《Zodiac One Shots》Sparks Flying (Aquarius (f) x Leo (m))


(Aquarius' POV)

I walk over to the punch bowl and get myself some, my throat is so dry. I quickly chug it down and walk back to my best friends, Aries and Cancer. Our favorite song was playing and Cancer was doing her weird dance moves! I watch Aries trying to learn and keep up with her dance moves. I go up to them and start dancing.

"I'm gonna pop some tags, I only got 20 dollars in my pocket!" I sing, Cancer joining in with me.

Aries giggles and looks into the vast crowd. I wonder what she's looking at.

"Look! Aqua, look! It's Leo!" Aries says, elbowing me.

"I need some more punch..." I say as I walk back to the punch.

I rush back to the punch and fill my cup again. I promised myself that I would ask Leo out at the homecoming dance. Well... It's the homecoming dance! And the night's half-way over, I haven't asked him yet.

I shuffle my way over to Aries and Cancer. They turn to me and Aries grows a smirk.

"Your time's running out, you need to go ask him!" Aries says.

"I-I..." I mutter, then Aries nudges me toward Leo.

I glare back at her, then walk to Leo. He is all the way across the gym, with his squad. His squad is called the "fire squad", and it includes him, Sagittarius, Pisces, Libra, and Scorpio. They are the coolest guys in school. He is also surrounded by tons of girls, but, to my luck, he seems to be ignoring them. I keep walking till I am just a foot away. His back is to me. The rest of the fire squad saw me, smirk, and and walk off, leaving me, Leo, and the other girls together. Leo turns around and I inhale sharply.


"Um... Would you like--" I was cut off by him grabbing my hands and pulling me into the middle of the dance floor. The rest of the girls were pouting. Half the crowd leaves and goes to the side lines as a slow song comes on. Leo pulls me close and we dance slowly as "Thousands Years" plays. I put my head on his chest as we rock back and forth.

I can hear Cancer and Aries laughing, not to far off. We keep dancing. I breathe in a sharp breath as Leo moves one of his hands onto my waist. When I inhaled, his strong cologne filled my mouth and I break away, coughing. As I have a small coughing fit, Leo chuckles and kisses my lips. I kiss back and I hear Aries laughing and Cancer awe. We break away and go back to dancing.

Not too long later, a fast song comes on and a flood of people rush onto the dance floor. As they do, Leo shouts over the noise.

"What were you going to ask?"

I respond, after a second, forgetting what I was gonna ask, "Would you like to go out with me?" I blush and he pulls me out of the school. I grin as we pass Cancer and Aries. We rush out and go to the nearby cafe, that was just down the street.

We walk in and sit down. He goes back to the counter and orders. He comes back with some coffee. We sit at the empty cafe and talk. I guess this was the date! And I enjoyed every second of it!

(For @swarnersl )

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