《Zodiac One Shots》My Knight in Shining Armor...or Something (Pisces (f) x Scorpio (m))


(Pisces' POV)

I sit there, staring at the pictures on my phone. God, I miss him! I hold back tears. I don't even know why I'm crying! He was a lying jerk that cheated on me... TWICE!

What am I doing? I need to stop! I delete the pictures of us together and throw my phone on the bed. I get some decent clothes on and run the brush through my brown, curly hair. I do my make up, and I leave.

I arrive at the store 15 minutes later. I had to get a present for Cancer's birthday next week. Just my luck! The only spot was at the back of the parking lot! I walk the length of the parking lot and go inside. I head straight to the stuff for people's houses and stuff. I pass by the women's clothes. I then pass the men's clothes. As I walk by, I see a familiar figure.

I walk up and tap them on the shoulder. And, as I expected, Scorpio turned around.

"Hi..." I say, kind of regretting this choice, since I look bad.

"Hey," He responds, a light blush appearing on his face.

He runs his big fingers through his black hair, his muscles showing through his long-sleeve shirt.

"What are you doing here?" He asks.

"Oh! Um, I need to get a gift for Cancer." I say, hiding all emotion that wanted to sneak out.

"I'm just shopping, I decided to do it now instead of doing it next week with my mom!" He chuckles.

"Well... see ya!" I say, then walk off.

I find some matching plates and some pillows. I also find wrapping paper and a card. I start walking back and pass Scorpio again. He looks as if he hasn't moved. No clothes in his bag. I walk over to him, since I have nothing better to do.


"Is... something wrong?" I say, looking at the clothes.

"It's just... I can't find the perfect outfit for our date!" He says with a straight face, not breaking his gaze.

"W-what?" I say, half-way hoping I was hearing him right.

"Never mind, I'm sure I can find something in my closet," He says as if he actually doesn't care at all, and he probably didn't, it was hard to read him. He turns to me and smiles, "Okay, see you tomorrow at the park, midnight!" Then, he pecks me on the lips and I almost dropped my bags. He winks at me then walks off.

I pay for the stuff, then went home. And I spent the rest of the day, and then the next day, thinking about this date.

At 11:00 at night, I start getting ready. I put on some sneakers, a hoodie, and some jeans. I pull my hair in a pony-tail. I then get a text.

Scorpio: hey! i'm out side! ;)

I shutter at the thought of that winky face and what it might mean. I go outside and see Scorpio sitting on his motorcycle, his hair gently moving in the breeze and his dark eyes shimmering in the light. I run out to him and squeal at the sight of his motorcycle!

"Woah!" I exclaim.

"Hop on!" He says, patting the space behind him.

I get on and hold him tight, not wanting to fall. We take off and I feel a rush I've never felt before. I squeeze my eyes shut and smile, my head resting on his back.

Not too long later, we park and walk up to the park that sat in the middle of a small, grassy field. He walks up to a bench and grabs a back pack from under it. He takes out a blanket from his back pack. We lay it out in the grass and set our stuff on it. He takes my hand and we go to the swings. We sit down and talk as we gently swing back and forth.


"I bet I can swing higher." Scorpio says with a smirk that was barely visible in the darkness.

"Whatever, you're on!" I say, a smirk growing on my face, too.

We swing back and forth, in the end, Scorpio won. We hold hands again and go back to the blanket. We lie down on the blanket and look at the stars. I quickly find the big dipper, but Scorpio finds his constellation. We talk for awhile and get to know each other more. We went to high school together, and we were both planning on doing online college. We end up just laying together, cuddling up to each other.

We hear a rustle in the bushes and jerk our heads up. A man runs up to us and grabs the back pack. We jump up and Scorpio runs after him, kicks him in the leg, and grabs the back pack. The guy runs off, scared. Scorpio walks back to me and I hug him, tight. The back pack was empty except for my phone and wallet.

"Thank you!" I say, still hugging him.

He kisses my forehead and we hug. We lie back down on the blanket and snuggle some more. As I'm about to fall asleep, Scorpio blurts out, "I've loved you since freshman year! I just now got the courage to ask you out!" I turn around and kiss him passionately.

Long story short, we became boyfriend and girlfriend and dated for, so far, 6 months! The end, I guess?

(For @sevenoutoften2 )

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