《Various One Shots {read desc. Or A/N} //HIATUS\》(1) Alexander Hamilton {HM: Animal Parade}


War AU! Harvest Moon: Animal Parade

The blue haired nineteen-year-old walked toward the front of the ship; looking at the town growing in the distance. Waves crashed against the ship as it inched closer to his destination. He placed his hands on the ship railing and his golden eyes lit up as he glanced around the various places. He closed his eyes and let the wind whip his hair back as his mind began to wander. Where he used to live, the residents raised enough money to send him to get an education. His mother passed away from an illness and he began to write down his emotions to fight back depression.

Soon enough, the ship docked and people began to climb off. Luke's face shone and his smile never faltered as he climbed off behind the others. "Okay...now," he glanced around, the crowd blocking his view of who he was looking for. His shoes tapped on the brick pavement as he looked at the name scribbled on his hand, smudged from the sea mist but still legible, "where's Gill Nur?" He mumbled to himself, gripping the tie on his white flame-designed bandana. His eyes switched from person to person, trying to find someone who matched the description.

It was almost an hour later when he began to lose hope finding Gill in this crowd, so he leaned against a light blue brick building. He twiddled his thumbs, occasionally glancing up.

Luke's golden eyes lit up when he saw a male with cream-colored hair and a nice blue and white suit. "That must be him! He matches the description almost perfectly!" He bounded off the brick building and ran over to the blue and white clad individual, almost tripping over his shoes a few times.

That was several years ago. Owen and Chase visit the graveyard frequently, visiting the graves of both their friends; Luke and Bo. Owen sighed and ran a hand through his dark red hair, "what'd you think they'd tell us? You know, for visiting their graves everyday," Chase shrugged and shoved his hands in his apron pockets, "well, I think Bo would be thankful," Chase looked down at the ground, his strawberry blond hair slightly falling in his face, "Luke would tell us not to grieve as much and get out there, make something of our lives," he sadly smiled. Owen nodded. A gust of wind brushed past them, as if telling them that what they said was correct.


Bo and Luke were best friends, always getting the other in trouble. Bo would stand up for Luke any time that he wasn't able to stand up for himself. When the war between Harmonica town and Oak Tree Town ended, Bo went to Verdure island to help with the war there. Luke told him that when he comes back they should catch up, since it most likely will be a few years before he returns. Bo, however, never returned. Luke later received a letter saying that Bo was killed while in Verdure island.

During the war, Gale saw potential in Luke and appointed him as his right hand man. Luke was a huge help during the war, since he had a way with writing letters. Even when Gale had to send him home from causing infighting, he still believed Luke was smart, just didn't think before he acted.

Luke's wife loved him very much. From the moment she saw him she knew they were meant to be, as cliché as that was. However, when she found out he had an affair with Selena Reynolds, mad wasn't even close to how she felt. She was furious, sad, and broken. She knew she should have left him, but she just couldn't. Her sister was there to comfort her in these times; even though, unknowingly to her, her sister had once harbored romantic feelings for Luke as well, but shoved them aside for her sister's sake. After this moment, her sister felt no emotions for him.

Lastly, there's his first friend...and his last enemy.

Gill fiddled with a pistol, narrowing his icy blue eyes at it as he shoved it to the side. He placed his elbows on his desk and rested his forehead on his palms. That gun has granted him too much guilt. Pain that he cannot heal. Why? Why did he shoot? "A fool," he thought, "I'm a fool. He's dead and it's all my fault," if only his envy didn't get the better of him. If only he knew that the world was wide enough for both Luke and him. He was just too late in realizing that.

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