff which you took absolutely no interest in, and you could tell the people around you really didn't either.
After that, there was just some dancing, which you happily attended to with Steve. It was actually quite enjoyable, the two of you just smiling like fools at each other. Yet you couldn't help but think about the words Rumlow had said, "Good for a billion." What did he mean? It really made no sense to you, but you would be sure to ask Steve later.
The night ended up wrapping up after about four hours at the event, so you and he said goodbye to the relevant people there, going out and receiving the car from the valet. "So how was it?" He asked you as he drove away.
"Really good," You smiled. He looked back at you, smiling too.
"Look, I'm really sorry about Rumlow-"
"It wasn't your fault," You interrupted, "You handled it well. Despite the fact that you looked like you were going to snap his neck." He chuckled.
"I was." There were a few moments of silence that followed.
"I have a quick question," You looked at Steve who nodded and hummed in response, letting you know to go, "What did he mean by 'Good for a billion'?" You could see Steve pause, and then tense, his facial expression almost immediately going from relaxed to firm.
"I, um," He paused, then sighed as if in defeat, "I'll just tell you just now. It's important you know, especially if we want to expand our relationship." He began, "As you know, they charge Alphas for Omegas through a bidding process at The Compound," You nodded, knowing what he meant and following along, "Well, it was Rumlow against me for you." He continued, "He was not giving up on bidding and so we got up to a billion dollars." He finally said. Your face dropped. It was completely silent other than the car engine and light AC for a minute or two. Steve was tightly cringing. "Please, say something." He looked to you in desperation.
"I, um, okay." You said, it all sinking in. A billion dollars, you though, a billion? "Why me?" You asked. He looked confused.
"What d'you mean?"
"Why a billion dollars? For me?" You clarified, still in disbelief.
"Well," He began, "I really fell head over heels for you. And your smell, and how you looked, and the bare information I got from your file. But I just, I knew you were the one." He finished, "I also didn't want such a beautiful Omega going to Rumlow." You nodded very slightly.
"Oh, okay." You looked forward towards the road, still feeling a little off about it all. Sure, you and Steve were now a couple, but he still bought you from that atrocious place.
"Are you mad?" He asked very lightly.
"No," You responded, "Just a little caught off guard I guess." He lightly nodded.
"I don't want this to change our relationship." He tried to fill the awkward silence.
"I don't think it will," You responded, trying to ease his and your mind but also telling what you believed to be the truth, "I mean, it's a little weird to think about since I felt like we never really took into account how we came to be a couple. But we can't think about the past, right? Only the future."
"Right." He stated, lightly smiling, "Our future."
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