《Various One Shots {read desc. Or A/N} //HIATUS\》(9) Helpless {Ozmafia!! Scarlet x Reader}


It was a late Sunday afternoon. (Y/N) and her sister, (S/N), were at a dance that Famgilia Oz was hosting for ending what could have turned into a war and arresting the criminal, Hamelin. (Y/N) at first didn't want to go, but (S/N) insisted since she didn't want to go alone. Now here she was, sitting on a barstool watching (S/N) mingle with the different Famgilia members. (Y/N) laughed as her sister attempted to flirt. The front doors open and she looked over, wondering who it could be, when she froze. The world around her went dim as she focused on the dark haired, light red eyed male. Her heart thumped heavily in her chest as she felt the heat rise to her cheeks.

(Y/N) scurried off of the stool and smoothed out her (F/C) dress. She ran one strand of her (H/C) locks behind her ear as she walked around; determined to catch this individual's gaze. She rested her (E/C) eyes on him, hoping he would look her way, but he was busy conversing with an orange haired male and a blue haired female. Not only that, but she can't simply go speak to him since the band was blaring the music so loud that she'd have to yell in order for him to even hear her.

She failed to notice where she was walking and bumped right into (S/N). "Oh, hey (Y/N)," (S/N) smiled, but tilting her head in question after seeing her sister's rose red face, "what's up? Did someone embarrass you?" She laughed. (Y/N) sighed and grabbed her sister's arm. Making sure the red-hooded male couldn't see them, (Y/N) pointed him out to her sister, "this one's mine," was all she said. Her sister looked down at her, interest shining in her eyes before shrugging (Y/N)'s hand off and walking over to the male.


"(S/N)! What are you doing!" Her heart beat faster and faster each step (S/N) took towards the male. (Y/N) began to breathe heavily, heat more abundant on her face as she nervously played with a strand of her hair.

(S/N) made it to the individual and whispered something in his ear. After (S/N) stepped back, (Y/N) could see the male looking at her with his beautiful light red eyes. A smile crept on her face as she rose her hand in a shy wave. (S/N) brought him over and (Y/N) tried to hide her nervousness. "(Y/N) (L/N). It's a pleasure to meet you."

"(L/N)?" He glanced from (S/N) to (Y/N). "My sister," (S/N) smiled. "T-thank you for your service," (Y/N) stuttered. "If it takes fighting a war for us to meet, it will have been worth it," the male looked nervous as well. (S/N) winked, "I'll leave you to it," and walked off.

One week has passed. (Y/N) and Scarlet, as she learned what the male's name was, write letters almost nightly. She felt as if there was a missing place in her life she didn't know about until Scarlet came into her life.

While writing her most recent letter, she pursed her lips in a smirk to keep herself from laughing at her sister; who was figuring out her 'harem'. She shrugged, "I'm just sayin', if you really love me you would share him!" This caused (Y/N) to let out a laugh.

Two weeks passed. (Y/N) sat with Scarlet at at the dinging room table, trying her best to hide her fear. Scarlet decided, since (Y/N) wasn't an official member of the Oz Famgilia but was still under their care, to ask Caramia for permission to date her.

She bit the inside of her cheek, trying not to cry as she braced herself for what could happen.

Before long, Caramia stood and made his way over to Scarlet. He looked at him before smiling and nodded, "all I ask is you remain true," Scarlet thanked him over and over, turning towards (Y/N) and pulling her into a tight hug. "As long as I'm alive you'll never feel helpless," Scarlet spoke, smiling.

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