《Sisters Violated Many Times in Dream and Reality...》Belkut Preparation on Celebration



The call came from a hospital room into Grace's examination room. When she turned to face it Belkut was standing in the hallway, leaning with his back against the wall. There was nobody else within earshot to hear him go so far as to address her without an honorific.

"... Yes?" the prodigy Grace asked agreeably, with a professional attitude. Belkut forcibly pulled her into his embrace.

"Kya! ...n ... m ... mmm.. "

Belkut pushed her relentlessly against the wall, stroking her hair as he plundered her mouth greedily.

"nMuu.. ... w... we can't do this here."

Grace's hair was already disheveled, and her previous attitude was similarly in disarray as her resolve crumbled right right away.

The man smirked as he brought his right hand up to her short robe and slipped it inside.

"nAaa... !?"

*pikun* ! She arched her back in response. His rough, callused hands were already sliding under her panties and toying with her, wildly tracing the line of her vagina and pushing on her labia.

"nn... not here... Ha Someone might come... "

"No, in fact I have a request for you Grace"

"... request? a...nnn"

He crooked his finger and moved inside her, stirring her up. Already liquid *kucha kucha* from it could be heard.

"Yes. I would like for there to be a celebration for Shirley-san's recovery."

His fingers stopped moving.

"Aaann... ... recovery... celebration...?"

She repeated his words with an eager, slovenly look on her face.

"That's right. I believe that if I were to hold a celebration them people wouldn't come, so you must do it, my darling. Three days from now."

"Three days... I feel like that might be a little fast though... nnn .. not there.."

His fingers again, this time moving up and down. She threw her arms around his neck.


"I would like as small a celebration as possible - hence three days. Where to hold it though... Is there somewhere?"

"aaannnn ... what about the house? Shirley won't have recovered in three days. She's probably still exhausted. She knows the house well so she should be able to relax there... Hiii"

"Good point. You and your sisters... should be a lot of fun." Belkut said, chuckling inwardly. She had given him the answer he had been seeking. "Will it be okay with your parents?"

"Father is convalescing somewhere else. Mother - if the celebration is small she won't object. Will you be there?"

"Of course. I will also bring two maids if that is okay."

"Yes... but why the haste?"

"Because I want to know more about you all." he said, at the same time beginning to stir up her insides more powerfully.

"nnnAa... "

"If you do this for me I'll be sure to reward you. We can go somewhere far from here and play. We will undress one another and be helpless to pleasure to our hearts content."

".. "

Picturing the scene painted by his words, standing on tiptoes the eldest sister lightly came. Love juice pas from the hem of her robe and fell to the floor.

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