《Beauty and The Geek (Larry Stylinson AU)》Epilogue



Louis' POV

7 weeks later

It took 6 weeks until Harry was allowed out of the hospital but finally, the doctors let him out, prescribing him medication and other things he needed and saying he needed a weekly checkup. Harry's memory hadn't come back but after much perseverance, his knowledge about me and other important matters grew.

It was 6 weeks after Stan sent that final text message. 6 weeks after Nick gave up on attempting to seduce Harry. 6 weeks after Stan left us alone. We hadn't heard from him since then. There was no sign that he was going to enter back into our lives and attempt to destroy them. There was no sign of Nick coming back to get Harry, no sign of Eleanor getting burnt again, and no sign of Harry further losing his memory.

I don't know what happened to Eleanor's mum after what happened in the hospital but I really couldn't care. She was homophobic and if she couldn't accept who I am then she could f*** off.

Eleanor, on the other hand, has gotten much better. She's had operations to fix her burns and now she's just been told to rest and not do too much but in a week or so she'll be as good as new except for the scars from the burns.

What about me? Well as long as Harry's happy, I'm happy. Yeah I know. Extremely cheesy! But you know me. I'm just one big cheese ball.

"Boo? You ready to go?" Harry asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. He had just finished his weekly checkup and was walking out of the hospital room.

"Yep. Come on, Haz." I said to him, putting my arm around his body. He smiled happily before mirroring me, putting his arm around me, pulling me towards him. He turned my face to him, leaned down and kissed me.


"I love you." He whispered quietly, as if it was a secret that only I should know, once we'd broken apart.

"I love you too." I said, giggling like a girl. What this guy does to me.

We walked out of the hospital and I quickly drove us home. As soon as we got into the house, Harry pushed me against the wall before leaning down and biting my neck causing me to moan.

"I want you." He mumbled against my neck. I could feel my pants tighten at his word and a moan of pain erupted from my mouth.

He kept nibbling on my neck until a purple bruise arose and when it did, he began kissing down my neck, slowly unbuttoning the top I was wearing, his lips following his hands.

Once he had pulled off my top I flipped us over so he was the one against the wall.

"My turn." I growled, causing his eyes to darken with lust.

I bit down on his neck and worked my way until a love bite formed before doing what he had done to me, unbuttoning his top and kissing down his chest. His breaths were getting shorter and his hands curled into fists in my hair until he let out a gasp.

"Louis." He said, his tone, serious.

"Yes, Hazza?" I asked, still unbuttoning his shirt.

"I remembered." Those two words caused me to stop in my tracks and stand up abruptly.

"What?" I asked, unsure of what I heard.

"I remembered. I remembered everything. The Dare, the makeover, the optometrist, Eleanor, Stan, everything." He said.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yes. Positive!" he said. "I remembered everything." He repeated.

My response to that was to lean down and kiss him passionately, letting my emotions and actions do the talking. That night, we made love. Skin against skin as we let our actions express our love for each other. The love that had started, with one simple makeover.


A/N Well.... There's the end of BATG!!! I hope you guys liked this story!!!! Kind of cliché ending but someone requested that Harry regains his memory during sex so I added that in... although I don't write smut so I added it in before it got too mature.... Hope it was ok!!!!

Thank you all for reading this and being there to support me and my story!! It means a lot to me that you guys liked this story!!

Your comments and votes, although you may not know it, mean so much to me so thank you!!!

Anyways, votes and comments (for the final time on this story) are much appreciated!

Once again, thank you!


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