《Beauty and The Geek (Larry Stylinson AU)》Chapter 27


Chapter 27

Louis' POV

I took a deep breath before walking into his room. He lay there, peacefully. His eyes flicked carelessly around the room until they landed on me and when they did, he inhaled deeply, gasping at the sight of me standing in his room. I walked over to his bed and just stood there awkwardly.

"Louis." He mumbled, just loud enough for me to hear.

"You remember me?" I asked him.

"Yeah of course. I'm sorry for kissing Nick!! He kissed me and I was about to push him away but then you saw!" he cried in agony.

"Shhh shh baby. Don't worry about it." I said to him, hushing him. It was odd seeing him being the baby as when he was giving me the makeover, he was always the dominant one and I was the shy and timid one. I took a deep breath before uttering the three words.

"I forgive you."

Harry snapped back, looking at me surprised.

"You forgive me?" he asked, stunned to which I nodded.

"I do. I'm sorry for overreacting about the situation. I just didn't trust Nick and then when he kissed you I just felt like exploding and then yeah..." I said, drifting off at the end.

"It's ok. I'm sorry for kissing him." He repeated.

"Don't worry about it." I repeated.

"But -" he started again but I leaned down and kissed him, cutting off his protests and apologies.

"I love you now and forever. That's all that matters, ok?" I told him. He opened his mouth to protest but then closed it and nodded submissively.

"I love you too. Forever and always." He said, attempting to lift his arm to pull me down but failing because of the cords that pulled his arm down.


His lips formed a cute pout and his eyes looked up at me through his eyelashes.

"Come here?" he asked, putting on a deep, baby voice.

"How about no?" I asked him, wanting to see the adorable pout form on his lips again and to my delight, it did just that.

I laughed a bit before leaning down again and press my lips against his. We were interrupted however, by a big bang that came from the door hitting the wall roughly. We broke apart and I tore my eyes away from Harry's irresistible emerald green eyes to see a very guilty looking yet overexcited blonde at the door.

"So you're together again?!" he asked, literally jumping up and down on the spot like a child.

"What does it look like?" I asked him.

"So you are together?" he asked. I rolled my eyes at his cluelessness before nodding. At that, Niall cheered loudly, jumping at least 50 cm off the ground before running back out of the room to find Liam.

"Liam! They're together again!" I heard Niall say loudly. I chuckled at the little Irish's excitement before turning back to Harry again.

"So. Where were we?" he asked me.

"I think it was something like this." I responded, before leaning down and kissing him again.

A/N Well... that was the last chapter... not including the Epilogue... I thought it was pretty cheesy and horrible and extremely short but I hope you guys still liked it!! Sorry for taking forever to update. I honestly just really didn't want to update which is kind of why this chapter is short....

Anyways, on a brighter note. Thank you to everyone who has read this book and has stayed with it from the beginning to the end!! It means a lot to me that you guys have enjoyed reading this book!!

Sorry about the formatting again.. Had to upload again on my phone :/

The Epilogue will be uploaded when I get the chance to write it!

Votes and comments are much appreciated!

Thank you, Rebecca

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