《Sisters Violated Many Times in Dream and Reality...》Sharle First Time sex with Belkut


Again in the hospital.

Belkut arose from his trance and stood, approaching Sharee's bedside. From there, as before, he confirmed that, beneath her pyjamas and her pink and white striped panties

she had become sopping wet.

This time he stripped her completely bare, slipping off her panties and removing the matching bra.

He then recited a short chant, and soon afterwards Sharee's eyes began to lightly flutter open.

".. where...?"

Producing a smile on his face, the large man genially answered.

"You are in a special ward of the hospital that Grace-san works at, Sharee-san."

"Oh... You... I - somewhere..."

She dimly tried to remember the man she had met only once before, her consciousness still indistinct.

"Yes, we did meet once before. My name is Belkut."

"Yeah... I met you... Kyaaaa!"

It was only at that point that she realized to her shock that her body was completely exposed.

She tried to cover herself with her hands, but even though she had been comatose for only half a month she ws weak and lethargic so she couldn't move them very well.

"Sharee, it would be best if you didn't exert yourself."

Belkut's finger pressed inside her secret place.

"nAaa... ... what..."

(that... this huge finger... somewhere...)

"Well that was easier than expected. So wet already."

"n... you're wrong... that was a dream.... Hyaaa"

The finger defied the girl's resistance as it went back and forth.

"Aaa... a... Aaahn"

(It feels so good this finger.. I remember ...)

Her tongue protruded from her mouth erotically as she gasped, and it would have seemed to anyone watching that she was ecstatically accepting the man's finger.

She was already wet and love juice flowed gladly from her previously pure sacred place as the large finger plunged into her again and again.

"Ahaahhnn... Finger... feels so nice..."

"Well well. Already completely lost... I don't think this is your first time."

"s... stop this already."

"In reality, you panted so hard and then got so wet... In your dream they didn't allow you any satisfaction even once... Sharee, I can take away that ache."


"..n.. no. I have someone that I like..."

"Is this about that young man? But I have wanted to do this from our first meeting - and I can do it as though we were in a dream."

The girl reacted slightly to that.

"Like... a dream...?" she cleared her throat weakly.

"Just so... In this case, we can receive each other to our satisfaction."

*Borun* he took out his penis and a surprised blush stained the girl's cheeks.

(his shape... so big... just like in the dream.)

She stared at his towering cock with a faintly enchanted expression.

"From the look on your face, I take it you have no objection." From above, he drove his rigid member into her secret place.

"aa... w.. wait... Hiiiiiiii"

The man's penis pushed and spread her small pussy wide as he penetrated her.

(This is such a bad thing... I did so many things in the dream... this is the first time in reality... aaa.. thats... )

"Aaah... Haaa... Aaann"

The young girl's pussy began to pulse gleefully and love juice started to flow. The pressure spread her wide but in her current state she couldn't feel any pain.

"W... why..."

Paying no mind to the girl's confusion, the man became more and more engrossed as he moved into her over and over in spite of the weakened girls feeble resistance, and soon she was unable to resist at all.

The girl's legs spread wide and he plunged deep inside her.

"AHaann... Aaahhh... yaaa... so rough... "

It didn't feel as if it ws her first time. The look on her face said she was drowning in ecstasy, and anyone watching would have said she was overflowing with lust.

(This feeling... It's just like the dream... aa... I wanted Ares to be my first but... )

The man's upper body bore down on the girl's petite frame. His hands pulling and squeezing her twin hills with his large hands until they bulged and almost seemed ripe to burst, then squashing them flat between his fingers and


teasing her nipples. Fondling and toying with her.

"Ha ha ... ... ... breasts ... ... rubbing so... strongly ... "

From the outside of her nipples he massaged inwards toward the middle then took the other sweetly erect nipple into his mouth and sucked roughly, running his tongue over her wantonly.

"Fuuu... haa... both... so nice...."

Again, the big, long tongue plundered the young girl's mouth.

(Fuaaa... Kiss... also like... dream...)

Their tongues entwined, she slurped the saliva that dripped down into her mouth. He sucked on her lips while playfully nibbling on her tongue inside his mouth.

"Haa ... nFuu ... Mmm ... naaAAA ... "

(My tits too... my tongue... Belkut-san is ravishing me...)

His manhood drove into her vagina again and again. Her love juices gushed and spilled from her secret place to her ass, then dripped down to the sheets.

"Aaa... Aaa... Haa... AaaAAAa"

Belkut's intense hip movements were completely toying with Sharee. Her slender fingers seeming delicate against his wide, swarthy back.

"A... feels like I'm cumming... ... Belkut-saaannnn!"

"Ho ho. Even though it's your first time you know that you're cumming? Then cum, Sharee! On my penis whenever you like!"

His pelvis dropped and rose even faster.

"aHiiii.. no... if you go that fast... I'll cum... cumming.. .cumming... "

Her scream as she orgasmed wrung every last bit of air from her. Her arms and legs circling around him and then came the sound of Belkut cumming slowly and grandly.

*Byou byou* *Byoururururu...*

"HYyaaaaaannnnnn... n"

(oho - even though it's her first time... she really is exceptional)

His fingers sunk into the young girl's skin as he continued to explode into her. His hand's playing with her swelling mounds ceaselessly.

Twice, then three times his ejaculation coursed into her and her vagina was full to bursting.

"aHaaaa... Amazing... I feel it all rushing into me..."

The girl smiled, dripping with sweat and the pair embrased each other like lovers. Belkut brushed her bedraggled hair aside and kissed her forehead.


"Would you like to do that again?"

"... but, if one of my sisters comes in and smells the semen, we'll be found out..."

"There are certain techniques of moonlight magic that allow one to fool the senses. So..."

"Aaannn Already so big and strong inside me.."

The girl's body twisted and arched as the second round started.

Belkut grabbed onto her waist and sucked each of her swelling mounds, alternating between them.

"nHaaa ... Again... I'm going to be filled with semen"

Belkut's kisses travelled from her nipples, down her chest and all over her body as his hips began to move.

"Aaa.. I'm gonna cum again... I'm gonna melt... "

Her back arched as sweet moans and sighs began to leak from her. The swarthy master manhandled her white, sweet body.

He indulged in her tender, weakened flesh greedily and soon the girl's body accepted the second massive load of cum.

Her obscene moans had grown weak from exhaustion. She clutched the bedsheet, enduring the bliss as she climaxed. As she writhed, she was no longer a girl but a woman...


Shirley woke up.

Her sisters and the other hospital officials were happy with the news. Grace and Lisa cried and hugged their sister, then somewhat reluctantly thanking Belkut and praising his power.

Regardless, Shirley remained bedridden. Moreover, her body needed rehabilitation and rest because it was being wracked by nightmares every other day.

She refused Grace's initial offer to wipe down her body, but instead asked if her physical strength could be restored by Solar Magic.

"Yes, I suppose... but why the rush?" Grace asked.

"It's just... you know... I want to wipe my own body clean. Also.. um... being seen all wet is kind've embarassing."

Understanding, Grace aquiesced to her little sister's wish and temporarily restored her deteriorated strength so she could clean herself and change her clothes.

However, the reason's Shirley had given were merely a pretext. After having sex with her Belkut had wiped her body down but the semen he had left inside her was beginning to leak out of her pussy.

Even though Belkut's magic had made the smell undetectable, if Grace were to wipe her down she would see, so Shirley had deliberately lied to her sister.

"Haa... "

She shuddered from the feel of that man's semen leaking out of her, a lustfully obscene look on her face as she sighed lewdly.

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