《Various One Shots {read desc. Or A/N} //HIATUS\》Just a little heads up!


About how the songs will fit in with the one shots; cause I feel I didn't talk about that as much. So, the songs will NOT match entirely with Hamilton! I will take the meaning and feeling of the song and make it work with the fandom that was requested. In example; You'll Be Back is originally about King George III saying how America will crawl back to them. In my interpretation to put in a one shot it will be a Yandere character.

In other words; the songs will be tailored to fit the fandom and my writing abilities while still keeping a feeling and/or meaning of the song.

On a side note: here's the songs that I cannot write for (too short, not enough ideas from it, etc.)

So honestly, out of the 46 songs, this is barely a dent in the amount of stories to write.

Now that that's out of the way; here's the list of what I have to write so far:

Anything that just says a fandom is only the fandom and not an X reader/oc/character/author!

Maybe, after the main songs, I'll do maybe Congratulations (I love that one from the mixtape!) or possibly branch off to the Heathers soundtrack? (Oh boy won't that be interesting?)

Well, I'll leave you be! Remember; requests are always open unless I say otherwise! Have at it and I hope you have an amazingly spectacularly superb day!!

Edit 9/13: I will put numbers in parentheses next to the song name, pay no mind to it. That's to help me with putting them in order later.

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