《The Rising Demon |Black Butler| |Reader Insert|》Tag, you're it



It was later at night and you were walking through dark alleyways, occasionally running into people who were practically black-out drunk. It annoyed you greatly at how they slurred out insults and sexual comments. Drunk words are sober thoughts. So, to retaliate, you sucked them dry like they were fruit, and you were a fly. As you were resting up against a wall, you heard a soft 'meow' and looked down to see a beautiful black cat with crimson red eyes. They looked oh so familiar.

'Nice try, Crow.' You thought, holding back a smirk, but nonetheless you crouched down and started petting him.

"You're so soft," you murmured softly, watching as the cat purred in contentment. You then stood up and began walking away, waving over your shoulder. You then heard another 'meow' and looked down at your feet. The cat was there pawing at them, looking at you. You sighed quietly. "You're adorable and all, but I need to find some food." Then an idea came to mind.

"Here, come with me. You look cold," you offered, holding out your arms. It jumped into your arms and snuggled against your chest. "It's a good thing I don't have allergies." You sighed. You then started walking down the main street and noticed a man stumbling towards you. He reeked of alcohol. He stopped and looked at you.

"Whyyy helloooooo there!" He greeted, his words jumbling together. You inwardly cringed at his breath. The smell of cigarettes was also present.

"Hi there," you replied, a strained smile on your face.

"How 'bout you and Iiiiiiii have some fun?" He asked, reaching around to grab your waist. You smiled lightly and let the cat jump out of your arms. You grabbed his chin to slowly turn his head left and right. His face was ugly as all hell, but his neck was not.

"Indeed, sweetheart," you agreed as you grabbed him and went for an alley. After about three minutes of silence, Sebastian was growing suspicious. As soon as he took a step forward—

That sickening sound made him stop dead in his tracks. He looked at where you had disappeared with the man but sensed no sign of you. That is, until you walked out of the shadows wiping your mouth. Your clothes are all on, no stains anywhere that he can see.


'Shit... of all the humans I could've picked, I picked him. Disgusting. Pretty sure I have alcohol in me too.' You thought, completely appalled at the taste. You wiped your mouth and saw the black cat still standing there, staring at you. You let out a sigh and rubbed your head.

"You can transform back, ya know. I'm not stupid. You have the red eyes that no one else does," you said, putting your hands on your hips. The cat transformed into the butler that was with that boy earlier today.

"My apologies, Miss," he said, inclining his head at you.

You waved your hand dismissively. "No need for formalities. I'm Y/n L/n." Normally you wouldn't be so open to talking, but this was a special case.

"I am Sebastian Michealis, head butler of the Phantomhive Household," he replied while bowing.

"Nice to meet you."

"If you don't mind me asking, what did you do to that man?" He asked, though you already knew he knew. You looked back towards the alleyway and shrugged.

"Eh, I took the trash out," you replied while looking back at him. He rose a brow but shrugged it off.

"Now, tell me, why're you stalking me as a cat?" You crossed your arms.

"I am here to offer you a job."

"Job? What kind?"

"You will be a maid in the Phantomhive Manor. You and I will serve the young Earl Phantomhive as his loyal servants."

"Why?" You asked again.

"It was an order from the Young Master," he replied without missing a beat. You let a scoff.

"Hell no, sorry, but I do not take orders from anyone," you said with a smile, taking a step back.

"Oh, but you will," you heard a voice call from behind you. You turned around and looked at the navy-blue haired boy.

'Well, how the fuck did he get there?'

"You must be Ciel Phantomhive, correct?" You asked, though it sounded more like a statement.

"Yes," he replied.

"Well, nice to make your acquaintance, but I must be going," you said as you started to walk past him.


"To where? You have no home." What a smug little shit.

"I wouldn't be too sure of that," you shot back. He narrowed his eye at you.

"What do you mean?"

You looked at him and smirked. "That's not something I can tell you exactly." You quickly ran into the darkness.


You pushed through the brush and walked into a clearing. People didn't normally come that way, thankfully. You looked left and right, making sure that demon butler didn't follow you back. When you didn't sense him, you waved your hand in the air. A decent sized house appeared behind an invisible force field. You smiled lightly, walking into the main entry hall. A screech was heard down one of the rooms and a large, Golden Eagle flew from under the doorway.

"What's up Kin?" You said, holding out your arm. She swooped down and landed on your forearm, trying her best not to puncture you with her talons. She just screamed in your face again. You rolled your eyes and brought a dead mouse from behind your back.

"Glutton. You could very well get one yourself." You sighed, throwing it at her. She caught it in her mouth and hopped to the floor to pick it apart. You smiled down at her, walking into the living room. With a snap of your fingers, a fire was lit in the fireplace. A few seconds after that, you felt something. Someone.

"Oh great, you sighed, swiping down your hands. All of the shutters slammed shut and the curtains were drawn.

'It's those little shits.' You thought, walking out of the living room and back into the entry hall. Kin was no longer there, but there was a blood stain on the floor. She must've moved her dinner. With a flick of your wrist, the house disappeared, and you were now standing out in the open. Sebastian and Ciel were right in front of you. The bluette stumbled back from your sudden appearance into his butler.

"Don't y'all know it's rude to follow a woman home? " You questioned, glaring at the young boy.

"I hardly consider you a woman," Ciel shot back, blue eyes gazing up at you. Your eye twitched.

'Oh this little shit just got on my enemy list.' You thought.

"You're a callow child. Do you expect me to grovel at you?" You inquired, noticing the slight shift in Sebastian's expression.

"Certainly not. Only those who are worthy are able to," Ciel replied, a smug smile gripping the corner of his mouth. Your glare deepened into a full-on scowl.

"Oh, you love pushing my buttons, don't you?" You asked, eyes narrowing to slits. With a wave of your hand, the three of you were no longer in the forest. Instead, you were now in a grassland. "You believe you're superior?" The grass around you slowly began to die, wilting to the ground in a sickly brown.

"How superior are you when confronted with your biggest fear?" The dried grass caught flame, flaring up into a fiery blaze.

"Young Master!" Sebastian exclaimed, shielding the boy from the flames.

"Ciel!" A woman's voice called out. You looked over to the side and saw Rachel Phantomhive. Her voice must've drawn Ciel's attention too, because soon he was leaning out of his butler's grasp. Rachel reached out to him; hand outstretched. "Ciel!"

Sebastian held tight to his torso, trying his hardest not to let him succumb to this hallucination. With a snap of your fingers, Rachel also caught fire. Her dress burned away quickly, and her screams added to the atmosphere. Ciel's eye widened at the replay of memory, then all at once, it was gone. Along with you. By the time Ciel realized it was all fake, he couldn't help the shivers that racked through his body. Sebastian looked down at him with concern.

"Are you alright, Young Master?" He asked, though Ciel didn't need to reply to let him know he wasn't.

"Sebastian..." He gasped. "This is an order. Kill her!" He was probably too shaken up to realize his actions. Sebastian's expression darkened.

"Yes, My Lord."

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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