《Various One Shots {read desc. Or A/N} //HIATUS\》A/N


Incase you didn't read the description; this one shot serious is focusing solely on the Hamilton soundtrack. Some exceptions are those which I can't think of one shots for, such as I Know Him, What Comes Next, The Adam's Administration, etc.

The one shots itself can be one of many; Character x reader, character x character ((SOME EXCEPTIONS)), character x oc, and even character x author (yo I'm down for that)

The exceptions for the character x character is; ships I HARDCORE don't ship (I'm sorry it would pain me), underage ships (you'll understand once I put the fandoms), and ships that my FRIEND hardcore disagrees with. Besides that, we chill.

Now the good part; fandoms.

I have multiple, but I'll name those which I can semi write for:

(specify which game)

(1 and 2)

(my doll bois need more love)

I'll add more when I gain a new fandom. Probably. I didn't add Hamilton for very obvious reasons. If you suggest a ship I don't really like or approve of I'll tell you, but there's really only 3 fandoms that it's like that for.

Anyways, I'll do each song once, so if you want to suggest it, be quick! It doesn't need to be in order; but once I get all the songs I'll manually put it in order. You guys stay awesome and do your thing, I'm waiting for those glorious requests

ALSO IT DOES NOT NEED TO BE ROMANTIC!! The main romantic ones will be with the songs that include a form of romance!! You can request just a fandom for the non romantic songs like Ten Duel Commandments and such. And you may even suggest what characters as who in those scenarios~

Alright Imma leave now, have at it!

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